A lightweight tool for managing and building Kotlin projects.



kpm (Kotlin Project Manager) is a lightweight tool for managing and building Kotlin projects.

What is kpm?

Essentially, kpm is going to be a lightweight alternative to Gradle for simple Kotlin projects.

Why should I use kpm?

  • Gradle is absolutely massive, and a lot of the fancy gradle features either get in the way, or are not used by small projects. Yes kpm does use Gradle as a build system, but that is because there is no other alternatives at the moment. as kpm matures, we will switch to using kpm.
  • As for Maven, well... Do you like working with XML? If you say yes, you're lying to yourself.

How do I use it?

Right now, kpm is in early development, so it is not actually usable at the moment. As the project progresses, I will update this README with more information.

However, if you are interested, here's an outline of how kpm will be used:

  • 1. Create your kpm.kts file:

    project {
        name = "hello-world"
  • 2. Initialize kpm using the CLI:

    cbyrne@Conors-MacBook-Air % kpm
    [kpm] Loading project hello-world...
    [kpm] Initializing project hello-world...
    [kpm] Project hello-world initialized.
          Note: A .kpm directory has been created to speed up subsequent builds.
          If you make a change to your kpm.kts file, you must reinitialize your project.
  • 3. Build your project (also using the CLI):

    cbyrne@Conors-MacBook-Air % kpm build
    [kpm] hello-world loaded from cache.
    [kpm] Building project hello-world...
    [kpm] Project hello-world built. (./build/hello-world.jar)


  • KPM is not affiliated with JetBrains or Kotlin in any way
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