Android library that allows you to determine your location in some lines!
- automatic processing of permissions
- processing of enabling and disabling the transfer of location data on the device
- android 12 support
- you can customize the location service more precisely
- additional callbacks
- support for Huawei devices without Google services
My lib consists of three modules:
- location-google: location using Google services (only works on devices with google services)
- location-huawei: location using Huawei services
- location-google-huawei: uses Google services if available otherwise Huawei services
Use one of them.
Get started
Define my location:
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
val locationText = findViewById
// use LocationSimpleSingle to determine the location once (in most cases)
val simple = LocationSimpleSingle(this)
// location is android.Location object
simple.defineLocation { location ->
locationText.text = "${location.latitude}\n${location.longitude}"
Listen location changes:
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
val locationText = findViewById
// use LocationSimpleMultiple to listen to a new location (only foreground)
val simple = LocationSimpleMultiple(this)
// location is android.Location object
simple.defineLocation { location ->
locationText.text = "${location.latitude}\n${location.longitude}"
Additional callbacks:
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
val locationText = findViewById
val simple = LocationSimpleSingle(this)
simple.onPermissionDenied {
// permission is denied
simple.onLocationShutdown {
// location mode is off
simple.defineLocation { location ->
locationText.text = "${location.latitude}\n${location.longitude}"
Customizing the location service:
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
val locationText = findViewById
// use NeededLocationPermission to indicate an exact or inaccurate location (on android 12 is ignored)
// use LocationRequestSettings to customize the location service
val simple = LocationSimpleMultiple(this, NeededLocationPermission.EXACTLY, LocationRequestSettings()
simple.defineLocation { location ->
locationText.text = "${location.latitude}\n${location.longitude}"
Learn more about LocationRequestSettings
options see link
I don't know how to add my lib to the maven repository yet, so you can only download the source code and follow the video instructions: