This is a Food Delivery Mobile App which uses Modern App Architecture Pattern, Firebase And a Simple Restful Api.
Movies App: Projeto Integrador - Vitória Code 2021 🎬 Sobre o projeto Esse é um aplicativo Android feito em Kotlin que oferece aos usuários uma listag
Android Clean Architecture in Rorty is a sample project that presents modern, approach to Android application development using Kotlin and latest tech-stack.
Ceres 🪐 Modern Android development with Hilt, Coroutines, Flow, JetPack(ViewModel) based on MVVM architecture. Download Gradle Add the dependency bel
This repository contains the article describing my attempt to implement a simple state reducer based on Kotlin Flow and an example app that uses it.
RxSocialLogin The license information for logo is located at the bottom of the document. These instructions are available in their respective language
TO-DO Manager TO-DO Manager is a simple note management app. Unlike other apps, TO-DO Manager is free and open source. You can access your nots from a
Workout-Journal Workout Journal is a mobile app for those who want to track their progress over a workout and a calendar period. The app allows you to
firecoil firecoil allows you to load images from Cloud Storage for Firebase in your Android app (through a StorageReference) , using the image loading
E-Commerce-App E-Commerce application with MVVM & Clean Arch - Hilt - Coroutines - Retrofit - Firebase - Room DB. API Link Project Features MVVM with
Delish Screens Tech stack & Open-source libraries 100% Kotlin based + Coroutines + Flow for asynchronous. Dagger Hilt 2.37 Accompanist JetPack Jetpack
Compose ChatApp(Bego Chat) Bego Chat is Compose chat application in Kotlin and Firebase with the following features: sending all file types and abilit
E-CommerceApp A Clean Architecture App that uses clean Architecture (app, presentation, domain, data) packages to use coffee items API using MVVM Arch
In this project we will learn about Firebase Implementation with MVVM Architecture. It is a basic level Course and will go with project based approach so can understand better that how the things are working.
MVIExample A sample app showing how to build an app using the MVI architecture p
Android Clean Architecture MVI Boilerplate Note: This is a fork of our original Clean Architecture Boilerplate, except in this repo we have switched o
D-KMP architecture - official sample This is the official sample of the D-KMP architecture, presenting a simple master/detail app, for Android, iOS an
ShoppingNotes Note taking app using SOLID principles and CLEAN architecture patt
Android architecture app Includes the following Android Respository architecture MVVM Jepack libraries Carousel view Kotlin Kotlin Flow and Livedata P
General Used Room Database and Followed MVVM Architecture Pattern to build the a