Examples for my Android GraphView library

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App GraphView-Demos

Chart and Graph Library for Android

GraphView - open source graph plotting library for Android

GraphView is a library for Android to programmatically create flexible and nice-looking diagrams. It is easy to understand, to integrate and to customize.

Create Line Graphs, Bar Graphs, Point Graphs or implement your own custom types.

Try the Demo app at Play Store


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  • Real Time graph issue

    Real Time graph issue

    Hey joe, i am trying to create real time graph . The data on graph will come from bluetooth , it's a massive amount of data and very fast rate lets say 1sec =60 samples of data

    problem is when i used appendata to add the data and fixed max data points to 400 ,it crashes after some time . i debug it , it causes memory leakage

    final String[] arr = str.replace("[", "").replace("]", "").split(",");

    for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { mSeries.appendData(new DataPoint(graph2LastXValue, Double.parseDouble(arr[i])),true,380); //DataPoint v = new DataPoint(graph2LastXValue,Double.parseDouble(arr[i])); // myArr[i]=v; // mSeries2.appendData(myArr[i], true, 380); graph2LastXValue++;


    opened by abh22ishek 15
  • Can't get provided code to run

    Can't get provided code to run


    These errors popped up when I tried to run the app from the get go, without modifying any code from the GraphView-Demos-master project I downloaded from here: [https://github.com/jjoe64/GraphView-Demos]


    Any clue as to what's going on? Thanks a lot before hand!

    opened by jamin-hu 2
  • lose all data if screen orientation is changed in RealtimeGraph

    lose all data if screen orientation is changed in RealtimeGraph

    I used the example code of RealtimeGraph at https://github.com/jjoe64/GraphView-Demos/blob/master/graphviewdemos/src/main/java/com/jjoe64/graphviewdemos/RealtimeGraph.java

    Whenever the screen orientation is changed, the graph is restarted again and all the previous data is not displayed.

    How do i stop restarting the graph every time the screen orientation is changed?

    opened by xxxazxxx 2
  • scrollToEnd in realtime sample doesn't work (Android 4.2.2 Nexus 7)

    scrollToEnd in realtime sample doesn't work (Android 4.2.2 Nexus 7)

    tried samples on Nexus7, compiled with Android 4.2.2 and it seems that Realtime Graph sample doesn't correctly do scrollToEnd=true within GrahViewSeries.appendData method.

    From video you can se that Y labels actually updates but linechart stays same. I created video but only images are allowed :) - I can send it to you by email.

    opened by zhivko 2
  • Program type already present: android.support.v4.app.FragmentTransitionCompat21$1

    Program type already present: android.support.v4.app.FragmentTransitionCompat21$1

    Hello there,

    After opening a new empty android studio project and typing compile 'com.jjoe64:graphview:4.2.1' into the app's build.gradle file, I get this error. It is also appearing on android studio of a colleague of mine:

    Program type already present: android.support.v4.app.FragmentTransitionCompat21$1

    Any idea what's going on?

    Thanks a lot before hand, excited to get started with GraphView! :)

    opened by jamin-hu 1
  • Cannot resolve constructor

    Cannot resolve constructor

    This isn't so much an issue but a question about using GraphView inside a fragment activity. I am getting an error Cannot resolve constructor LineGraphView

    GraphView graphView; graphView = new LineGraphView(this, message); graphView.addSeries(exampleSeries); // data

    I posted on stackoverflow and then realized I should ask here http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21326875/android-cannot-resolve-constructor-lineviewgraph

    opened by FriedCircuits 1
  • Unable to break graph line when multiple series in single line graph.

    Unable to break graph line when multiple series in single line graph.

    Hello Team,

    Please give any way to break line graph when we are updating multiple series with respect of time. if we are unable to find value in any series than i want to show break then when value not available.

    opened by sachinchoudhary085 0
  • Problem with resetData() method in BaseSeries class

    Problem with resetData() method in BaseSeries class

    Hi everyone!

    While using this library(thanks for it!) I stuck when I need to reset data on my GraphView.

    I store my data as LineGraphSeries object, independent from activity lifecycle, so when activity created, or resumed I need to refresh data in another LineGraphSeries object which is associated with GraphView.

    I check source code of BaseSeries class and found method resetData(E[] data), but it take as input only array of data and it is very hard to get those array, because in BaseSeries class there is only one method to getting data: getValues() and it returns Iterator<E>.

    So to get array I need go through this iterator and write values to ArrayList first(because Iterator can't tell us how much elements it has), and finally I can create array and write to it values from ArrayList.

    I think it's very long and not effective, so I suggest with minimum changes:

    • add getter method to BaseSeries class, which will return [] E - array of data values

    And to increase usability in this reseting data case:

    • add overload constructors to BaseSeries, LineGraphSeries, BarGraphSeries, PointsGraphSeries which will take as argument ArrayList <E>
    • add overload version of resetData() method, which will take as argument ArrayList
    • add getter method to BaseSeries class, which will return ArrayList<E>

    So what do think about my suggestion?

    opened by VitaliyBelyaev 0
  • Library dynamic loading error

    Library dynamic loading error

    With ADT (version 21.0.0.v201210310015-519525) The library is correctly used for autocompletion, but is not used at run time, resulting in a java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError !

    Correction: Move jar from lib ditectory to libs one (with a "S")

    See answer : http://stackoverflow.com/a/9916751

    opened by JackDesBwa 0
  • Static label only in y-axis

    Static label only in y-axis

    When I put static labels only in the y-axis, happens this: image

    Well, I just want the date, and what seems to happen is that it puts the two values on the same axis (x-axis). Here's my code: ` class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

    private var mNumLabels: Int = 4
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        val graph = findViewById<GraphView>(R.id.graph)
    fun initGraph(graph: GraphView) {
        // generate Dates
        val calendar = Calendar.getInstance()
        val d1 = calendar.time
        calendar.add(Calendar.DATE, 1)
        val d2 = calendar.time
        calendar.add(Calendar.DATE, 1)
        val d3 = calendar.time
        // you can directly pass Date objects to DataPoint-Constructor
        // this will convert the Date to double via Date#getTime()
        val series = LineGraphSeries(arrayOf<DataPoint>(DataPoint(d1, 2.0), DataPoint(d2, 5.0), DataPoint(d3, 3.0)))
        series.isDrawDataPoints = true
        series.isDrawBackground = true
        // set date label formatter
        graph.gridLabelRenderer.labelFormatter = DateAsXAxisLabelFormatter(graph.context)
        graph.gridLabelRenderer.numHorizontalLabels = mNumLabels
        // second series
        val series2 = LineGraphSeries(
                DataPoint(d1, 3.0),
                DataPoint(d2, 3.0),
                DataPoint(d3, 6.0)
        series2.title = "speed"
        series2.isDrawBackground = true
        series2.color = Color.argb(255, 255, 60, 60)
        series2.backgroundColor = Color.argb(100, 204, 119, 119)
        series2.isDrawDataPoints = true
        // second series
        val series3 = LineGraphSeries(
                DataPoint(d1, 3.0),
                DataPoint(d3, 2.0)
        series2.title = "HEY"
        series2.isDrawBackground = true
        series2.color = Color.argb(255, 255, 60, 60)
        series2.backgroundColor = Color.argb(100, 204, 119, 119)
        series2.isDrawDataPoints = true
        // legend
        graph.legendRenderer.isVisible = true
        graph.legendRenderer.align = LegendRenderer.LegendAlign.BOTTOM
        // set manual x bounds to have nice steps
        graph.viewport.isXAxisBoundsManual = false
        val staticLabelsFormatter = StaticLabelsFormatter(graph)
        staticLabelsFormatter.setVerticalLabels(arrayOf("low", "hey", "high", "wei", "wai"))
        graph.gridLabelRenderer.labelFormatter = staticLabelsFormatter



    When I take this: val staticLabelsFormatter = StaticLabelsFormatter(graph) staticLabelsFormatter.setVerticalLabels(arrayOf("low", "hey", "high", "wei", "wai")) graph.gridLabelRenderer.labelFormatter = staticLabelsFormatter Everything works fine... but then I can't use static labels. Can you help me?

    opened by joseRelvasF3m 0
  • Error in advanced bar graph.

    Error in advanced bar graph.

    In BarGraphFragment call by error FullscreenExample.ADVANCED_LINE_GRAPH instead of FullscreenExample.ADVANCED_BAR_GRAPH

        new AdvancedBarGraph().initGraph(graph);
        rootView.findViewById(R.id.cardAdvancedBarGraph).setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View view) {
        rootView.findViewById(R.id.imgFullscreen2).setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View view) {
        rootView.findViewById(R.id.imgSource2).setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View view) {
    opened by oscarsan1 0
  • Date Redundance

    Date Redundance

    Hi, their support date redundance based on picture I attach and below following code that i follow

    ` DateFormat fmt1 = new SimpleDateFormat("MMMM dd, yyyy", Locale.US); Date d1 = null,d2 = null,d3 = null,d4 = null,d5 = null,d6 = null,d7 = null, d8 = null,d9 = null,d10 = null,d11 = null, d12 = null;

        try {
            d1 = fmt1.parse("January 1,  2018");
            d2 = fmt1.parse("February 1,  2018");
            d3 = fmt1.parse("March 1,  2018");
            d4 = fmt1.parse("April 1,  2018");
            d5 = fmt1.parse("May 1,  2018");
            d6 = fmt1.parse("June 1,  2018");
            d7 = fmt1.parse("July 1,  2018");
            d8 = fmt1.parse("August 1,  2018");
            d9 = fmt1.parse("September 1,  2018");
            d10 = fmt1.parse("October 1,  2018");
            d11 = fmt1.parse("November 1,  2018");
            d12 = fmt1.parse("December 1,  2018");
        } catch (ParseException e) {
        graphView = (GraphView)v.findViewById(R.id.graph);
        series = new LineGraphSeries<>(new DataPoint[] {
                new DataPoint(d1, 0),
                new DataPoint(d2, 123.00),
                new DataPoint(d3, 200.00),
                new DataPoint(d4, 145.00),
                new DataPoint(d5, 150.00),
                new DataPoint(d6, 180.00),
                new DataPoint(d7, 0.00),
                new DataPoint(d8, 0.00),
                new DataPoint(d9, 0.00),
                new DataPoint(d10, 0.00),
                new DataPoint(d11, 30.00),
                new DataPoint(d12, 0.00)
        series.setColor(ContextCompat.getColor(getActivity(), R.color.bgwhite));
        //series.setBackgroundColor(ContextCompat.getColor(getActivity(), R.color.bgwhite));
        // set date label formatter
        DateFormat fmt = new SimpleDateFormat("MMM", Locale.US);
        graphView.getGridLabelRenderer().setLabelFormatter(new DateAsXAxisLabelFormatter(getActivity(), fmt));
        graphView.getGridLabelRenderer().setNumHorizontalLabels(12); // only 4 because of the space
        // set manual x bounds to have nice steps
        // as we use dates as labels, the human rounding to nice readable numbers

    // is not necessary graphView.getGridLabelRenderer().setHumanRounding(false); // show line graph y whatsapp image 2018-06-27 at 11 44 10 am `

    opened by hafiz013 0
  • Inconsistent behavior with date series

    Inconsistent behavior with date series

    Hi everyone I'm very pleased with the library, great works!

    Problem is, I don't understand why it behaves inconsistently, meaning that one time it shows like this (without date X labels and incorrect Y axis rounding)

    image image

    in place of the correct display image


    I'm following the example Dates.java https://github.com/jjoe64/GraphView-Demos/blob/master/app/src/main/java/com/jjoe64/graphview_demos/examples/Dates.java

    if (story.getId().equals(storyId)) {
        GraphView graph = (GraphView) findViewById(R.id.graph);
        DataPoint[] dataPoints = new DataPoint[story.getMetrics().size()];
        int i = 0;
        for (Story.Metric metric : story.getMetrics()) {
            dataPoints[i] = new DataPoint(metric.getDate(), (int)metric.getConversations());
        LineGraphSeries<DataPoint> series = new LineGraphSeries<DataPoint>(dataPoints);
        graph.getGridLabelRenderer().setLabelFormatter(new DateAsXAxisLabelFormatter(graph.getContext(), new SimpleDateFormat(LABEL_DATE_FORMAT)));
        // as we use dates as labels, the human rounding to nice readable numbers
        // is not nessecary
        // set manual x bounds to have nice steps
        graph.getViewport().setMaxX(story.getMetrics().get(story.getMetrics().size() - 1).getDate().getTime());

    I'm really puzzled..

    thanks nicola

    opened by nicolabeghin 1
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