Repository for the Android app core module.


EU Digital COVID Certificate App Core - Android



This repository contains the source code of the EU Digital COVID Certificate App Core for Android.

The app core provides shared functionality for the verifier and wallet apps.



  • TODO: Describe prerequisites


Whether you cloned or downloaded the 'zipped' sources you will either find the sources in the chosen checkout-directory or get a zip file with the source code, which you can expand to a folder of your choice.

In either case open a terminal pointing to the directory you put the sources in. The local build process is described afterwards depending on the way you choose.

XYZ (Maven, Docker ...) based build

  • TODO: Add instructions for different build types


  • TODO: Link to documentation

Support and feedback

The following channels are available for discussions, feedback, and support requests:

Type Channel
Other requests

How to contribute

Contribution and feedback is encouraged and always welcome. For more information about how to contribute, the project structure, as well as additional contribution information, see our Contribution Guidelines. By participating in this project, you agree to abide by its Code of Conduct at all times.


Our commitment to open source means that we are enabling -in fact encouraging- all interested parties to contribute and become part of its developer community.


Copyright (C) 2021 T-Systems International GmbH and all other contributors

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the LICENSE for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

  • Update dependency json-schema-validator resolving dep. conflict with outdated transitives

    Update dependency json-schema-validator resolving dep. conflict with outdated transitives

    Current Implementation


    This version depends on Guava v16.0.1.

    Suggested Enhancement

    (this is the same project; at least v2.2.13 is needed)

    Expected Benefits

    Resolves a dependency conflict for Google Guava. Java-based apps often explicitly depend on current versions of Guava.

    opened by zollole 6
  • JSON schema version 1.3 validation

    JSON schema version 1.3 validation

    Your Question

    • Source File: JsonSchema.kt (
    • Line(s): 120, 138
    • Question: We saw that the schema got updated to support incomplete dates, as stated by the last json schema version 1.3. However the updated omitted fnt and gnt fields max length, that should be put to 80 instead of 50. Is this planned for the next release ? This is also true for EuDgcSchema.swift (

    Thank you very much for your answer !

    opened by Yasser-R 5
  • Remove useless dependency to rhino

    Remove useless dependency to rhino

    Describe the improvement

    The project is dependent on the Rhino lib but it doesn't seem to be used

    Expected behaviour

    The lib should import as little lib as possible

    Content of this PR

    Remove the Rhino dependency

    How did you test?

    Clone repo Open in Android Studio Run unit tests ✅

    opened by qmetzler-luna 3
  • Date Time Support

    Date Time Support

    Please relax all dates in the schema so that date times accepted as well. (e.g. vaccination date):


    Please add a unit test for the special cases.

    Test Code:

    opened by SchulzeStTSI 3
  • Crash during schema validation when minifyEnabled=true

    Crash during schema validation when minifyEnabled=true

    When executing schema validation using the dgca-app-core-android library and minifyEnabled=true the app crashes with this stacktrace:

    I guess this library is not yet prepared for R8 code shrinking. I also included the dgca-app-code-android lib and got the same error.

    Steps to reproduce the issue


    1. enable R8 code shrinking: minifyEnabled=true
    2. start Application
    3. scan QR Code
    4. Enter TAN -> Crash
    2021-07-21 16:32:15.947 10614-10614/ E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
        Process:, PID: 10614
            at e.b.a.b.g.g.a.b(:53)
            at e.b.a.b.g.g.b.<clinit>(:58)
            at e.b.a.b.g.g.b.b(:48)
            at e.b.a.b.g.a.<clinit>(:35)
            at e.b.a.b.g.a.a(:45)
            at e.b.a.b.b.b.<clinit>(:63)
            at e.b.a.b.b.a.h(:97)
            at e.b.a.b.b.a.a(:107)
            at e.b.a.b.h.c.<init>(:68)
            at e.b.a.b.h.b.d(:123)
            at e.b.a.b.h.b.b(:113)
            at g.a.a.b.p.a.a(:53)
            at j.e0.j.a.a.i(:33)
            at k.a.u2.a.Y(:571)
            at k.a.u2.a$b.c(:750)
            at k.a.u2.a$b.m(:678)
            at k.a.u2.a$
         Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: class "e.b.a.b.f.b.e.a" has no appropriate constructor (keyword "additionalItems"; expected a constructor with a JsonNode as an argument)
            at e.b.a.b.f.b.d.<init>(:31)
            at e.b.a.b.g.g.a.a(:125)
            at e.b.a.b.g.g.a.<clinit>(:68)
            at e.b.a.b.g.g.a.b(:53at e.b.a.b.g.g.b.<clinit>(:58at e.b.a.b.g.g.b.b(:48at e.b.a.b.g.a.<clinit>(:35at e.b.a.b.g.a.a(:45at e.b.a.b.b.b.<clinit>(:63at e.b.a.b.b.a.h(:97at e.b.a.b.b.a.a(:107at e.b.a.b.h.c.<init>(:68at e.b.a.b.h.b.d(:123at e.b.a.b.h.b.b(:113at g.a.a.b.p.a.a(:53at$b$a.u(:96at j.e0.j.a.a.i(:33at k.a.u2.a.Y(:571at k.a.u2.a$b.c(:750at k.a.u2.a$b.m(:678at k.a.u2.a$

    Technical details

    • Device Pixel 2 (Android 11)

    Possible Fix

    I couldn't fix it but I started using these rules:

    -keep public class*
    -keep public class com.github.fge.jsonschema.** { *; }
    opened by robzerg 2
  • Release version in a public maven repository (like maven central)

    Release version in a public maven repository (like maven central)

    Feature description

    dgca app core provides a decoder that is useful to others. It would be great if it was provided in an easy consumable format like an artifact in a public maven repository.

    Problem and motivation

    By using a public maven repo, it's easy for downstream dependencies to keep up to date with any bugfixes etc.

    opened by emilaleborn 2
  • Trimming JSON-fields for whitespaces

    Trimming JSON-fields for whitespaces

    Current Implementation

    Decoded JSON fields might contain whitespaces. E.g. GR/EL QR Vaccination Codes in Field "mp"

    Suggested Enhancement

    During the CBOR Deserialization, all fields must be trimmed for whitespaces.

    opened by Hendrik-Schmidt-Schierhorn-TSI 1
  • A problem occurred evaluating project ':decoder'

    A problem occurred evaluating project ':decoder'

    Hi when try to build it-dgc-verificaC19-android project I hev this error : * Exception is: org.gradle.api.GradleScriptException: A problem occurred evaluating project ':decoder'. ...... Caused by: groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: desugar_jdk_libs for class: Deps

    Any info? the dgca-app-core-android project is in the same root folder...


    opened by Deltafox79 1
  • Polish Vaccination certificate CBOR error in German Android apps

    Polish Vaccination certificate CBOR error in German Android apps

    Hi, could you please have a look here:

    Do you have any idea what might have gone wrong?

    Summary: CBOR error while decoding a valid Polish vaccination certificate in two different Android apps (Corona-Warn-App and CovPass app), while iOS (Corona-Warn-App) works fine. Suspected: Are there probably differences between the platforms how CBOR libraries treat special characters?

    opened by vaubaehn 1
  • Deps.json_validation_rhino declaration is missing

    Deps.json_validation_rhino declaration is missing

    Describe the bug

    Gradle build fails because Deps.json_validation_rhino is not declared in the buildSrc module.

    Expected behaviour

    I expected that cloning and building the project from main would work.

    Steps to reproduce the issue


    1. Clone repo
    2. Open in Android Studio
    3. Initial build fails

    Possible Fix

    Add json_validation_rhino to Versions- and Dependencies-objects under buildSrc.

    opened by anskaal 1
  • A certificate from the Ukrainian дія that results in an exception due to midle name.

    A certificate from the Ukrainian дія that results in an exception due to midle name.

    I have Qr code, conteins next fields: {4: 1666386000, 1: "UA", -260: {1: {"type": "local", "nam": {"gn": "Євгенія", "fnt": "SHEVTSOVA", "fn": "Шевцова", "mn": "Валеріївна", "gnt": "YEVHENIIA"}, "itn": "2830208121", "ver": "1.3.0", "dob": "1977-06-27", "v": [{"sd": 2, "mp": "EU/1/20/1528", "vp": "1119349007", "tg": "840539006", "dn": 2, "ci": "URN:UVCI:01:UA:7NV72MZWKJ1V1ZDG4ZGX2KMF", "is": "State Enterprise "DIIA"", "co": "UA", "dt": "2021-10-22", "ma": "ORG-100030215"}]}}, 6: 1634926088}

    Main problem in "mn": "Валеріївна" field: dgca/verifier/app/decoder/cbor/DefaultCborService.kt:70 Unrecognized field "mn" (class, not marked as ignorable In class dgca-app-core-android/decoder/src/main/java/dgca/verifier/app/decoder/model/Person.kt Has not field mn, and also it has not annotation @JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true) photo5420440524067813742

    opened by lubagov 0
  • Unable to use dgca-app-core-android on Android 7 (24) devices

    Unable to use dgca-app-core-android on Android 7 (24) devices


    I integrated your dgci-app-core-android library in my app which is minsdk 24 (Android 7). Your decoder is working fine except on Android 7 devices.

    What is the reason that your libraries minSDK is 26? Is there a way to make it work for SDK 24 (Android 7) devices?

    Thanks or your feedback!

    Best regards Robert

    opened by robzerg 2
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