Android Permission Check Library
[]( [  ]( []( #### Adding the library as depndency
Add library dependency using gradle:
compile 'com.reqica.drilon:android-permission-check-library:2.0.0'
Add library dependency using maven:
Add library dependency using ivy:
<dependency org='com.reqica.drilon' name='android-permission-check-library' rev='2.0.0'>
<artifact name='android-permission-check-library' ext='pom' ></artifact>
Initialize Class CheckPermission:
CheckPermission checkPermission = new CheckPermission(context);
If you want to check and ask for a Single permission, call:
checkPermission.checkOne(@NonNull final String permission, @Nullable final String dialogMessage)
The 1st parameter is the actual permission, and the 2nd one is an optional Dialog Message that you can show to the user as an extra dialog, for better explanation/reason of the permission asked.
If you want to check and ask for Multiple permissions at once, call:
checkPermission.checkMultiple(@NonNull final String[] permissions, @Nullable final String dialogMessage)
The 1st parameter is the actual permission, and the 2nd one is an optional Dialog Message that you can show to the user as an extra dialog, for better explanation/reason of the permissions asked.
If you want to go to the settings screen and see which permission are Granted and which ones are not, call:
checkPermission.openPermissionsSettings(@NonNull String packageName) {
The parameter you need to give here is the actual root packageName of the app.
General Knowledge
To be able to check/ask for the permissions you first need to declare them in your projects AndroidManifest.xml