Contributing to Muskan--The-joy-of-giving-by-nature
Muskan is an open-source and you're welcome to contribute to it. You're encouraged to submit pull requests, propose features and discuss issues.
Muskan--The-joy-of-giving-by-nature is a beginner friendly project. If you're new to open source, or coding, or git, we're happy to help you get started! Look for new issues or where you can contribute asking how you can help. We'll walk you through the steps needed to contribute to the project.
Fork the Project
Fork the project on Github by clicking on the word "Fork" above and to the right of this page. This will create your own fork at Then clone your fork to your local repository on your machine and set up a triangle workflow
using these commands:
git clone
cd Muskan--The-joy-of-giving-by-nature
git remote add upstream
Create a Branch for your feature
Make sure your fork is up-to-date and create a topic branch for your feature or bug fix. (The name my-feature-branch
is an example. Choose whatever you like.)
git checkout master
git pull upstream master
git checkout -b my-feature-branch
Build and Test
Ensure that you can build the project and run it on your mobile device before you create a pull request.
Write Code
Implement your feature or bug fix.
Make sure that your app builds and is successfully installed on your mobile device without errors.
Commit Changes
Make sure git knows your name and email address:
git config --global "Your Name"
git config --global "[email protected]"
Add the changed files to the index using git add. Most IDEs make this easy for you to do, so you won't need this command line version. Writing good commit logs is important. A commit log should describe what changed and why.
git add ...
git commit -m "Fixed Foo bug by changing bar"
Push to your GitHub repository
git push origin my-feature-branch
Make a Pull Request
Go to and select your feature branch. Click the 'Pull Request' button and fill out the form. Pull requests are usually reviewed within a few days.
If code review requests changes (and it usually will) just git push
the changes to your repository on the same branch, and the pull request will be automatically updated.
If you've been working on a change for a while and other commits have been made to the project, rebase with upstream/master.
git fetch upstream
git rebase upstream/master
git push origin my-feature-branch -f
Check on Your Pull Request
Go back to your pull request after a few minutes/days and see whether it passed the code-review Everything should be fine if your PR is green and successfully merged or code changes will be requested by the maintainers.
Be Patient
It's likely that your change will not be merged and that the nitpicky maintainers will ask you to do more, or fix seemingly benign problems like choices of variable names. Hang in there!
Thank You
Please do know that we really appreciate and value your time and work. Thank you for your Contribution!!