Clickstream - A Modern, Fast, and Lightweight Android Library Ingestion Platform.


A Modern, Fast, and Lightweight Android Ingestion Library

Clickstream is an event agnostic, real-time data ingestion platform. Clickstream allows apps to maintain a long-running connection to send data in real-time.

The word “Clickstream” is a trail of digital breadcrumbs left by users as they click their way through a website or mobile app. It is loaded with valuable customer information for businesses and its analysis and usage has emerged as a powerful data source.

To know more about Clickstream, you can read our Medium post

Clickstream provides an end to end solution for event ingestion. For setting up the backend infrastructure please check out raccoon


Clickstream Architecture

Mobile Library Architecture

Clickstream HLD

Key features

  • Simple and lightweight
  • Remotely Configurable
  • Support for real-time data
  • Multiple QoS support (QoS0 and QoS1)
  • Typesafe and reusable schemas
  • Efficient payloads
  • In-built data aggregation

Getting Started with Clickstream

  1. Add the maven repository URL to the root build.gradle of your project.
buildscript {
    repositories {
  1. Add the following dependencies to your module build.gradle
dependencies {
    val version = "x.y.z"
    implementation 'com.gojek.clickstream:clickstream-android:[latest_version]'
  1. Add the following rule in or dexguard-project.txt
-keep class * extends { *; }

Once you’ve added the dependencies and synchronized your Gradle project, the next step is to initialize Clickstream.


Initialization of the Clickstream can be done on the background thread or main-thread, Invocation should be done on the Application class. So that the initialization happens only once.

To create a Clickstream instance you can do the following setup:

class App : Application() {

    override fun onCreate() {

    private fun initClickStream() {
            configuration = CSConfiguration.Builder(
                context = context,
                info = CSInfo(
                    appInfo = appInfo,
                    locationInfo = locationInfo,
                    deviceInfo = csDeviceInfo,
                    customerInfo = customerInfo,
                    sessionInfo = sessionInfo
                config = getBuildConfig(config)
            ).apply {

    * @see [CSConnectionEvent] for more detail explanation
    private fun onConnectionListener(): CSSocketConnectionListener {
        return object : CSSocketConnectionListener {
            override fun onEventChanged(event: CSConnectionEvent) {
                is OnConnectionConnecting -> {}
                is OnConnectionConnected -> {}
                is OnMessageReceived -> {}
                is OnConnectionClosing -> {}
                is OnConnectionClosed -> {}
                is OnConnectionFailed -> {}



Holds the configurations for Clickstream. These constraints allow for fine-grained control over the library behaviour like duration between retries, flush events when app goes in background, etc.

Description Variable Type Default value
Number of events to combine in a single request eventsPerBatch Int 20
Delay between two requests (in millis) batchPeriod Long 10000
Flag for enabling forced flushing of events flushOnBackground Boolean false
Wait time after which socket gets disconnected connectionTerminationTimerWaitTimeInMillis Long 5000
Flag for enabling flushing of events by background task backgroundTaskEnabled Boolean false
Initial delay for background task (in hour) workRequestDelayInHr Long 1


Holds the configuration for network related. e.g configure timeouts for network channel.

Description Variable Type Default value
Endpoint for web socket server endPoint String No Default Value
Connect timeout to be used by okhttp (in seconds) connectTimeout Long 10
Read timeout to be used by okhttp (in seconds) readTimeout Long 10
Write timeout to be used by okhttp (in seconds) writeTimeout Long 10
Interval between pings initiated by client (in seconds) pingInterval Long 1
Initial retry duration to be used for retry backoff strategy (in milliseconds) initialRetryDurationInMs Long 1000
Maximum retry duration for retry backoff strategy (in milliseconds) maxConnectionRetryDurationInMs Long 6000
Maximum retries per batch request maxRetriesPerBatch Long 20
Maximum timeout for a request to receive Ack (in milliseconds) maxRequestAckTimeout Long 10000
OkHttpClient instance that passed from client okHttpClient OkHttpClient No Default Value


Holds the class name to be classify into InstantEvent (QoS) or RealtimeEvent (QoS1).

Description Variable Type Default value
Holds all the eventTypes eventTypes EventClassifier [EventClassifier(identifier: "realTime", eventNames: []), EventClassifier(identifier: "instant", eventNames: [])]


Destroy instance of Clickstream, for example can be called when user logs out of the app.


Push an Event

Using Explicit Builder

As Clickstream use a proto definition on the client-side, you can build a MessageLite and send it directly through ClickstreamSDK.

For instance, you’ve defined a proto definition called which has the following properties

rating: Float
reason: String

Thus we can build the rating object just by using a Builder Pattern.

val event = Rating.newBuilder()

// wrap event in CSEvent
val csEvent = CSEvent(
    guid = UUID.randomUUID().toString(),
    timestamp = Timestamp.getDefaultInstance(),
    message = event

// track the event

Congratulations! You’re done!.

Running Sample App

In order to running the sample app, please follow this instruction

  1. git clone
  2. cd clickstream-android
  3. ./gradlew :app:installDebug or via play button in the Android Studio
Figure 1 Figure 2


Copyright 2022 GOJEK

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
  • [Bug] : Asking for ACTION_MANAGE_OVERLAY_PERMISSION for Event visualiser

    [Bug] : Asking for ACTION_MANAGE_OVERLAY_PERMISSION for Event visualiser

    Description Since event visualiser is a floating window, we need to explicitly grant permission to draw over other apps.

    Changes Check and grant the required permission before launching the event visualiser.

    opened by kshitij6325 1
  • [Enhancement] : Changing public api to add event listeners

    [Enhancement] : Changing public api to add event listeners


    • Currently, event listeners can only be added while initialising the clickstream. Changes in this PR will allow to add event listeners directly through clickstream instance, anywhere in the code.

    • Redirecting to Display over other apps settings page if the app does not already have it enabled.

    opened by kshitij6325 1
  • [Enhancement] Renaming EventInterceptor to EventListener

    [Enhancement] Renaming EventInterceptor to EventListener

    Refactored following :

    clickstream-event-interceptor module -> clickstream-event-listener moduleCSEventInterceptor -> CSEventListenerCSInterceptedEvent -> CSEventModel

    opened by kshitij6325 1
  • [Feature] : Implement Event visualiser UI

    [Feature] : Implement Event visualiser UI

    Event Visualiser is a UI tool to view and debug clickstream events on android. Following modules were added for this -

    • clickstream-event-interceptor -> Contains CSEventListener which observes clickstream events as CSEventModel
    • clickstream-event-visualiser -> Core module for event visualiser.
    • clickstream-event-visualiser-ui -> UI module for event visualiser.
    • clickstream-event-visualiser-noop -> light weight, no operation module for clickstream-event-visualiser
    • clickstream-event-visualiser-ui-noop -> light weight, no operation module for clickstream-event-visualiser-ui
    opened by kshitij6325 1
  • [Feature] : Update Health Metrics Event Name

    [Feature] : Update Health Metrics Event Name


    Health Metrics is the way we organized the performance of the Clickstream where we push events to the backend. Health Metrics has been serving us @ Gojek for the last 1,5 years and it performs very well. However, as we open source the clickstream, we also want the communities to get the power of the health metrics; this is needed as the first version of Health Metrics is coupled with the Gojek environment.

    Please see the detail of RFC over here

    opened by radityagumay 0
  • [Feature] : Event visualiser enchancements

    [Feature] : Event visualiser enchancements

    This PR contains following enhancements to event visualiser -

    • Showing clickstream connection status.
    • Add a toggle on event properties screen to toggle between compact mode (only show properties that are set) and normal mode (show all properties).
    • Fix click on Event visualiser window

    Toggle for compact mode

    Toggle for compact model

    Connection state change

    Connection state change

    opened by kshitij6325 0
  • Duplicate class

    Duplicate class

    During integration with the Clickstream, if you experience a compilation error like the below, do consider to substitute the protobuf-java to protobuf-lite. see our example here.

    * What went wrong:
    Execution failed for task ':app:checkDebugDuplicateClasses'.
    > A failure occurred while executing
       > Duplicate class found in modules protobuf-java-3.11.0 ( and protobuf-javalite-3.11.0 (
         Duplicate class$Builder found in modules protobuf-java-3.11.0 ( and protobuf-javalite-3.11.0 (
         Duplicate class$Builder$LimitedInputStream found in modules protobuf-java-3.11.0 ( and protobuf-javalite-3.11.0 (
         Duplicate class$InternalOneOfEnum found in modules protobuf-java-3.11.0 ( and protobuf-javalite-3.11.0 (
         Duplicate class found in modules protobuf-java-3.11.0 ( and protobuf-javalite-3.11.0 (
         Duplicate class found in modules protobuf-java-3.11.0 ( and protobuf-javalite-3.11.0 (
         Duplicate class found in modules protobuf-java-3.11.0 ( and protobuf-javalite-3.11.0 (
         Duplicate class$1 found in modules protobuf-java-3.11.0 ( and protobuf-javalite-3.11.0 (
         Duplicate class$2 found in modules protobuf-java-3.11.0 ( and protobuf-javalite-3.11.0 (
    opened by radityagumay 0
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