A Mindustry modding gradle plugin, named Plumy.


Mindustry Gradle Plugin

Gradle Plugin Portal Discord

A Mindustry gradle plugin, named Plumy. Homepage


  • Manage the Dependencies
  • Download the Game
  • Debug your Mod
  • Work with Other Mods
  • Separate Working Space
  • Manage your Assets
  • Generate Resource Class
  • Deploy on Android

Please check the homepage to obtain more information.

How to Use

Please make sure to always upgrade MGPP to the latest version Gradle Plugin Portal.

Groovy as DSL
  • Using the plugins DSL:
    plugins {
        id "io.github.liplum.mgpp" version "<version>"
  • Using legacy plugin application:
    buildscript {
        repositories {
            maven {
                url "https://plugins.gradle.org/m2/"
        dependencies {
            classpath "io.github.liplum.mgpp:MindustryGradlePluginPlumy:<version>"
    apply plugin: "io.github.liplum.mgpp"
Kotlin as DSL
  • Using the plugins DSL:
    plugins {
      id("io.github.liplum.mgpp") version "<version>"
  • Using legacy plugin application:
    buildscript {
        repositories {
            maven { url = uri("https://plugins.gradle.org/m2/") }
        dependencies {
    apply(plugin = "io.github.liplum.mgpp")


Because this plugin was made in Kotlin, using Kotlin as your DSL is recommended.

Pages Instances
Usages Groovy DSL, Kotlin DSL
Samples Groovy Sample, Kotlin Sample
Mod Templates MDT Mod Template


GNU General Public License v3.0 (GPL 3.0)

  • README Formatting

    README Formatting

    Badge Suggestions

    Badge Changes

    • General formatting / spacing

    • Added license badge

    • Added quicklinks

    • Moved usage / documentation hub into dedicated files

      Btw, the links to your GitHub Pages site for groovy & kotlin dsl are broken, well the pages are.

    • Fixed license filename

    Badge Ask

    • If you have any questions.

    • In case you do not agree with some of the changes made in this PR, please first let me know about them, before disregarding it entirely so we can possibly find a middle ground and have it not go to waste.

    Badge Robot

                No, I'm not a robot.            

        Yes, you are not the first.    

         I just made a PR template.     

    Badge Info

    If you want to know more about Markdown check out:

                                [Button MarkedDown]MarkedDown

    opened by ElectronicsArchiver 5
  • Can't fetch latest be version, so use 22767 as default instead.

    Can't fetch latest be version, so use 22767 as default instead.

    When I tried using the latest Mindustry client, I got this.

    mindustry {
        client {
            mindustry be latest
    Can't fetch latest be version, so use 22767 as default instead.
    java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: https://api.github.com/repos/Anuken/MindustryBuilds/releases/latest
    	at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream0(HttpURLConnection.java:1900)
    	at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(HttpURLConnection.java:1498)
    	at sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:268)
    	at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1067)
    	at kotlin.io.TextStreamsKt.readBytes(ReadWrite.kt:150)
    	at io.github.liplum.mindustry.IGameSpec$DefaultImpls.LatestBE(GameSpec.kt:110)
    	at io.github.liplum.mindustry.ServerSpec.LatestBE(GameSpec.kt:184)
    	at io.github.liplum.mindustry.IGameSpec$DefaultImpls.be(GameSpec.kt:70)
    	at io.github.liplum.mindustry.ServerSpec.be(GameSpec.kt:184)
    	at Build_gradle$2.execute(build.gradle.kts:29)
    	at Build_gradle$2.execute(build.gradle.kts:4)
    	at org.gradle.internal.extensibility.ExtensionsStorage$ExtensionHolder.configure(ExtensionsStorage.java:173)
    	at org.gradle.internal.extensibility.ExtensionsStorage.configureExtension(ExtensionsStorage.java:64)
    	at org.gradle.internal.extensibility.DefaultConvention.configure(DefaultConvention.java:194)
    	at io.github.liplum.mindustry.Extension.mindustry(Extensions.kt:23)
    	at Build_gradle.<init>(build.gradle.kts:24)
    opened by liplum 4
  • Support more resource generators.

    Support more resource generators.


    It only needs the field without void load( ) method. Because users may have their own way to initialize those shaders.


    To generate each i18n pair in bundles.

    opened by liplum 3
  • A module can't apply mgpp in a multi-module project

    A module can't apply mgpp in a multi-module project


    In its the build.gradle.kts, I added some dependencies from other modules in my while project.

    plugins {
        id("com.google.devtools.ksp") version "1.7.0-1.0.6"
    dependencies {


    When I sync the gradle in my Intellij IDEA, the problem was ocurred.

    Build file 'E:\MyProject\Mindustry\CyberIO\lib\build.gradle.kts' line: 2
    An exception occurred applying plugin request [id: 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm', version: '1.6.21']
    > Failed to apply plugin 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm'.
       > Gradle#projectsEvaluated(Action) on build 'cyberio' cannot be executed in the current context.
    * Exception is:
    org.gradle.api.plugins.InvalidPluginException: An exception occurred applying plugin request [id: 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm', version: '1.6.21']
    at io.github.liplum.mindustry.MindustryJavaPlugin$apply$1$2$1.invoke(Plugins.kt:453)
    	at io.github.liplum.mindustry.MindustryJavaPlugin$apply$1$2$1.invoke(Plugins.kt:275)
    	at io.github.liplum.dsl.KtDslSupportKt$sam$i$org_gradle_api_Action$0.execute(KtDslSupport.kt)
    	at org.gradle.api.internal.DefaultMutationGuard$2.execute(DefaultMutationGuard.java:44)
    	at org.gradle.api.internal.DefaultMutationGuard$2.execute(DefaultMutationGuard.java:44)
    	at org.gradle.api.internal.DefaultNamedDomainObjectCollection$ExistingNamedDomainObjectProvider.configure(DefaultNamedDomainObjectCollection.java:853)
    	at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.DefaultTaskCollection$ExistingTaskProvider.configure(DefaultTaskCollection.java:200)
    	at org.gradle.api.internal.DefaultNamedDomainObjectCollection.named(DefaultNamedDomainObjectCollection.java:391)
    	at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.DefaultTaskCollection.named(DefaultTaskCollection.java:127)
    	at io.github.liplum.mindustry.MindustryJavaPlugin$apply$1$2.invoke(Plugins.kt:452)
    	at io.github.liplum.mindustry.MindustryJavaPlugin$apply$1$2.invoke(Plugins.kt:273)
    	at io.github.liplum.dsl.DslExtensionsKt.afterEvaluateThis$lambda-1(DslExtensions.kt:99)
    	at org.gradle.configuration.internal.DefaultUserCodeApplicationContext$CurrentApplication$1.execute(DefaultUserCodeApplicationContext.java:123)
    Caused by: org.gradle.api.internal.AbstractMutationGuard$IllegalMutationException: Gradle#projectsEvaluated(Action) on build 'cyberio' cannot be executed in the current context.
    	at org.gradle.api.internal.AbstractMutationGuard.createIllegalStateException(AbstractMutationGuard.java:39)
    	at org.gradle.api.internal.AbstractMutationGuard.assertMutationAllowed(AbstractMutationGuard.java:34)
    	at org.gradle.invocation.DefaultGradle.assertProjectMutatingMethodAllow

    My research

    When I comment, aka remove, all implementation dependencies of other modules, such as implementation(project(":annotations")), it's solved. But it's unacceptable, I need them.

    opened by liplum 2
  • [Feature Request] Json/JavaScript Mod `auto work with--fromTask`

    [Feature Request] Json/JavaScript Mod `auto work with--fromTask`

    Use cases

    1. In a multi-project mod, users want to test something on Json/JavaScript mod. However, when they run :runClient task, the Json/JavaScript mod isn't involving the mod work with--fromTask automatically as what jar does, that is, users have to add something like:
      add fromTask ":project:zip"
    2. If users are willing to use gradle and mgpp to develop Json/JavaScript mod, it's useful to start the game on their workspace in no time.
    opened by liplum 2
  • Generate a Meta class from mod.[h]json.

    Generate a Meta class from mod.[h]json.

    Sometimes, users would forget their mod name or would like to reference the content in mod.json. So I think the additional function could be useful for them.

    opened by liplum 2
  • [Feature Request] Customize the dex --min-api

    [Feature Request] Customize the dex --min-api

    The default --min-api is 14, although Mindustry can run on Android 4.0.1 which is the minimum. But in some rare cases, we need the """new""" features from higher version.

    opened by liplum 1
  • Build a documentation page

    Build a documentation page

    As the more and more features are introduced in mgpp, the guideline is essential for users.

    What we need

    1. A dynamic documentation page for switchable DSL.
    2. Detailed descriptive document for each task and configuration.
    opened by liplum 1
  • Debug both client and server simultaneously

    Debug both client and server simultaneously

    I want to test whether my mod could work on server side, but I can't start multiple debugging session, one for client, one for server. As a workaround, I debug the server in intellij IDEA but start the game outside. Is any way to debug both at the same time?

    opened by liplum 1
  • [v1.1.6] `deploy` cannot find renamed `jar` output

    [v1.1.6] `deploy` cannot find renamed `jar` output

    In my build.gradle:

    tasks.jar {
    * What went wrong:
    Execution failed for task ':main:deploy'.
    > Cannot expand ZIP '/home/runner/work/CyberIO/CyberIO/main/build/libs/main-4.0.jar' as it does not exist.
    opened by liplum 0
  • [v1.1.4] `version: 4` in mod.hjson doesn't work

    [v1.1.4] `version: 4` in mod.hjson doesn't work

    In addition, version doesn't work with every number, including float and integer, but is fine with a string.

    // Doesn't work
    version: 4
    // Can work
    version : "4"
    opened by liplum 0
  • [v1.1.7] Change mod version will cause duplicate mods

    [v1.1.7] Change mod version will cause duplicate mods

    When I upgrade my mod, the game will be started up with duplicate mods, for example: When I change the version from v1.0 to v1.1 in mod.hjson, The mods will contains both my-mod-v1.0.jar and my-mod-v1.1.jar

    opened by liplum 0
  • [Feature Request] Multiple-slot `runClient`

    [Feature Request] Multiple-slot `runClient`

    When I always test on two clients, one for the official and one for the Foo's client, but I have to edit my build.gradle to switch version instead of two tasks. So make a multiple-slot runClient would be nice, such as runClientA, runClientB...

    opened by liplum 0
  • [Feature Request] Support workflow `jar->copy->start game->runServer->debug`

    [Feature Request] Support workflow `jar->copy->start game->runServer->debug`

    Please support this workflow:

    1. run jar task
    2. copy what jar task outputted to my default data directory
    3. start the game externally
    4. run runServer task
    5. join a local game
    6. debug server

    This is a simple workaround for #8

    opened by liplum 0
  • [Feature Request] Make all modules download game once if they have the same version

    [Feature Request] Make all modules download game once if they have the same version

    My Issues When I set the game location only in the root project, the game would be downloaded several times, however, they have the same version, which is a definitely waste of network data.

    My solutions/needs So I want them to be downloaded once if they have the same version, in other words, the game can be shared among all modules.

    opened by liplum 0
  • [Feature Request] Support Foo's Client

    [Feature Request] Support Foo's Client

    Please support Foo's Client. Kinda like this, in build.gradle.kts

    mindustry {
        client {
            mindustry foo "v8" // or latest notation
            // or
            mindustry fooV7 "1105" // or latest notation
    opened by liplum 3
Plumy Games
A self-team to develop games and mods.
Plumy Games
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