This is a repository that shows how to create different portions of UI by example. Learn how to create different Composable functions just by reading the different packages (Material, Foundation, State and more ! )
Run examples
In order to run each example, just call the Composable function inside setContent in the MainActivity, this will let you compile and see the example on screen
JetPoll (WIP) JetPoll is an interactive poll app made with Firebase and Jetpack Compose , Create, share and vote up polls. In order to run JetPoll, remember to create a firebase project and add google-services.json to the jetpoll module
The project uses
- Accompanist
- Jetpack Compose
- Firebase
- Coroutines
Login details
- Username : jetpoll
- Password: test123
If you want to contribute with more examples, feel free to make a PR
- At the time this examples runs on Android Studio Canary 4.2 Preview 2 (Canary 9)
- Compiler version: 1.4.30
- Compose version: 1.0.0-beta01
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