Combine ViewPager and Animations to provide a simple way to create applications' guide pages.



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WoWoViewPager combines ViewPager and Animations to provide a simple way to create applications' guide pages. When users are dragging WoWoViewPager, they become the director of the applications. The above gifs show how WoWoViewPager looks like, it supports some simple animations like translation, scale, alpha, background color animations, and moreover, some complicate animations like gif-playing, svg-drawing and path-drawing animations with corresponding custom views.


  1. Here comes the 2.0.0 version! The old versions(1.0.2 or below) are deprecated. The new version provides plenty features for convenient usage and efficiency improvement.
  2. Thanks SCViewPager for giving me inspiration for codes.
  3. Thanks JazzHands for giving me inspiration for animations.
  4. Thanks konmik for providing a better HSV-animation.

Gradle & Maven

compile 'com.nightonke:wowoviewpager:2.0.0'


Or by link:

WoWoViewPager V2.0.0 in Github

WoWoViewPager V2.0.0 in Fir


Check the wiki to use WoWoViewPager.

Documentation Chapters

Basic Usage




Basic Animations

  1. Position Animation
  2. Position 3D Animation
  3. Translation Animation
  4. Translation 3D Animation
  5. Scale Animation
  6. Alpha Animation
  7. Rotation Animation
  8. Elevation Animation

TextView Animations

  1. TextView TextSize Animation
  2. TextView TextColor Animation
  3. TextView Text Animation

Color Animations

  1. Background Color Animation
  2. Shape Color Animation
  3. State-List Color Animation
  4. Layer-List Color Animation

Path Animation

WoWoViewPager Attributes

Interface Expansibility

  1. Custom Animation
  2. Interface Animation
  3. SVG Animation
  4. GIF Animation

Version History

How WoWoViewPager Works

Issues & Feedbacks

Try to tell me the bugs or enhancements about WoWoViewPager, or contact me with / Before doing that, having a careful read on read-me, wiki and issues is really helpful.

About Versions

Version 1.0.2 or below use the old api of WoWoViewPager. From version 2.0.0, builder-pattern was used in WoWoViewPager and gif-playing, svg-drawing animations and more features are supported. I strongly suggest to use version 2.0.0 or above. If you still want to use version 1.0.2 or below, try to check the old documents(English|中文文档).

About Me


  • First time when activity loads it shows all the view (overlapping)

    First time when activity loads it shows all the view (overlapping)

    opened by rakshitsoni02 9
  • animations reset when I pause the app

    animations reset when I pause the app

    Hi, even in sample app if I go to second page then touch home button on device, and then return to app again, animation in first page get something odd! try it!

    opened by mneckoee 2
  • wrong State Previewing when Onresume() eccured

    wrong State Previewing when Onresume() eccured

    Hi Tnx for developing this amazing Library . there is one problem in loading views on wowViepager instance e.g start app then swiping view then press Home in order to pause and then Resume activity if you follow this order see the problem

    opened by jriporter 2
  • File Airplane.png to airplane.png

    File Airplane.png to airplane.png

    Capital letters in drawables break the naming convention and prevents Android Studio from compiling the project. Problems in /res also break the R file, making other errors

    opened by ericlw 1
  • Host the library on some other repository

    Host the library on some other repository

    Hello The jcenter is shutting down. Could someone host the library on some other repository?,sunsetted%20on%20May%201st%202021.&text=Android%20Studio%20uses%20the%20jCenter,created%20by%20New%20Project%20wizard.

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  • Extremely slow on Lower end devices

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    i am afraid will it work on low end devices with less ram and cpu and gpu power?. It worked on our development devices lenovo zuk z1. But on higher end devices it is working fine.

    opened by vidvivek 0
  • Combine with pager indicator and text

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    can this lib combine with text and pager indicator? Because in my requirement every page will have image on top (animated), text (desc), pager indicator with skip and next button.

    In WoWoActivity :

                    .count(fragmentNumber())                       // Fragment Count
                    .colorsRes(fragmentColorsRes())                // Colors of fragments

    How we set custom adapter to achieve my requirement? Thank you

    opened by fjr619 0
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