Beetlebug is an open source insecure Android application with CTF challenges built for Android Penetration Testers and Bug Bounty hunters.

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Demo Beetlebug



Beetlebug is a beginner-friendly Capture the Flag Android application that aims to inspire interest in Mobile Application Security. It is geared towards developers, mobile penetration testers and bug hunters. Features include tracking user’s progress, flag completion state, and so much more!

Vulnerabilities and CTF Challenges include:

  • Hardcoded Secrets
  • Insecure Data Storage
  • Sensitive Information Disclosure
  • Vulnerable Android IPC Components (Broadcast Receivers, Services & Content Providers)
  • Vulnerable Webviews
  • Fingerprint Authentication By-pass
  • Insecure Deeplinks
  • Firebase Database Misconfiguration
  • SQLite Injection
  • Input Validation (XSS)

How to Use

You can compile the source code in Android Studio or use the button below to download the APK file.


User Feedback

I would love to hear from you about your experience with Beetlebug. Please send me an email at with your feedback and possible ways to improve the app.

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  • JavaScript Code injection

    JavaScript Code injection

    Hey man,

    First of all, really nice CTF so far. But I've managed to run into an issue. After finishing the Load Arbitrary URL challenge I noticed that the JavaScript Code Injection was set to "Done" instead and I'm not sure if my device caused the issue. My flags are the following:

    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' standalone='yes' ?>
        <float name="ctf_score_secret_string" value="6.25" />
        <float name="ctf_score_sqlite" value="6.25" />
        <float name="ctf_score_external" value="6.25" />
        <float name="ctf_score_secret_source" value="6.25" />
        <float name="ctf_score_webview" value="6.25" />
        <float name="ctf_score_shared_pref" value="6.25" />

    The ctf_score_xss is not present and still it shows as "Done" while the Load Arbitrary URL is still available: image

    I've temporarily patched the check using frida but it might be something looking into :)

    I think the root cause is in mixing up the button order:


    opened by stefan2200 2
  • Shared preference

    Shared preference


    I found the flag of Shared Preference chall. I successed to login but when I submit the flag I get "Try again" error message.

    Any reason for that ?

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