This application is used to adjust the scaling of kubernetes deployments depending on the message-count of given RabbitMQ queues.



This application is used to adjust the scaling of kubernetes deployments depending on the message-count of given RabbitMQ queues.

It uses a YAML configuration where you can set all queue--deployment relations with the scaling-rules.

Deployment with Helm

To deploy the application using Helm, you simply write a values.yaml and add the mayope helm-repository. Then you can install it with the second command.

helm repo add mayope

helm upgrade --install <name of deployment> mayope/podautoscaler -f values.yaml -n <namespace to deploy to>

Content of the values.yaml:

  repository: mfhelm/podautoscaler
  pullPolicy: Always
  version: 1.1.0

rabbitmqAccessSecret: <name of the secret for RabbitMQ (*1)>
rabbitmqUser: <username for RabbitMQ-Server>
rabbitmqHost: <host of RabbitMQ-Server>
rabbitmqPort: <port of RabbitMQ-Server>

logTrace: false

scalerConfig: |

*1: The secret must set the environment-variable rabbitmq-password to the password for the RabbitMQ-User.

The value scalerConfig must contain the string of the config-yaml. It can be written directly in the values.yaml or read from a file by appending --set-file scalerConfig=<path to config.yaml> to the helm-upgrade-command (in this case you must remove the last two lines).

Optionally tracing of rule-execution can be enabled by setting logTrace: true.


The configuration has the following format:

  label: "<name for this conf entry (e.g. for logs)>; optional (default is '_unnamed_')"
  deploymentNamespace: "<kubernetes namespace>; optional (*2)"
  deployment: "<name of the deployment to scale>"
  interval: "<interval in which the queue should be checked>; number | string>"
      virtualHost: "<path to the virtual host for the queue (including leading slash)>; optional (default is '/')"
      name: "<name of the RabbitMQ queue to observe>"
          type: "<limit | linearScale | logScale; sets the type of the rules>"
            - # type = limit
              minMessageCount: "<minimum count of messages to trigger this limit>; number | string"
              podCount: "<number of pods to run when this limit is triggered>; number"
            - # type = linearScale
              factor: "<podCount = factor * messageCount>; number"
              stepThreshold: "<min diff of podCount to trigger update>; number; optional (default is 1)"
              minPodCount: "<lower limit for podCount>; number; optional (default: 1)"
              maxPodCount: "<upper limit for podCount>; number; optional (default: 10)"
            - # type = logScale
              base: "<podCount = log(messageCount, base) + offset>; number"
              offset: "<number; optional (default is 0)>"
              stepThreshold: "<min diff of podCount to trigger update>; number; optional (default is 1)"
              minPodCount: "<lower limit for podCount>; number; optional (default: 1)"
              maxPodCount: "<upper limit for podCount>; number; optional (default: 10)"
  • *2: default is the value of the java-property 'namespace' or (if not set) the value of the environment-var 'NAMESPACE'
  • value of interval: can be a number (in seconds) or a string of the following format <value>s|m|h|d where s means seconds, m minutes, h hours and d days
  • limit ruleset:
    • must have at least one rule
    • if there is nor rule with minMessageCount = 0 then one will be created with podCount of the rule with the smallest minMessageCount
    • value of minMessageCount: can be a number or a string of the following format <value>k|m where k means thousand an m million
  • linearScale ruleset:
    • must have exactly one rule
  • logScale ruleset:
    • must have exactly one rule
  • types of rules can not be mixed

The configuration is passed to the application via the environment-variable config (must be a string with the YAML content).

Example with limit

  label: "example_with_limit"
  deploymentNamespace: ns-1
  deployment: example
  interval: 60
      virtualHost: /hostA
      name: queue_a
          type: limit
              minMessageCount: 0
              podCount: 1
              minMessageCount: 500
              podCount: 2
              minMessageCount: 2k
              podCount: 5

This example will observe the queue 'queue_a' on virtual-host '/hostA' and scale the deployment 'example' in namespace 'ns-1' according to the following rules:

Message-Count new Pod-Count
0 <= mc < 500 1
500 <= mc < 2000 2
mc >= 2000 5

Example with linearScale

  label: "example_with_linearScale"
  deploymentNamespace: ns-1
  deployment: example
  interval: 5m
      virtualHost: /hostA
      name: queue_a
          type: linearScale
              factor: 0.01
              stepThreshold: 2
              minPodCount: 1
              maxPodCount: 5

This example is similar to the last. The difference is the interval (which is 5 minutes) and the rules. For the rules here are some example-calculations:

Message-Count current Pod-Count new Pod-Count Notes
mc = 490 pc = 1 5 pod-count will be rounded
mc = 700 pc = 1 5 because maxPodCount is 5
mc = 100 pc = 2 2 because stepThreshold is 2 and the new pod-count would be 1 (pc - 1 < stepThreshold)

Example with logScale

  label: "example_with_logScale"
  deploymentNamespace: ns-1
  deployment: example
  interval: 5m
      virtualHost: /hostA
      name: queue_a
          type: logScale
              base: 10
              stepThreshold: 2
              minPodCount: 1
              maxPodCount: 5
Message-Count current Pod-Count new Pod-Count Notes
mc = 2 pc = 5 1 new Pod-Count will be rounded and minPodCount is 1
mc = 1000 pc = 1 3
mc = 30000 pc = 5 5 because stepThreshold is 2 and the new Pod-Count would be 4 (pc - 4 < stepThreshold)

Example with multiple queues

  label: "example_with_multi_queue"
  deploymentNamespace: ns-1
  deployment: example
  interval: 5m
      virtualHost: /hostA
      name: queue_a
        type: limit
            minMessageCount: 0
            podCount: 1
            minMessageCount: 100
            podCount: 2
            minMessageCount: 200
            podCount: 3
      virtualHost: /hostB
      name: queue_b
        type: linearScale
          - factor: 0.005

It is also possible to observe more than one queue per deployment. Each queue has its own ruleset which calculates the new pod-count. The final pod-count is the maximum of all the calculated count of the queue-rulesets.

An example:

Queue-A Message-Count Queue-B Message-Count current Pod-Count new Pod-Count
100 100 cp = 1 2
100 1000 cp = 1 5
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