IRCCloud Android App


The official Android app for

Chat on IRC from anywhere, and never miss a message.

  • All your chats and logs are stored in the cloud. Access them on the go
  • Push notifications on highlights and PMs
  • Fully syncs with on the web
  • Works on phones and tablets

Join our #feedback channel on for feedback and suggestions so we can improve the app. You can also email us on or find us on Twitter @irccloud.

IRCCloud for Android is available on Google Play.





  • Make sure you've installed the Android 11.0 SDK and upgraded to the latest version of Android Studio
  • Make sure you've updated all support repository and Google Play Services repository packages in the Android SDK manager
  • Check out android-websockets and the IRCCloud Android project from github
  • Open Android studio and select the IRCCloud Android build.gradle file
  • Click Run button for the 'irccloud-android' configuration to automatically deploy the apk to your device

The app can also be built using Gradle from the command-line using the build.gradle file located in the IRCCloud Android project by typing "./gradlew :assembleDebug"

You must uninstall the Play Store version of the app first before installing a debug version, as the signing keys will not match.


Copyright (C) 2021 IRCCloud, Ltd. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

  • Dark theme?

    Dark theme?

    I was wondering if there are any plans to create a dark theme for the client. On the website variant it is possible to use custom stylesheets which on androids is obviously not a thing. I often use the android client late during the day or just before going to sleep, where the light blue theme (As nice as it is) is rather bright and blinding.

    opened by creesch 7
  • Pushy support

    Pushy support

    Some users (such as myself) don't use Google Play Services. Some services such as Fastmail have started implementing support for Pushy notifications which don't go through Google.

    Here is a patch that does pushy registration if Play Services is unavailable. Note that I have tested registration works and notifications can be received. That said, obviously, there would need to be code on the IRCCloud server side to support this--however Pushy's API is nearly identical to Google's.

    (I have no affiliation with Pushy, I just want to use IRCCloud on my phone without Play Services)

    opened by charliewolf 5
  • IRCCloud Enterprise won't connect after upgrade to 3.0 (crash)

    IRCCloud Enterprise won't connect after upgrade to 3.0 (crash)

    Now using 3.1, didn't fix the problem.

    I get push notifications, but when I try to connect to actually read/reply, It says "Connecting" then "Loading" and after the bar gets all the way across, it goes to "Reconnecting in 0:30" and starts counting down. It then loops like that forever.

    Hooking up USB debugging, I see the following stack trace get dumped in the log at the point it switches to "Reconnecting":

    W | 07-02 00:11:19.509 |  6544 |               | IRCCloud                  | java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean java.lang.String.equalsIgnoreCase(java.lang.String)' on a null object reference
    W | 07-02 00:11:19.509 |  6544 |               | IRCCloud                  |    at$9$12.parse(
    W | 07-02 00:11:19.509 |  6544 |               | IRCCloud                  |    at
    W | 07-02 00:11:19.509 |  6544 |               | IRCCloud                  |    at$1300(
    W | 07-02 00:11:19.509 |  6544 |               | IRCCloud                  |    at$OOBIncludeTask.doInBackground(
    W | 07-02 00:11:19.509 |  6544 |               | IRCCloud                  |    at$OOBIncludeTask.doInBackground(
    W | 07-02 00:11:19.509 |  6544 |               | IRCCloud                  |    at android.os.AsyncTask$
    W | 07-02 00:11:19.509 |  6544 |               | IRCCloud                  |    at
    W | 07-02 00:11:19.510 |  6544 |               | IRCCloud                  |    at android.os.AsyncTask$SerialExecutor$
    W | 07-02 00:11:19.510 |  6544 |               | IRCCloud                  |    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
    W | 07-02 00:11:19.510 |  6544 |               | IRCCloud                  |    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
    W | 07-02 00:11:19.510 |  6544 |               | IRCCloud                  |    at
    opened by justdave 4
  • Buffers with a page full of unimportant messages shouldn't be marked unread

    Buffers with a page full of unimportant messages shouldn't be marked unread

    If all the messages in the initial backlog for a buffer are unimportant, but the last seen eid is behind another page of backlog, don't mark the buffer as unread.

    opened by jwheare 4
  • IRCClOUD APP | App crashes when try to signup with only space in email address format

    IRCClOUD APP | App crashes when try to signup with only space in email address format

    Expected behavior

    When i try to signup with single space in email address field the app needs to give me error or alert something like "Please enter valid email address."

    Actual behavior

    When i try to signup by putting single space without any text in email address field, the app crashes.

    How to reproduce

    To reproduce the bug, do the following steps :-

    • Go to app account signup screen.
    • Type Name in name field
    • In email address field just press spacebar, don't type any word only press spacebar. For better understanding watch the video.
    • Fill your password and press signup for an account button. After some seconds the app crashes.
    * Device:  Samsung J7 Prime
    * Operating system: Android 7.0 Nougatt
    * App Version: v4.8.1

    Recording Of The Bug

    Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors

    opened by iamank1t 3
  • Nickname on separate line forces timestamps to right side

    Nickname on separate line forces timestamps to right side

    In the Android 3.0(61) and Android 3.1(62) builds when the option Nicknames on a separate line is enabled, timestamps will be forced to the right side of the screen. Toggling the Right hand side timestamps setting does not fix this issue either. The only way to get timestamps back to the left side appear to be disabling the Nicknames on a separate line options.

    opened by ThiconZ 3
  • ER: Notification Sync

    ER: Notification Sync

    It would be awesome if notifications in IRCCloud synced across devices and even the web app. So if I dismiss a notification on my phone, it will clear on my tablet and on the web app too.

    I believe this is done with Google Cloud Messaging?

    Just an idea, I don't know if its feasible to implement.


    opened by nahun 3
  • IRCCloud gets disconnected --> New server that already exists with SSL --> Refusal --> Log out

    IRCCloud gets disconnected --> New server that already exists with SSL --> Refusal --> Log out

    09:52:06 <Mikaela> I have an issue with the Android client. When IRCCloud gets disconnected from any network (last night I got disconnected from two), the Android client wants to create a new network I refuse, because I already have network and the Android clients logs me out and I am without IRC(Cloud) until I go to LastPass and
    09:52:06 <Mikaela> get my password from there and it's not so easy wih phone.
    opened by Mikaela 3
  • Most recent update is using a version of Google Play Services that my phone does not support

    Most recent update is using a version of Google Play Services that my phone does not support

    With the most recent irccloud app update, I get a prompt that I must update Google Play services. However, on the Google Play store when I view Google Play services it says "Your device isn't compatible with this version".

    My device, a Nexus 6 has Google Play services 6.7.74, running on Android 5.1.

    opened by bramp 2
  • potential races in and

    potential races in and

    Dear developers of irccloud,

    I'm a Ph.D. student and I'm doing research on checking data races for Android apps. I found potential races in and

    In at line 649, "messageTxt" is used in an AsyncTask. Android document suggests that we shouldn't access GUI wedgits out of UI thread. Is this a potential race with other access to "messageTxt" in UI thread (for example, user can change the text of "messageTxt" concurrently, or "messageTxt.setText" is invoked at line 544 and so on). Why not move "messageTxt.getText().toString()" at line 649 to "preExecute" and pass the String to "doInBackground"?

    In at line 1305, "EventsDataSource.getInstance()" is invoked in an AsyncTask and it returns a singleton EventsDataSource object. However, this method is also invoked many times by UI thread, e.g., line 213, 395 and so on. Since this method is not synchronized, it is possible that the EventsDataSource object is created multiple times (thus, not singleton anymore) when invoked concurrently. So we can make this method synchronized.

    Also, at the same line 1305, "" is read in AsyncTask, but "buffer" is also initialized at line 806. I'm not sure if these two statements may happen in parallel. If so, this is also a data race that may lead to bugs.

    What's your opinion?

    Thanks, Yu

    opened by yulin2 2
  • unable to connect to, or remove instances of freenode server

    unable to connect to, or remove instances of freenode server

    galaxy s fascinate stock ota 2.3.5

    when adding freenode through the normal context menus, it seems to freeze at state of disconnected. tap to reconnect.

    cannot delete through long press context either, have made multipLe attempts and it just keeps creating duplicate, un removable instances of the server.

    unsure of steps to reproduce, I don't have any other devices.

    perhaps related to SSL connection type this was only notable difference from expected behavior test paths

    opened by tylerstraub 2
  • Play Store Data Safety Section

    Play Store Data Safety Section

    Hi Team

    In the recent Play Store policy, it will become mandatory for you to fill out the Data Safety Section. Since this is an OSS Android app, it will make sense to have it as a part of the repository as well.

    I have run the scan using my tool here on your repo, attached are the scan results. I found the following:

    3 data types 1 SDK.

    If this is helpful, do use our free tool to generate Play Store Data Safety report:

    Also, do share your feedback & thanks for the OSS app 😄 image

    opened by vaibhavantil1 0
  • [Feature] Add @ as option to auto suggest nicknames if `Suggest nicknames as you type` is turned off

    [Feature] Add @ as option to auto suggest nicknames if `Suggest nicknames as you type` is turned off

    Currently we need to have Suggest nicknames as you type enabled to have nicks auto suggested while typing.

    Although the feature is nice, it's a bit annoying to have half of the screen pledged with suggestions just because 100 nicks match the first two letters of the word we are writing and seems to make the app to lag a little bit.

    Personally, I've disabled auto suggestion and double tap a message to mention a user.

    It would be nice to have an option to disable auto suggestion but to be able to mention a nickname prefixing the word with a @ instead.

    I know that this might conflict with the way IRCCloud deals with Slack mentions, but it would be probably possible to make the app distinguish between normal IRC connections and Slack and auto remove the @ prefix in a normal connection?


    opened by PeGaSuS-Coder 0
  • [Feature] Add a Quote option to automatically copy and paste the chat message into the input field

    [Feature] Add a Quote option to automatically copy and paste the chat message into the input field

    Currently, we need to long press a message, chose Copy message, and then paste it. The Quote feature would do allow us to do that automatically adding a > to the quoted message, useful for direct replies to a question. Also, the quoted message would keep all the text formatting, like bold, italics, etc.

    Example: timestamp <nick> message > reply goes here


    opened by PeGaSuS-Coder 0
  • User prefix and nickname have a space between them on messages copied from the chat

    User prefix and nickname have a space between them on messages copied from the chat

    When we copy a message from the chat in IRCCloud and then we paste it, we got something like: 13:46:09 <+ irccat> [android] c99koder pushed 1 commit to branch master:

    On the application, we don't see any space between the prefix and the nickname, but it appears in the pasted text.

    Seems that somehow, IRCCloud is adding a whitespace between the prefix and the username, when copying the message?

    opened by PeGaSuS-Coder 0
  • "Record a Video" is effectively useless because of the 15MB upload limit

    So it's obvious that IRCCloud uses the built-in camera app to record video, which at least on my device (samsung S10+) results in about 3-4 seconds of video footage before hitting the 15MB upload limit

    the tiny limit you get on irc cloud for uploads aside, most social apps (such as Signal another chat app I use) will process and encode video themselves in order to reduce the bitrate of the video before uploading.

    Currently, if I need to record video that will be uploaded to IRC cloud I first record the video externally to IRCCloud, then use an editing application to trim it down to as short a video as possible then use another application to re-encode the video to fit in the small IRCCloud upload limits.

    This seems non-optimal

    opened by gordallott 0
  • RELEASE_4.29(Dec 23, 2022)

    • Quickly jump between channels • Typing indicators on supported networks • Android 13 themed icon support • Enable message editing on IRCv3 servers that support labeled-response CAP • Fix an issue that prevented Android 5.x and 6.x from connecting to the IRCCloud servers • Stability improvements and minor fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • RELEASE_4.28(May 30, 2022)

    • Emoji 14 :emocode: • Improve JPEG compression when sharing photos • Add a network easily from the channels drawer • Add some additional lines to the WHOIS dialog • Channels and conversations can now be pinned / unpinned from the overflow menu • Stability improvements and minor fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • RELEASE_4.27(Jun 14, 2021)

  • RELEASE_4.26(Feb 9, 2021)

  • RELEASE_4.25(Jan 11, 2021)

  • RELEASE_4.24(Dec 14, 2020)

    • Fix an issue that could unexpectedly switch to a different channel when resuming the app • Updated :emocode: shortcuts • Stability improvements and minor fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • RELEASE_4.23(Sep 30, 2020)

    • Support for Notification Bubbles on Android 11 • Fix /whois menu on networks with hidden servers • Fix colorized mentions appearing incorrectly after editing a message • Stability improvements and minor fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • RELEASE_4.22(Apr 21, 2020)

  • RELEASE_4.21(Mar 13, 2020)

    • Support for managing avatars on IRCv3 servers • Fix an issue that could cause the long-press menu to show data for the wrong message • Stability improvements and minor fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • RELEASE_4.20.1(Dec 18, 2019)

    • Fix 'Open in Browser' menu item in the pastebin viewer • Emoji 12.1 :emocodes: • Sort nick completion suggestions by highlights, recently spoken, and then alphabetically • Stability improvements and minor fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • RELEASE_4.20(Dec 12, 2019)

    • The loading spinner on the archives header should no longer appear unexpectedly when resuming the app • Show join/parts channel setting now correctly overrides the global join/part setting • Speed up backlog loading times for Slack connections • Tapping an avatar will now display a larger version • Improved detection of hyperlinks • Removed unexpected formatting codes when copying join/part/quit lines • Stability improvements and minor fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • RELEASE_4.19(Jul 24, 2019)

    • Prompt before joining channels when opening links • Archived and deleted channels and conversations should no longer re-appear in the drawer • Improved detection of links when using the single line message layout • Stability improvements and minor fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • RELEASE_4.18(Jun 20, 2019)

    • Edited messages no longer get detached from their reply thread • Fix loading public IRCCloud avatars when hostmask begins with a ~ • Dynamic launcher shortcuts for recent channels • Support the new sharing interface in Android Q • Add a setting to automatically choose a theme based on the Android Q system dark theme setting or the battery saver status on Android 5.0+ • Phone numbers, addresses, and other types of data can now be detected in messages on Android 9.0+ • Stability improvements and minor fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • RELEASE_4.17(May 3, 2019)

    • Add an option to disable displaying IRC colors per-channel and globally • Improved performance while scrolling and displaying channels with a large number of collapsed joins/parts/quits • Fixed HTML entities appearing when editing messages • Stability improvements and minor fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • RELEASE_4.16(Mar 29, 2019)

    • Add an option to mute notifications for individual channels and conversations • Support for managing the chanfilter (+g) channel mode list • Stability improvements and minor fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • RELEASE_4.15(Mar 4, 2019)

    • Added collapsible networks • Added the ability to start a new private conversation with any nickname when you press and hold in the network list • Improved notifications support on Android 8.0+ • Removed support for DashClock as it is no longer being maintained • Stability improvements and minor fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • RELEASE_4.14(Nov 19, 2018)

    • Fix display of /watch and /monitor events • Fix "(edited)" indicator appearing incorrectly on Slack connections • Stability improvements and minor fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • RELEASE_4.13(Oct 18, 2018)

    • Support for editing and deleting messages on Slack and IRCCloud Teams • Fix an issue that could prevent half-ops from editing the ban list • Stability improvements and minor fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • RELEASE_4.12(Sep 19, 2018)

    • Added /help dialog • Fixed an issue that prevented files containing multi-byte unicode filenames from being uploaded • Stability improvements and minor fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • RELEASE_4.11(Jul 31, 2018)

    • Add a setting to always hide the user list on tablets • Fixed an issue that prevented you from changing your email address in the app's settings • Improved the expand/collapse indicators at various font sizes • Fixed scrolling and dragging when re-ordering the connections list • Message text is no longer cleared when switching between split screen apps • Removed support for Android versions older than 4.2 • Removed support for Sony LiveWare devices • Stability improvements and minor fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • RELEASE_4.10(Jul 9, 2018)

    • Add a setting to always hide the user list on tablets • Fix the change email address dialog • Fix copying /me messages to the clipboard • Stability improvements and minor fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • RELEASE_4.9(May 22, 2018)

    • Reply threads on Slack connections and IRCCloud team servers • Mentions can now optionally be colourised • Show Gravatar avatars if available for users with an email address in their real name field if an IRCCloud public avatar hasn't been uploaded • Emoji suggestions no longer insert a @ on Slack connections • Per-channel collapse join/part/quit setting now correctly overrides the global setting • Add a link to view a user's Slack profile in the long press menu • Stability improvements and minor fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • RELEASE_4.8.2(Feb 20, 2018)

    • Fix an issue that could prevent the /LIST command from showing any results • Fix an issue that could cause the app to disconnect and reconnect unexpectedly • Stability improvements and minor fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • RELEASE_4.8.1(Feb 15, 2018)

  • RELEASE_4.8(Feb 13, 2018)

    Public Avatars

    You can now choose an image to use as a public avatar visible to other IRCCloud users. Take a photo or choose a picture from your account settings screen and make sure you have both the "User icons" and "Avatars" settings enabled in the "Message Layout" settings.

    Faces can make IRC a friendlier place, but feel free to just use a picture of your dog or favourite eldritch symbol if you prefer!

    • Adjust spacing between mode symbols and nicks when using the monospace font • More :emocode: shortcuts • Stability improvements and minor fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • RELEASE_4.7(Jan 24, 2018)

    • This update fixes a vulnerability that could expose private data to malicious third party applications • Stability improvements and minor fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • RELEASE_4.6(Jan 8, 2018)

    • Add an option to rename PMs and parted channels • Fix an issue that could prevent messages from being displayed if they contain certain mIRC color codes • Stability improvements and minor fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • RELEASE_4.5.1(Dec 14, 2017)

    • Fix an issue that could cause the channel list to be sorted in the wrong order • Improved downloading file attachments when tapping on thumbnails • Stability improvements and minor fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • RELEASE_4.5(Dec 11, 2017)

    • Improved support for Slack multi-person DMs • Slack-style @mention suggestions on Slack IRC gateway connections • Enabled hyperlinks in imgur / instagram thumbnail descriptions • Stability improvements and minor fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • RELEASE_4.4(Nov 13, 2017)

    • Reduced app size by downloading the emoji font separately • Display the channel URL (if available) when viewing the topic / modes dialog • Fix an issue opening downloaded logs in other apps • Stability improvements and minor fixes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
IRCCloud Ltd.
Chat on IRC from anywhere, and never miss a message
IRCCloud Ltd.
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