Spring cloud stream + RabbitMQ + Protobuf
This repository contains RabbitMQ Protobuf starters with its usage samples for spring-rabbit
and spring-cloud-starter-stream-rabbit
git clone --depth=0 https://github.com/daggerok/spring-cloud-stream-protobuf-rabbitmq.git my-app && cd $_
./mvnw -f rabbitmq docker:start
./mvnw clean test
./mvnw -f rabbitmq docker:stop docker:remove
Integration testing
./mvnw -f rabbitmq docker:start
rm -rf ~/.m2/repository/com/github/daggerok
./mvnw install -DskipTests
./mvnw -f consumer spring-boot:start # to create durable queue
./mvnw -f consumer spring-boot:stop # to simulate downtime
./mvnw -f producer spring-boot:start # and post message in a queue
#http :8080 message="Hello, World"
curl -sSv 0:8080 -H'Content-Type: application/json' -d'{"message": "Hello, World" }'
./mvnw -f producer spring-boot:stop # and check logs that message has been received
./mvnw -f consumer spring-boot:stop
./mvnw -f rabbitmq docker:stop docker:remove