you can opt-in for having a progress notification that displays while Worker.doWork is active
the description for your worker is good practice and will be used for things like notifications if you choose to use them
you perform your work inside of doWork and Boot Laces will keep it running in the background until it has completed and reschedule as necessary
WorkerNine below demonstrates how to create a WorkReceiver
a WorkReceiver is created by passing in an action for it to subscribe to.
you can broadcast to this BroadcastReceiver from within your doWork function or anywhere else in your app
for now the WorkReceiver is only registered and subscribing to broadcast while you are performing work. Everytime doWork executes it registers the receiver & unregisters it after doWork completes
If you do not need a worker and just a BroadcastReceiver then you can use PersistentReceiver
PersistentReceivers only have a WorkReceiver and you don't need to override doWork function
Copyright 2019 Chris Basinger
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file exceptin compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copyof the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed toin writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specificlanguage governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
Okay so I was gonna disable the app icon before I dissapeared but here is what my research brought. I've only been at this for 10 minutes. I spent the last 2 days straight working with jetpack.
Soo if we disable the launcher activity which disables the icon in the launcher... then we can't start that activity to lock the screen...
meaning we must have a second activity for locking the screen that way we can disable the launcher activity and still be able to lock the screen I am working on this right before I go back to working on my core skill set and updating my knowledge of android libraries for the next 6-8 months.
I'm laying in bed like just finishing writing that function and I check my git log and it goes back like 30 merges haha. Wow. I've never felt like this bad before. Like right as my body begins to feel weary and my eyes are burning from the excessive screen exposure and lack off sleep...i guess it feels better though because the end result. makes my eyes lay easier
I was playing with my phone off to the side and I Restarted and my persistent hourly worker didn't run after reboot so I kicked the system clock up and kept trying and kind of forgot but now I am really going to check all these while I do something else
A beautiful Fashion Store like Android App Mock built on Jetpack Compose with compose navigation, hilt, dark theme support and google's app architecture found on uplabs Here
A somewhat copy past of Jetbrain's code from the kotlin plugin repo to make it humanly possible to test Intellij IDEA kotlin plugins that work on kotlin