An Android library to build form and form validations easily.



An Android library to build form and form validations easily.




Android 4.3+


Add edit your build.gradle file

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }

Then add as dependency to yout app/build.gradle

dependencies {
    compile 'com.github.dariopellegrini:FormBuilder:v0.9.2'


This library let you to create forms and add them in a LinearLayout. If you want to scroll this linear layout remember to add it inside a ScrollView. Here is an example:

LinearLayout mLinearLayout;
FormBuilder formBuilder;
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        mLinearLayout = (LinearLayout) findViewById(;
        formBuilder = new FormBuilder(this, mLinearLayout);
        List<FormObject> formObjects = new ArrayList<FormObject>();
        formObjects.add(new FormElement()
            .setTag("text") // Tag is necessary in order to retrieve values
            .setHint("text") // Hint is the placeholder of the generated EditText
            .setType(FormElement.Type.TEXT) // Type of form
            .setEnabled(true) // Enable or not the EditText (default true)
            .setRequired(true) // For validation purpose (default false)
        formObjects.add(new FormElement().setTag("email").setHint("email").setType(FormElement.Type.EMAIL));
        formObjects.add(new FormElement().setTag("phone").setHint("phone").setType(FormElement.Type.PHONE));
        formObjects.add(new FormButton()
                .setRunnable(new Runnable() {
                    public void run() {
                        boolean isValid = formBuilder.validate();
                        Log.i("Forms", formBuilder.formMap.toString());


It's possible to add different type of form.

FormBuilder formBuilder = new FormBuilder(this, mLinearLayout);
List<FormObject> formObjects = new ArrayList<FormObject>();

// Header
formObjects.add(new FormHeader().setTitle("Hello"));

// Simple text
formObjects.add(new FormElement().setTag("text").setHint("text").setType(FormElement.Type.TEXT));

// Simple text without placeholder animation (for long text for example)
formObjects.add(new FormElement().setTag("view").setHint("view").setType(FormElement.Type.TEXTVIEW));

// E-mail
formObjects.add(new FormElement().setTag("email").setHint("email").setType(FormElement.Type.EMAIL));

// Phone
formObjects.add(new FormElement().setTag("phone").setHint("phone").setType(FormElement.Type.PHONE));

// Number
formObjects.add(new FormElement().setTag("number").setHint("number").setType(FormElement.Type.NUMBER));

// Password
formObjects.add(new FormElement().setTag("password").setHint("password").setType(FormElement.Type.PASSWORD));

// Postal code
formObjects.add(new FormElement().setTag("zip").setHint("zip").setType(FormElement.Type.ZIP));

// Date type: it's possible to set date format (default is "ddMMyyyy")
formObjects.add(new FormElement().setTag("date").setHint("date").setType(FormElement.Type.DATE).setDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy"));

// Time type: it's possible to set time format (default is "HH:mm:ss")
formObjects.add(new FormElement().setTag("time").setHint("time").setType(FormElement.Type.TIME).setTimeFormat("HH:mm"));

// Single selection
List<String> arrayList = new ArrayList<String>();
formObjects.add(new FormElement().setTag("single").setHint("single").setType(FormElement.Type.SELECTION).setOptions(arrayList));

// Multiple selection
List<String> arrayList2 = new ArrayList<String>();
formObjects.add(new FormElement().setTag("multiple").setHint("multiple").setType(FormElement.Type.MULTIPLE_SELECTION).setOptions(arrayList2));;

// Button: it's possible to set background color, text color and a runnable that will be executed once the button is pressed.
formObjects.add(new FormButton()
                .setRunnable(new Runnable() {
                    public void run() {
                        Log.i("Forms", formBuilder.formMap.toString());

Retrieve values

Values inserted are saved inside a map of the object FormBuilder, using tags as key.

String textValue = formBuilder.formMap.get("text").getValue();


Every object inside a form has a params attribute which represent LayoutParams of the generated form.

// This will create a form of type TEXTVIEW with a height of 320.
final FormElement formElement = new FormElement().setTag("view")
      .setParams(new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(LinearLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, 320));


To make a validation simply call

boolean isValid = formBuilder.validate();

This will show an error on all forms that has been set as required.

It's possible to change error content on each form element.

formObjects.add(new FormElement()
      .setErrorMessage("You can learn from this error"));

Every form element can accept a customized code for its validation.

final FormElement formElement = new FormElement().setTag("view").setHint("view").setType(FormElement.Type.TEXTVIEW));

        formElement.setFormValidation(new FormValidation() {
                                          public boolean validate() {
                                              return formElement.getValue().length() > 5;
        ).setErrorMessage("Too short");


  • Add different types of errors.
  • Add SPINNER type.
  • Testing.


Dario Pellegrini,

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  • Problems with Single Selection

    Problems with Single Selection

    When using single selection mode, if you try to change the value by clicking on the edittext it simply adds the new selection to the EditText making it act like Multiple Selection

    We can fix it by replacing the pickDialog() Method with the following

       private void pickDialog(final EditText selectedEditText, final FormElement selectedFormElement) {
            this.selectedEditText = selectedEditText;
            AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(context);
            builder.setSingleChoiceItems(selectedFormElement.getOptions().toArray(new CharSequence[selectedFormElement.getOptions().size()]), selectedFormElement.getCheckedValue(),     null);
            builder.setPositiveButton("OK", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                public void onClick(DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i) {
                    int selectedPosition = ((AlertDialog) DialogInterface).getListView().getCheckedItemPosition();
                    String selectedElement = (selectedFormElement.getOptions().get(selectedPosition));
            builder.setNegativeButton("Cancel", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                public void onClick(DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i) {
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  • Required validation of SELECTION and MULTIPLE_SELECTION fails

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    if (element.getRequired()) {
        // Should check optionsSelected if element.type == SELECTION or MULTIPLE_SELECTION
        if (element.getValue() == null || element.getValue().length() == 0) {
            isValid = false;
            if (view instanceof EditText) {
                ((EditText) view).setError(element.getErrorMessageOrDefault());
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  • Errors do not appear for some FormElement types

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    • DATE
    • TIME

    I believe this is because the FormBuilder.buildElement() method adds the wrong EditText object to the viewMap:

                    textInputLayout = new TextInputLayout(context);
                    final EditText selectionEditText = new EditText(context);
                    // Wrong object added here!
                    viewMap.put(formElement.getTagOrToString(), editText);
                    addViewToView(textInputLayout, selectionEditText);

    The selectionEditText object is added to the screen, but the editText object is added to the map. So when FormBuilder.validate() is called then the error is added to editText instead of selectionEditText.

    opened by danpalmer101 0
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