Upsert DSL extension for Exposed, Kotlin SQL framework


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Upsert DSL extension for Exposed, Kotlin SQL framework. Project bases on various solutions provided by community in the official "Exposed: Support upsert functionality" feature request. After 4 years, maintainers still didn't provide a solution, so here's a straightforward alternative.

  • Implements all dialects that support native upsert possibilities
  • Tested against real databases through dedicated Docker containers provided by Testcontainers
  • Licensed to public domain, you can do whatever you want with sources in this repository


Supported databases with tests run against real databases using Testcontainers:

DB Status
H2 Unsupported
H2 (MySQL Dialect)
Oracle Not implemented (Licensed to enterprise)
SQL Server Unsupported


class StatisticsTable : Table("statistics") {
    // [...]
    val uniqueTypeValue = withUnique("unique_http_method_to_uri", httpMethod, uri)

StatisticsTable.upsert(conflictIndex = StatisticsTable.uniqueTypeValue,
    insertBody = {
        it[this.httpMethod] = record.httpMethod
        it[this.uri] = record.uri
        it[this.count] = record.count
    updateBody = {
        with(SqlExpressionBuilder) {
            it.update(StatisticsTable.count, StatisticsTable.count + record.count)


  • Upsert functionality between (MySQL, MariaDB, H2 with MySQL dialect) and (PostgreSQL, SQLite) are slightly different. To keep the compatibility between these databases, you should always use only one condition of uniqueness (unique column OR unique index). MySQL based dialects may handle multiple queries due to the better support provided by generic ON DUPLICATE KEY query.



repositories {
    maven { url '' }

dependencies {
    implementation 'net.dzikoysk:exposed-upsert:1.0.0'


You can find all available versions in the repository:

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    This is my upsert statement:

        conflictColumn = TileEntitiesTable.uuid,
        insertBody = {
            val location = tileEntity.location
            it[uuid] = tileEntity.uuid
            it[world] =!!.uid
            it[chunkX] = chunk.x
            it[chunkZ] = chunk.z
            it[x] = location.blockX
            it[y] = location.blockY
            it[z] = location.blockZ
            it[yaw] = tileEntity.armorStand.location.yaw
            it[type] = tileEntity.material.typeName
            it[data] = ExposedBlob(tileEntity.getData())
        updateBody = {
            it[data] = ExposedBlob(tileEntity.getData())

    The above upsert statement generates this sql:

    INSERT INTO tileEntities (chunkX, chunkZ, "data", "type", uuid, world, x, y, yaw, z) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ON CONFLICT("uuid") DO UPDATE SET "data"=EXCLUDED."data"

    As you can see, the statement is invalid, there should be another question mark in the update statement after "data"= This leads to an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in

    I fixed it in this commit: This is obviously not a perfect solution, hence why I am not making a pull request.

    opened by NichtStudioCode 2
  • README Url of releases broken

    README Url of releases broken


    the "manual" installation releases link doesn't work, probably should be

    Do you think of releasing this to central maven repository?

    opened by HoffiMuc 1
  • Insert body breaks the order of fields

    Insert body breaks the order of fields

    a) repository link at bottom of page is still broken

    b) if I have non DAO exposed Tables, is your upsert supposed to work also?

    I have DSL defined tables (non IdTables)

    abstract class BaseTable(name: String) : Table(name) {
        val dtoModCount = long("dto_mod_count")
        val dtoOptimisticLockId = long("dto_optimistic_lock_id")
        val dtoCreationDate = timestamp("dto_creation_date")
        val dtoCreationUser = varchar("dto_creation_user", VARCHAR_MEDIUM)
        val dtoModDate = timestamp("dto_mod_date")
        val dtoModUser = varchar("dto_mod_user", VARCHAR_MEDIUM)
    object IssuesTable : BaseTable(name = "ISSUES") {
        val key = varchar("key", VARCHAR_SMALL)
        val project = varchar("project", VARCHAR_SMALL)
        override val primaryKey = PrimaryKey(key, name = "PK_Issue_key")
        private fun upsertCommonFields(it: InsertStatement<Number>, table: IssuesTable, dto: Issue) {
            it[table.project] = dto.project
        fun upsert(dto: Issue) {
            IssuesTable.upsert(conflictColumn = IssuesTable.key,
                insertBody = {
                    it[IssuesTable.key] = dto.key
                    upsertCommonFields(it, this, dto)
                    updateBaseDTOmetadata(it, this, dto)
                updateBody = {
                    upsertCommonFields(it, this, dto)
                    updateBaseDTOmetadata(it, this, dto)

    insert works, but update totally confuses column names and the values to put into them.

    opened by HoffiMuc 11
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