A ksp library to automatically generate navigation functions for jetpack compose.



⚠️ This library is still under development and not considered stable!



Compose/Navigation/Generator | C/N/G is a KSP library which automatically generates navigation support for Jetpack Compose for Android. Unlike the old XML-based navigation graphs, the new Navigation for Compose does not automatically generate naviagtion functions for the destination within and between graphs. Generally, navigation for Jetpack Compose is controlled only by code, which currently has to be written from scratch by the developer for each project.

C/N/G uses Annotations and Kotlin Symbol Processing (KSP) to generate as SetupNavHost function, as well as extension functions to the NavHostController, which trigger the navigation to a declared destination.


  • All composable functions annotated with @Destination will be reachable via navigation
  • The Home-Destination, reuired by compose-navigation, can be annotated with @Home
  • Within the setup of the composable scope (usually within the ComposeActivity), call the generated SetupNavHost function
  • Use the generated extension functions navHostController.navigateTo<<Destination>>(...) to navigate to the Destinations
// Annotate a destination you want to be able to navigate to with @Destination
fun HomeScreen() {
    Column(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {
        Text("Hello World")
/***** GENERATED *****/
// A setup function for compose-navigaiton is generated, using your destinations
public fun SetupNavHost(navController: NavHostController): Unit {
  NavHost(navController = navController, startDestination = "HomeScreen")
    composable("HomeScreen") {
      Log.d(TAG, "Navigating to HomeScreen") // If enabled, a logging call is inserted

/***** GENERATED *****/
// A navigation function (extending NavHostController) is generated
public fun NavHostController.navigateToHomeScreen(): Unit {
// The destination can be navigated to from every composable function, using the NavHostController
fun SomeComposableFunction(navController: NavHostController) {

Example: Single destination without parameters

A single destination without parameters. The function is annotated with @Destination which all navigable compose functions must be. Also, compose expects one destination (per nav-graph), to be the home destination which is the default when the nav-graph is initialized. The @Home destination must be used on a single @Destination function to inform C/N/G to treat it as the home-destination.

fun HomeScreen() {
    Column(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {
        Text("Hello World")

The SetupNavHost function itself is a composable function and should be called during initialization of the composeable scope. Usualy this is done during setup of the parent compose activity. The function takes a NavHostController as parameter, which can also be passed on to composables, if required.

The navHostController.navigateTo<<Destination>>() function is created for every destination and extends the existing NavHostController class. It can therefore be used from everywhere, a NavHostController is available.

// Generated
public fun SetupNavHost(navController: NavHostController): Unit {
  NavHost(navController = navController, startDestination = "HomeScreen")
    composable("HomeScreen") {
      Log.d(TAG, "Navigating to HomeScreen") // If enabled, a logging call is inserted

private const val TAG: String = "NavHost" // If enabled, a logging tag is inserted
// Generated
public fun NavHostController.navigateToHomeScreen(): Unit {
fun SomeComposableFunction(navController: NavHostController) {

Example: Multiple destinations without parameters

fun HomeScreen() { 

fun DetailScreen() {

// Generated
public fun SetupNavHost(navController: NavHostController): Unit {
  NavHost(navController = navController, startDestination = "HomeScreen")
    composable("HomeScreen") {
      Log.d(TAG, "Navigating to HomeScreen")
    composable("DetailScreen") {
      Log.d(TAG, "Navigating to DetailScreen")

private const val TAG: String = "NavHost"
// Generated
public fun NavHostController.navigateToHomeScreen(): Unit {
fun SomeComposableFunction(navController: NavHostController) {

Example: Multiple destinations with parameters

C/N/G supports nullable- and non-nullable parameters as navigation arguments.

If a destination only useses non-nullable parameters, a "non-nullable" navigation path will be generated:

val navigationPath = "Destination/{arg1}/{arg2}/{arg3}" // ...

If one or more of the arguments are nullable, a "nullable" navigation path will be generated:

val navigationPath = "Destination?arg1&arg2&arg3" // ...
fun HomeScreen() { 

fun DetailScreen(name: String, age: Int) {

fun UltraDetailScreen(name: String, age: Int, height: Double? = 1.90) {
// Generated
public fun SetupNavHost(navController: NavHostController): Unit {
  NavHost(navController = navController, startDestination = "HomeScreen")
    // Simple, no-argument destination
    composable("HomeScreen") {
      Log.d(TAG, "Navigating to HomeScreen")
    // Destination with exclusivly non-nullable arguments
    composable("DetailScreen/argName/argAge", arguments = listOf(
      // Type and properties of navArgs is automatically determined
        nullable = false 
        type = NavType.fromArgType("String")
        nullable = false 
        type = NavType.fromArgType("Int")   
    )) { backStackEntry ->
      // Read arguments from backstack
      val argName = backStackEntry.arguments?.getString("argName")  
      val argAge = backStackEntry.arguments?.getInt("argAge")       

      // Non-null is required for such parameters

      Log.d(TAG, "Navigating to DetailScreen")

      // Destination is called with provided parameters
      DetailScreen(name=argName, age=argAge) 
    // Destination with nullable and non-nullable arguments
    composable("UltraDetailScreen?argName={name}&argAge={age}&argHeight={height}", arguments = listOf(
      // Type and properties of navArgs is automatically determined
        nullable = false
        type = NavType.fromArgType("String")
        nullable = false
        type = NavType.fromArgType("Int")
        nullable = true
        type = NavType.fromArgType("Double")
    )) { backStackEntry ->
        // Read arguments from backstack
      val argName = backStackEntry.arguments?.getString("argName")
      val argAge = backStackEntry.arguments?.getInt("argAge")
      val argHeight = backStackEntry.arguments?.getDouble("argHeight")

      // Non-null is required for such parameters

      Log.d(TAG, "Navigating to UltraDetailScreen")

      // Destination is called with provided parameters
      UltraDetailScreen(name=argName, age=argAge, height=argHeight)

private const val TAG: String = "NavHost"
// Generated
public fun NavHostController.navigateToHomeScreen(): Unit {

// Generated
public fun NavHostController.navigateToDetailScreen(name: String, age: Int): Unit {

// Generated
public fun NavHostController.navigateToUltraDetailScreen(name: String,  age: Int,  height: Double?): Unit {
fun SomeComposableFunction(navController: NavHostController) {
    navController.navigateToDetailScreen(name = "Steffen", age = 27)
    navController.navigateToUltraDetailScreen(name = "Steffen", age = 27, height = null)


  • Generates the SetupNavHost function
  • Generates navigation functions for each destination
  • Parses and wraps all parameters in the appropriate navigation paths
  • more coming soon!





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