Create parallax and any other transformation effects on scrolling android ImageView


Android Parallax Image View

Codacy Badge Android Arsenal API

Creates effect such as vertical parallax, horizontal parallax etc. on android ImageView when it's being vertically or horizontally scrolled (moving) on the screen.




  • Step 1 Add repository into root build.gradle
allprojects {
    repositories {
    maven {
        url '' }
  • Step 2 Add library dependency into app build.gradle
dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.abdularis:parallaximageview:1.1'


  • Create vertical parallax image view
  • Create Horizontal parallax image view
  • Create and customize effect on your own

In the java/kotlin code you can set the effect (transformer) manually. There are three built-in effect classes, VerticalParallaxTransformer, HorizontalParallaxTransformer, HorizontalScaleTransformer.

Java code

ScrollTransformImageView img = findViewById(;

// create horizontal scale effect
img.setViewTransformer(new HorizontalScaleTransformer())

// create vertical or horizontal parallax effect manually
// img.setViewTransformer(new VerticalParallaxTransformer())
// img.setViewTransformer(new HorizontalParallaxTransformer())
// the VerticalParallaxImageView or HorizontalParallaxImageView are nothing but the ScrollTransformImageView with coresponding parallax effect

You can create your own custom effect by extending ViewTransformer.

public class CustomTransformer extends ViewTransformer {
    public void onAttached(@NotNull ScrollTransformImageView view) {
        // do something when this transformer is set into image view

    public void onDetached(@NotNull ScrollTransformImageView view) {
        // do something when this transformer is remove from image view

    public void apply(@NotNull ScrollTransformImageView view, @NotNull Canvas canvas, int viewX, int viewY) {
        // do transformation effect or so, this would be called everytime image view move/scrolled


MIT License

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