Catalog Movie App

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App catalog-movie

Catalog Movie

Catalog Movie App

Getting Started Application

  • Prerequisites

    • Tools Sofware
      1. Android Studio at least version 4.1. Android Studio
      2. JRE (Java Runtime Environment) or JDK (Java Development Kit).
  • Installation

    1. Get a free API Key at Themoviedb
    2. Clone this repository and import into Android Studio
    3. Enter your API in buildConfigField build.graddle
          buildConfigField("String", "API_KEY", '"Your Api Key"')

Feature :

  • Using MVVM
  • Using Room, Paging
  • Using ViewBinding & DataBinding
  • LiveData and Retrofit to request api network
  • Dependency Injection With Dagger 2
  • Ofline Online Architecture
  • Unit Testing
  • Instrumental Testing

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Dede Saepulloh -

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