The AppMetrica Push SDK is a set of libraries for working with push notifications.


Flutter AppMetrica Push

AppMetrica Push SDK — это набор библиотек для работы с push-уведомлениями. Подключив AppMetrica Push SDK, вы можете создать и настроить кампанию push-уведомлений, а затем отслеживать статистику в веб-интерфейсе AppMetrica.

Документация по SDK.

Возможности SDK

  • получение и отображение Push уведомлений
  • получение Silent Push уведомлений
  • обработка payload из уведомлений
  • отображение изображения в уведомлениях
  • поддержка действия deeplink, при открытии уведомления
  • поддержка действия URL, при открытии уведомления

Platform Support

Android iOS Huawei


appmetrica_push pub package
appmetrica_push_android pub package
appmetrica_push_huawei pub package
appmetrica_push_ios pub package
appmetrica_push_platform_interface pub package

Пример работы

Пример работы SDK доступен в Example iOS & Android

Пример работы SDK доступен в Example Huawei

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  • Messages are not displayed

    Messages are not displayed

    Library was installed by steps from documentation. But no messages displayed. In log i can see that firebase sends messages to phone

    D/AppmetricaPush.SilentPushReceiver( 4269): broadcast received for message D/AppmetricaPush.SilentPushReceiver( 4269): broadcast received but intent contained no extras to process RemoteMessage. Operation cancelled. D/FLTFireMsgReceiver( 4269): broadcast received for message

    opened by MWStudio4 2
  • Fix readme

    Fix readme "Using the Google Services Plugin"

    In appmetrica_push and appmetrica_push_android libraries, file paths are not displayed correctly in Using the Google Services Plugin. does not fully handle HTML tags embedded in .md.

    documentation good first issue/pull 
    opened by mit-73 0
  • Close instances of

    Close instances of "dart.core.Sink" in appmetrica_push_platform_interface


    32final StreamController<String> onMessageController =
       │ ┌──────────────────────────────────^
    33 │ │       StreamController<String>.broadcast();
       │ └──────────────────────────────────────────^


    36final StreamController<String> onMessageOpenedAppController =
       │ ┌──────────────────────────────────^
    37 │ │       StreamController<String>.broadcast();
       │ └──────────────────────────────────────────^

    To reproduce make sure you are using the lints_core and run flutter analyze lib/src/appmetrica_push_platform_interface.dart

    opened by mit-73 0
  • Add example

    Add example

    Add examples to:

    • appmetrica_push_android
    • appmetrica_push_huawei
    • appmetrica_push_ios

    Correct the link to the example in:

    • appmetrica_push
    • appmetrica_push_platform_interface
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