Food Recipe App is an app for collecting most of food recipe in one app
App Screen Recording
Code Installation
you can clone code and run it using :
IDE : Android Studio Gradle Version : 7.0.2 Compile Sdk : 31
Tech stack & Open-source libraries
Minimum SDK level 26
Kotlin based + Coroutines for asynchronous.
StateFlow - emit state updates and emit values to consumers.
Lifecycle - dispose of observing data when lifecycle state changes.
ViewModel - UI related data holder, lifecycle aware.
- MVVM Architecture ( DataBinding - ViewModel ).
Retrofit2 & Gson - construct the REST APIs.
Glide - loading images.
Scalable Unit
- text size.
- unit size.
Room Database - local database to keep displaying scanned items even if the app is closed or the phone is rebooted.
Easy Permission - access phone storage.
Shimmer Effect - add shimmer effects when loading data.
Release APK
Go to the App Release to download the latest APK.