AndroidPhotoFilters aims to provide fast, powerful and flexible image processing instrument for creating awesome effects on any image media.



License Android Arsenal

PhotoFiltersSDK aims to provide fast, powerful and flexible image processing instrument for creating awesome effects on any image media.

Library supports OS on API 15 and above.

PhotoFilters gif


PhotoFiltersSDK processes filter on any Image within fraction of second since processing logic is in NDK. At present following image filters are included:

Library also comes with inbuilt Sample Filters (Refer Implementation is straightforward:

Filter fooFilter = SampleFilters.getBlueMessFilter();
Bitmap outputImage = fooFilter.processFilter(inputImage);


Adding Dependency

Simply add Dependency on artifact in your build.gradle :

dependencies {
    compile 'com.github.zomato:androidphotofilters:1.0.2'


Copy|Paste photofilterssdk from the repo to your project and include photofiltersdk in your settings.gradle like this :

include ':photofilterssdk'

Add dependency in your build.gradle :

compile project(':photofilterssdk')


Load native library in your activity :

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {


Filter myFilter = new Filter();
myFilter.addSubFilter(new BrightnessSubFilter(30));
myFilter.addSubFilter(new ContrastSubFilter(1.1f));
Bitmap outputImage = myFilter.processFilter(inputImage);

Above code snippet will give you outputImage with increased brightness and contrast. You can further refer example project.


Although there are few inbuilt filters already present, you may want to create and customize one specific to your need and show your creativity. For that you would require to know how all the Subfilters can be used. Let me take you through all of them.


This is most awesome filter present in this library which differentiates PhotoFiltersSDK from other image processing libraries out there. ToneCurveSubFilter applies the changed RGB Channel curve to create effect on image.


Here is the code snippet the apply the above RGB curve on an image :

Filter myFilter = new Filter();
Point[] rgbKnots;
rgbKnots = new Point[3];
rgbKnots[0] = new Point(0, 0);
rgbKnots[1] = new Point(175, 139);
rgbKnots[2] = new Point(255, 255);
myFilter.addSubFilter(new ToneCurveSubfilter(rgbKnots, null, null, null));
Bitmap outputImage = myFilter.processFilter(inputImage);

The results are nearly same as we would see in photoshop and other tools. We can also specify knots for Red, Green and Blue channels (in the ToneCurveSubfilter's constructor).


This fitler can be used to tweak color saturation of an image. Here is the example :

Filter myFilter = new Filter();
myFilter.addSubFilter(new SaturationSubfilter(1.3f));
Bitmap outputImage = myFilter.processFilter(inputImage);

SaturationSubfilter takes float as an argument and has no effect for value 1.


Increases the specified red, green and blue values for each pixel in an image.

Filter myFilter = new Filter();
myFilter.addSubFilter(new ColorOverlaySubfilter(100, .2f, .2f, .0f));
Bitmap outputImage = myFilter.processFilter(inputImage);


To change the contrast levels of an image use this filter :

Filter myFilter = new Filter();
myFilter.addSubFilter(new ContrastSubfilter(1.2f));
Bitmap outputImage = myFilter.processFilter(inputImage);

ContrastSubfilter takes float as an argument where value 1 has no effect on the image.


As the name suggest, this filter is used for changing brightness levels :

Filter myFilter = new Filter();
myFilter.addSubFilter(new BrightnessSubfilter(30));
Bitmap ouputImage = myFilter.processFilter(inputImage);

BrightnessSubfilter takes int as an argument where value 0 has no effect. Negative values can be used to decrease brightness of the image.


This filter can be used to put vignette effect on the image.

Filter myFilter = new Filter();
myFilter.addSubFilter(new VignetteSubfilter(context, 100));
Bitmap outputImage = myFilter.processFilter(inputImage);

VignetteSubfilter takes int as an argument whoes value ranges from 0-255, which defines intesity of the vignette effect.


If you are using proguard, consider adding the following to your proguard rules:

-keep class com.zomato.photofilters.** {*;}
-keepclassmembers  class com.zomato.photofilters.** {*;}


This library falls under Apache v2

  • Correct subfilters' class names

    Correct subfilters' class names

    In my Mac (FS is HFS+), the filename but class name is BrightnessSubfilter that made compiling failure, according to the base class called SubFiler, I correct all sub-filters naming convention.

    I also found current master branch can't pass compiling because quality check tipping there have an unused import issue, I fix that too.

    In addition, I update gradle version to 2.1.2, and fix a warning that Android Studio suggests.

    I also refactor ThumbnailsAdapter, removing NineOldAndroid (there is no need when SDK version above 14).

    opened by jasl 12
  • IllegalStateException


    I'm not sure what's the issue here. It just throws IllegalStateException at the last line (Where I'm saving the output to Bitmap output). I followed all the proper steps. Can't figure out the problem.

    Bitmap output =filter.processFilter(oldBitmap);

    opened by sagarlakhia 8
  • Black & White and Sepia Tone

    Black & White and Sepia Tone


    Thanks for library. Its really great. I am bad at image skills. Can you please provide b&w and sepia effect? I cant figure out to how to do it with given sub filters.


    opened by emreaktrk 4
  • java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The Path cannot loop back on itself. in ToneCurveSubfilter

    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The Path cannot loop back on itself. in ToneCurveSubfilter

    I added the following points in the ToneCurveSubfilter under the rgb part.

    Filter myFilter = new Filter(); Point[] rgbKnots; rgbKnots = new Point[5]; rgbKnots[0] = new Point(0, 0); rgbKnots[1] = new Point(51, 152); rgbKnots[2] = new Point(73, 172); rgbKnots[3] = new Point(204, 219); rgbKnots[4] = new Point(255, 255); myFilter.addSubFilter(new ToneCurveSubfilter(rgbKnots, null, null, null)); Bitmap outputImage = myFilter.process(inputImage);

    The app crashes saying

    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The Path cannot loop back on itself. at android.view.animation.PathInterpolator.initPath( at android.view.animation.PathInterpolator.( at com.zomato.photofilters.geometry.BezierSpline.getOutputPointsForNewerDevices(

    I am new to android image processing and am not able to resolve the issue. Please help

    opened by madhavbansal23 4
  • Release new version

    Release new version

    With changes in the API from PR #35, we'll have to release a new version of the library.

    @varunest How is the release uploaded right now? AFAIK it is from your account only. Is there a way to share access to release with more team members?

    opened by ylogx 3
  • Recyclerview Filtered Image Stretched.

    Recyclerview Filtered Image Stretched.

    Hi, this is very good library for filters and i use it, but when i select any photo and it reflect to recyclerview's item which is shows how image looks like after selecting this filter, that images stretched, i used center crop in item imageview but not worked.

    Anyone who solved this issue please give me suggestion or solution for it.


    opened by RB4915 2


    when I apply a filter on bitmap, android studio shows infinite messages like this :

    W/QualcommCameraHardware7225a: MemoryCacheFlush : fd 73 size 155648 PMEM_CACHE_FLUSH error Invalid argument (22)

    Is there any problem with this??

    opened by noorzaie 2
  • Update build configuration

    Update build configuration

    1. Use ndk-build for compiling native files everytime compile is issued.
    2. Removed .so files which were earlier kept precompiled
    3. Updated gradle and build tools version
    4. Removed quality gradle script as it was causing issue in compiling.
    opened by varunest 1
  • Api modifications

    Api modifications

    Added a few changes which were needed in one of my projects.

    • class names are renamed to match the file names. I believe #5 aims to solve this too. But it was not merged and I went ahead and made these changes in my branch anyway.

    • have modified the API of Filter so it adds a list of SubFilter and returns a new list containing the applied SubFilters.

    • exposed current applied levels in Brightness, Contrast and Saturation Filters.

    Kindly review and consider pulling.

    opened by archie94 1
  • Added proguard rules allowing consumers of the sdk to minify their app.

    Added proguard rules allowing consumers of the sdk to minify their app.

    I consume this project through one of it's forks, which supply it through gradle/maven. When doing this, we need proguard rules in order to use minifyEnabled.

    I've added the rules in the example project, as well as in your readme, just above the license (tested in 2 projects, one in production at this time)..

    I hope this can help future consumers of your work!

    This is my first contribution here. Please let me know if there's something I should change before you can approve this.

    opened by hauthorn 1
  • Typo, Incorrect Documentation

    Typo, Incorrect Documentation

    The VignetteSubFilter class is spelled wrong ("SubFitler"), has different capitalization than in documentation, and takes an extra parameter (Context) not described in documentation.

    opened by rneogy 1
  • missing util package

    missing util package

    Firstly, I installed the dependency of zomato in file

    implementation 'com.github.zomato:androidphotofilters:1.0.2'

    And it is installed successfully but when I try to get ThumbnailItem from com.zomato.photofilters.util.ThumbnailItem I found that the utiil package is missed.

    opened by Halieeim 0
  • libNativeImageProcessor not found

    libNativeImageProcessor not found

    dlopen failed: library "" not found

    After writing this also

    static { System.loadLibrary("NativeImageProcessor"); }

    Please resolve asap

    opened by trrev2021 0
  • java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to read from field 'float com.zomato.photofilters.geometry.Point.x' on a null object reference

    java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to read from field 'float com.zomato.photofilters.geometry.Point.x' on a null object reference

    E/InputEventReceiver: Exception dispatching input event. E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main Process: com.mobilix.photoeditor, PID: 6354 java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to read from field 'float com.zomato.photofilters.geometry.Point.x' on a null object reference at com.zomato.photofilters.imageprocessors.subfilters.ToneCurveSubFilter.sortPointsOnXAxis( at com.zomato.photofilters.imageprocessors.subfilters.ToneCurveSubFilter.process( at com.zomato.photofilters.imageprocessors.Filter.processFilter( at editor.toolsmanager.FilterTools$FilterController.update( at editor.toolsmanager.FilterTools$2.onProgressChanged( at android.widget.SeekBar.onProgressRefresh(

    opened by EAStudios 0
  • Crash on System.loadLibrary(

    Crash on System.loadLibrary("NativeImageProcessor"); on First launch

    java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dalvik.system.PathClassLoader[DexPathList[[zip file ""],nativeLibraryDirectories=[oXNkeS75H_GZt21u1A6laQ==/lib/arm, oXNkeS75H_GZt21u1A6laQ==/base.apk!/lib/armeabi-v7a, /system/lib, /system/vendor/lib]]] couldn't find ""
    opened by Bukhari386 0
  • Trying to get in touch regarding a security issue

    Trying to get in touch regarding a security issue

    Hey there!

    I'd like to report a security issue but cannot find contact instructions on your repository.

    If not a hassle, might you kindly add a file with an email, or another contact method? GitHub recommends this best practice to ensure security issues are responsibly disclosed, and it would serve as a simple instruction for security researchers in the future.

    Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you!

    (cc @huntr-helper)

    opened by JamieSlome 0
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