A Viewholderless Adapter for RecyclerView, who supports builtin diffing, states (paging, empty...), events (clicking, swiping...), and more.




Android Arsenal Android Weekly CN

OneAdapter is made to simplify and enhance the use of the RecyclerView's Adapter while preventing common mistakes. With multiple modules and hooks, you don't have to think about writing an adapter anymore, and just focus on what matters.

For better understanding what drove me to write this library and what use cases it solves best, please refer to my Medium post: https://medium.com/@idanatsmon/adapting-your-recyclerview-the-2019-approach-e47edf2fc4f3

What's new:

Version 2.0.0 is out with a brand new Kotlin API!
Kotlin is now the first priority of this library and as such comes a full API change, every Module, Hook and State is now created using dedicated DSLs.
Check the example below or sample project for reference for Kotlin & Java use.


Include in your project

Root build.gradle:

allprojects {
 repositories {
    maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }

App build.gradle:

dependencies {
  implementation "com.github.idanatz:OneAdapter:${LATEST_VERSION}"

Note that library interfaces and API may change slightly while the library design matures.
Please see the changes in the CHANGELOG file before upgrading.



You can try out the example project that includes basic and advanced usage in Kotlin.


Basic Usage

1. Implement Item Module

Item Modules are used for the creation and binding of all ViewHolders for you. In the onBind method, you will receive as a parameter the model associated with this view and a ViewBinder class that lets you find (and cache) the views defined in the associated layout file.

class MessageModule : ItemModule<MessageModel>() {
    init {
        config {
            layoutResource = R.layout.message_model
        onBind { model, viewBinder, metadata ->
            val title = viewBinder.findViewById<TextView>(R.id.title)
            title.text = model.title
        onUnbind { model, viewBinder, metadata ->
            // unbind logic like stop animation, release webview resources, etc.

2. Implement Diffable

The Adapter is calculating the difference between its current data and the modified data on a background thread and posting the result to the main thread. In order for this magic to work without writing tons of DiffUtil.Callback, your models need to implement one simple interface:

class MessageModel : Diffable {
    private val id: Long = 0L
    private val title: String? = null

    override val uniqueIdentifier: Long = id
    override fun areContentTheSame(other: Any): Boolean = other is MessageModel && title == other.title

3. Attach To OneAdapter & Use

val oneAdapter = OneAdapter(recyclerView) {
    itemModule += MessageModule()

Advanced Usage


Multiple Types

Have more than one view type? not a problem, just create another ItemModule and attach it to OneAdapter in the same way.

1. Implement Multiple Item Modules

class MessageModule : ItemModule<MessageModel> { ... }
class StoryModule : ItemModule<StoryModel> { ... }

2. Attach To OneAdapter

val oneAdapter = OneAdapter(recyclerView) {
    itemModule += MessageModule()
    itemModule += StoryModule()

Paging Module

Paging Module is used for creating and binding a specific ViewHolder at the end of the list when the Adapter reaches a load more state. The visible threshold configuration is used to indicate how many items before the end of the list the onLoadMore callback should be invoked.

1. Implement Paging Modules

class PagingModuleImpl : PagingModule() {
    init {
        config {
            layoutResource = R.layout.load_more // can be some spinner animation
            visibleThreshold = 3 // invoke onLoadMore 3 items before the end
        onLoadMore { currentPage ->
            // place your load more logic here, like asking the ViewModel to load the next page of data.

2. Attach To OneAdapter

val oneAdapter = OneAdapter(recyclerView) {
    // itemModule += ...
    pagingModule = PagingModuleImpl()

Emptiness Module

Emptiness Module is used for creating and binding a specific ViewHolder when the Adapter has no data to render.

1. Implement Emptiness Modules

class EmptinessModuleImpl : EmptinessModule() {
    init {
    	config {
            layoutResource = R.layout.empty_state
        onBind { viewBinder, metadata -> ... }
        onUnbind { viewBinder, metadata -> ... }

2. Attach To OneAdapter

val oneAdapter = OneAdapter(recyclerView) {
    // itemModule += ...
    emptinessModule = EmptinessModuleImpl()

Selection Module

Selection Module is used for enabling single or multiple selection on Items.

1. Implement Selection Modules

class ItemSelectionModuleImpl : ItemSelectionModule() {
    init {
    	config {
            selectionType = SelectionType.Multiple // Or SelectionType.Single
        onStartSelection {
            // place your general selection logic here, like changing the toolbar text to indicate the selected count.
        onUpdateSelection { selectedCount -> ... }
        onEndSelection { ... }

2. Implement Selection State

class MessageModule : ItemModule<MessageModel>() {
    init {
        // config, onBind, etc...
        states += SelectionState<MessageModel>().apply {
            config {
                enabled = true // decide if the selection should be enabled for this model, true by default
                selectionTrigger = SelectionTrigger.LongClick // decide what trigger the selection, long or regular click
            onSelected { model, selected ->
                // insert your selected logic here. 
                // right after this call you will receive an onBind call in order to reflect your changes on the relevant Item Module.

3. Attach To OneAdapter

val oneAdapter = OneAdapter(recyclerView) {
    itemModule += MessageModule()
    itemSelectionModule = ItemSelectionModuleImpl()

Event Hooks

Item Modules can easily be enhanced with event hooks to get access to common events like clicking or swiping on an item.

Click Event Hook

Click Hook can be attached in order to recieve click events on an item.

1. Implement Click Event Hook

class MessageModule : ItemModule<MessageModel>() {
    init {
        // config, onBind, etc...
        eventHooks += ClickEventHook<MessageModel>().apply {
            onClick { model, viewBinder, metadata -> 
                // place your on click logic here. 

2. Attach To OneAdapter

val oneAdapter = OneAdapter(recyclerView) {
    itemModule += MessageModule()

Swipe Event Hook

Swipe Hook can be attached in order to receive swiping (during and when completed) events on an item.

1. Implement Swipe Event Hook

class MessageModule : ItemModule<MessageModel>() {
    init {
        // config, onBind, etc...
        eventHooks += SwipeEventHook<MessageModel>().apply {
            config {
                swipeDirection = listOf(SwipeEventHook.SwipeDirection.Start, SwipeEventHook.SwipeDirection.End)
            onSwipe { canvas, xAxisOffset, viewBinder ->
                // draw your swipe UI here.
                // like painting the canvas red with a delete icon.
            onSwipeComplete { model, viewBinder, metadata ->
                // place your swipe logic here.
                // like removing an item after it was swiped right.

2. Attach To OneAdapter

val oneAdapter = OneAdapter(recyclerView) {
    itemModule += MessageModule()


First Bind Animation

The provided Animator will be animated on the first bind of the corresponding ItemModule's models.

class MessageModule : ItemModule<MessageModel>() {
    init {
        config {
            layoutResource = R.layout.message_model
            // can be implemented by inflating Animator Xml
            firstBindAnimation = AnimatorInflater.loadAnimator(this@FirstBindAnimationActivity, R.animator.item_animation_example)
            // or can be implemented by constructing ObjectAnimator
            firstBindAnimation = ObjectAnimator().apply {
                propertyName = "translationX"
                setFloatValues(-1080f, 0f)
                duration = 750
        onBind { model, viewBinder, metadata -> ... }

View Binding

Built in support for Android View Binding (https://developer.android.com/topic/libraries/view-binding) Full example is provided in the example project.

class MessageModule : ItemModule<MessageModel>() {
    init {
        config {
            layoutResource = R.layout.message_model
        onBind { model, viewBinder, _ ->
            viewBinder.bindings(MessageModelBinding::bind).run {
                title.text = model.title
                body.text = model.body

Data Binding

Built in support for Android Data Binding (https://developer.android.com/topic/libraries/data-binding) Full example is provided in the example project.

class MessageModule : ItemModule<ObservableMessageModel>() {
    init {
        config {
            layoutResource = R.layout.message_model
        onBind { model, viewBinder, metadata ->
            viewBinder.dataBinding?.run {
                setVariable(BR.messageModel, model)
                lifecycleOwner = this@DataBindingActivity


Copyright (c) 2019 Idan Atsmon

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


  • Invalid view holder adapter position

    Invalid view holder adapter position

    Hi, the library is really great due to its modular design. It really does help a lot.

    Unfortunately I have encountered an issue. I will first show some code, but I do not have a small, executable example at the moment, I might add it later.

    My code uses the OneAdapter as follows:

    Within the fragment:

    recyclerView = view.findViewById(R.id.ingredients_list);
    recyclerView.setLayoutManager(new LinearLayoutManager(getActivity()));
    oneAdapter = new OneAdapter(recyclerView);
    oneAdapter.attachEmptinessModule(new PantryEmptinessModule());
    oneAdapter.attachPagingModule(new PantryPagingModule());
    oneAdapter.attachItemModule(new PantryItemModule());

    Within prepopulateAdapter (on main thread):

    oneAdapter.add(recipes); //recipes is an ArrayList

    Within PantryPagingModule:

    public PagingModuleConfig provideModuleConfig() {
        return new PagingModuleConfig() {
            public int withVisibleThreshold() {
                return 3;
            public int withLayoutResource() {
                return R.layout.load_more_item;
    public void onLoadMore(int i) {
         //Recipes are obtained in the background...
         //on main thread
          oneAdapter.add(recipes); //recipes is an ArrayList

    The item looks as follows:

        public int id;
        @ColumnInfo(name = "name")
        public String name;
        @ColumnInfo(name = "amount")
        public int amount;
        public boolean areContentTheSame(@NotNull Object o) {
            if (!(o instanceof Recipe)) {
                return false;
            Ingredient other = (Recipe) o;
            boolean names = this.name.equals(other.name);
            boolean amount = this.amount == other.amount;
            return names && amount;
        public long getUniqueIdentifier() {
            return id;

    And the error message that sometimes comes when scrolling is:

    ava.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Inconsistency detected. Invalid view holder adapter positionViewHolder

    Now, I have no idea where this error might come from. Maybe we can find a solution to this and fix it. If any more information is needed, I'll be happy to help. Thanks in advance.

    opened by Minification 24
  • use setItem, but the onBind method not be invoke

    use setItem, but the onBind method not be invoke

    i use setItem(), the onBind{} not be invoke, but UI has changed a little, and then i try invoke notifyDataSetChanged() of recycleview's adapter on next line, the onBind{} is invoked. when i want to delete an item, i use the data to setItem() that has been deleted the item, but the onBind{} not working, throught i have invoke notifyDataSetChanged() on next line, like this: oneAdapterForOther?.setItems(it) sharedForOtherRecycler?.adapter?.notifyDataSetChanged()

    opened by SoBeautifulChicken 12
  • Inconsistency detected. Invalid view holder adapter positionViewHolder

    Inconsistency detected. Invalid view holder adapter positionViewHolder

    I followed a basic usage tutorial and I got a exception:

    Process: com.example, PID: 13642
        java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Inconsistency detected. Invalid view holder adapter positionViewHolder{232efed position=2 id=-969824770, oldPos=0, pLpos:0 scrap [attachedScrap] tmpDetached no parent} androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView{3f2d670 VFED..... ......I. 0,0-1080,1516 #7f0900e6 app:id/recyclerView}, adapter:com.idanatz.oneadapter.internal.InternalAdapter@65b9de9, layout:androidx.recyclerview.widget.LinearLayoutManager@a556a6e, context:com.example.MainActivity@6c3203e
            at androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView$Recycler.validateViewHolderForOffsetPosition(RecyclerView.java:5953)
            at androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView$Recycler.tryGetViewHolderForPositionByDeadline(RecyclerView.java:6137)
            at androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView$Recycler.getViewForPosition(RecyclerView.java:6097)
            at androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView$Recycler.getViewForPosition(RecyclerView.java:6093)
            at androidx.recyclerview.widget.LinearLayoutManager$LayoutState.next(LinearLayoutManager.java:2303)
            at androidx.recyclerview.widget.LinearLayoutManager.layoutChunk(LinearLayoutManager.java:1627)
            at androidx.recyclerview.widget.LinearLayoutManager.fill(LinearLayoutManager.java:1587)
            at androidx.recyclerview.widget.LinearLayoutManager.onLayoutChildren(LinearLayoutManager.java:665)
            at androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView.dispatchLayoutStep1(RecyclerView.java:4066)
            at androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView.onMeasure(RecyclerView.java:3515)
            at android.view.View.measure(View.java:24510)
            at android.view.ViewGroup.measureChildWithMargins(ViewGroup.java:6828)
            at android.widget.LinearLayout.measureChildBeforeLayout(LinearLayout.java:1552)
            at android.widget.LinearLayout.measureVertical(LinearLayout.java:842)
            at android.widget.LinearLayout.onMeasure(LinearLayout.java:721)
            at android.view.View.measure(View.java:24510)
            at android.view.ViewGroup.measureChildWithMargins(ViewGroup.java:6828)
            at android.widget.FrameLayout.onMeasure(FrameLayout.java:194)
            at android.view.View.measure(View.java:24510)
            at androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView$LayoutManager.measureChildWithMargins(RecyclerView.java:9352)
            at androidx.recyclerview.widget.LinearLayoutManager.layoutChunk(LinearLayoutManager.java:1653)
            at androidx.recyclerview.widget.LinearLayoutManager.fill(LinearLayoutManager.java:1587)
            at androidx.recyclerview.widget.LinearLayoutManager.onLayoutChildren(LinearLayoutManager.java:665)
            at androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView.dispatchLayoutStep2(RecyclerView.java:4115)
            at androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView.onMeasure(RecyclerView.java:3521)
            at android.view.View.measure(View.java:24510)
            at android.view.ViewGroup.measureChild(ViewGroup.java:6799)
            at androidx.viewpager2.widget.ViewPager2.onMeasure(ViewPager2.java:482)
            at android.view.View.measure(View.java:24510)
            at android.widget.RelativeLayout.measureChildHorizontal(RelativeLayout.java:735)
            at android.widget.RelativeLayout.onMeasure(RelativeLayout.java:481)
            at android.view.View.measure(View.java:24510)
            at android.view.ViewGroup.measureChildWithMargins(ViewGroup.java:6828)
            at android.widget.LinearLayout.measureChildBeforeLayout(LinearLayout.java:1552)
            at android.widget.LinearLayout.measureVertical(LinearLayout.java:842)
            at android.widget.LinearLayout.onMeasure(LinearLayout.java:721)
            at android.view.View.measure(View.java:24510)
            at android.widget.ScrollView.measureChildWithMargins(ScrollView.java:1414)
            at android.widget.FrameLayout.onMeasure(FrameLayout.java:194)
            at android.widget.ScrollView.onMeasure(ScrollView.java:452)
            at android.view.View.measure(View.java:24510)
            at android.view.ViewGroup.measureChildWithMargins(ViewGroup.java:6828)
            at android.widget.FrameLayout.onMeasure(FrameLayout.java:194)
            at androidx.appcompat.widget.ContentFrameLayout.onMeasure(ContentFrameLayout.java:143)
            at android.view.View.measure(View.java:24510)
    2019-08-13 12:33:05.879 13642-13642/com.example E/AndroidRuntime:     at android.view.ViewGroup.measureChildWithMargins(ViewGroup.java:6828)
            at android.widget.LinearLayout.measureChildBeforeLayout(LinearLayout.java:1552)
            at android.widget.LinearLayout.measureVertical(LinearLayout.java:842)
            at android.widget.LinearLayout.onMeasure(LinearLayout.java:721)
            at android.view.View.measure(View.java:24510)
            at android.view.ViewGroup.measureChildWithMargins(ViewGroup.java:6828)
            at android.widget.FrameLayout.onMeasure(FrameLayout.java:194)
            at android.view.View.measure(View.java:24510)
            at android.view.ViewGroup.measureChildWithMargins(ViewGroup.java:6828)
            at android.widget.LinearLayout.measureChildBeforeLayout(LinearLayout.java:1552)
            at android.widget.LinearLayout.measureVertical(LinearLayout.java:842)
            at android.widget.LinearLayout.onMeasure(LinearLayout.java:721)
            at android.view.View.measure(View.java:24510)
            at android.view.ViewGroup.measureChildWithMargins(ViewGroup.java:6828)
            at android.widget.FrameLayout.onMeasure(FrameLayout.java:194)
            at com.android.internal.policy.DecorView.onMeasure(DecorView.java:736)
            at android.view.View.measure(View.java:24510)
            at android.view.ViewRootImpl.performMeasure(ViewRootImpl.java:3004)
            at android.view.ViewRootImpl.measureHierarchy(ViewRootImpl.java:1833)
            at android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals(ViewRootImpl.java:2122)
            at android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal(ViewRootImpl.java:1721)
            at android.view.ViewRootImpl$TraversalRunnable.run(ViewRootImpl.java:7595)
            at android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord.run(Choreographer.java:966)
            at android.view.Choreographer.doCallbacks(Choreographer.java:790)
            at android.view.Choreographer.doFrame(Choreographer.java:725)
            at android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver.run(Choreographer.java:951)
            at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:883)
            at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:100)
            at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:214)
            at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:7319)
            at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
            at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:492)
            at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:934)

    Below you can find my classes.


    class Model(private val id: Long) : Diffable {
        override fun areContentTheSame(other: Any) = other is Model && other.id == id
        override fun getUniqueIdentifier() = id


    class ExampleItemModule : ItemModule<Model>() {
        override fun onBind(model: Model, viewBinder: ViewBinder) {
            //unused for now
        override fun provideModuleConfig(): ItemModuleConfig = object : ItemModuleConfig() {
            override fun withLayoutResource() = R.layout.example_item

    Adapter initialization:

    recyclerView.layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(context)
    val oneAdapter = OneAdapter()
    oneAdapter.setItems(listOf(Model(1L), Model(2L)))

    I execute all of the code on the main thread, so modification on the background thread is not the reason for the exception. I would be very grateful if you consider my request ASAP.

    opened by patrykserek 12
  • SetItems very slow

    SetItems very slow

    Disclaimer: I measured the execution time of this function by displaying timestamp just before and just after call. Apparently, it only takes 1ms to execute. If this function does not use different threads, the problem may not come from it.

    I am trying to display some objects but it seems to be taking much longer than expected. The GUI freezes for 6~7s so I am sure it's a process executed on the Main Thread.

    Here my Diffable :

    class ExpansionDiffable(val expansion: Expansion): Diffable {
        override fun areContentTheSame(other: Any): Boolean {
            return other is ExpansionDiffable
                    && other.expansion.count == expansion.count
                    && other.expansion.countOwned == expansion.countOwned
                    && other.expansion.price == expansion.price
                    && other.expansion.priceOwned == expansion.priceOwned
                    && other.expansion.body == expansion.body
        override fun getUniqueIdentifier(): Long {
            return expansion.idExpansion.toLong()

    And here my Module

    class ExpansionModule: ItemModule<ExpansionDiffable>() {
        override fun onBind(model: ExpansionDiffable, viewBinder: ViewBinder) {
            val name: TextView = viewBinder.findViewById(R.id.name)
            val progress: CircleProgressView = viewBinder.findViewById(R.id.progress)
            val abbreviation: TextView = viewBinder.findViewById(R.id.abbreviation)
            val count: TextView = viewBinder.findViewById(R.id.count)
            val worth: TextView = viewBinder.findViewById(R.id.worth)
            val releaseDate: TextView = viewBinder.findViewById(R.id.releaseDate)
            name.text = model.expansion.name
            abbreviation.text = model.expansion.abbreviation
            releaseDate.text = model.expansion.releaseDateLimited
            if (!model.expansion.isReleased)
                releaseDate.textColor = context.getColor(R.color.red_A200)
                releaseDate.textColor = context.getColor(R.color.md_black_1000)
            count.text = "${model.expansion.countOwned}/${model.expansion.count}"
            worth.text = model.expansion.priceOwned.toPriceString()
        override fun provideModuleConfig(): ItemModuleConfig = object: ItemModuleConfig() {
            override fun withLayoutResource(): Int = R.layout.expansion_module

    For information, there are around 500 Expansions to display. Do you think that the slowdown observed could come from your library?

    opened by NoahReyson 10
  • Multiple ViewType

    Multiple ViewType


    I have this use case. Show admob native Ads in the recycler view. I can use multi modulo adapter, but how can i show Every 3 items of the modulo A, One item of the module B?

    Thanks a lot

    opened by francescogatto 9
  • CalledFromWrongThreadException in 2.1.0

    CalledFromWrongThreadException in 2.1.0

    Hello, thanks for update.

    Seems like calling oneAdapter.setItems(...) from background thread no longer supported in 2.1.0, but works fine in 2.0.2. Is it expected behaviour?


    lifecycleScope.launch(Dispatchers.Default) {
        val items = ...


    2021-04-05 10:48:06.193 29570-29650/a.b.c E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: DefaultDispatcher-worker-2
        Process: a.b.c, PID: 29570
        android.view.ViewRootImpl$CalledFromWrongThreadException: Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views.
            at android.view.ViewRootImpl.checkThread(ViewRootImpl.java:8648)
            at android.view.ViewRootImpl.requestLayout(ViewRootImpl.java:1533)

    Seems like this can easily be fixed with: withContext(Dispatchers.Main) { oneAdapter.setItems(items) }, but probably this should be done on the library side for backwards compatibility?

    bug resolved in the next version 
    opened by vellrya 9
  • Get Emptiness module programmatically

    Get Emptiness module programmatically

    Hi! very nice library I'm trying to change programmatically text and lottieview of the emptiness module. This is my flow:

    1. show emptiness module
    2. loading some data in recycler view
    3. swipe to refresh and data now is empty
    4. emptiness module is not showing


    1. show emptiness module
    2. loading some data in recycler view
    3. search for some data
    4. data is empty
    5. show emptiness module with a text like "Nothing found during the research"


    bug resolved in the next version 
    opened by francescogatto 9
  • Scroll to first added element

    Scroll to first added element

    Hello, I use MVVM pattern with OneAdapter in my app. When new element added to 0 position in items list, we need to manually scroll up to see recently added element. If, for example, new element has index 1, then all work correct and there is animation of adding element. Do you know any way to automatically scroll to top of list when new element has index 0 and old element with index 0 was visible by user before updating? Or, probably, scroll to top of list always - it also acceptable for me)

    Short code fragment to update adapter:

            dialogViewModel.allDialogs.observe(this) { dialogs ->

    Update: When elements in the list takes smaller space then available on screen, animation of adding element with 0 index works correct, but after empty space on screen left, list just stop updating even if the user is at the very beginning of the list and expects to see new items from the top.

    opened by vellrya 7
  • Adapter stops loading data if scrolled rapidly

    Adapter stops loading data if scrolled rapidly

    I am using OneAdapter along with the Paging module to load images gradually from an API. The problem is that if I scroll the list rapidly the paging stops and no more data is loaded after 3-4 pages.

    I am attaching the all the necessary code that I am using below.


    class HomeFragment : BaseFragment() {
    private val viewModel by viewModel<HomeViewModel>() // Lazy inject ViewModel
    private lateinit var homeAdapter: OneAdapter
    override fun onCreateView(
        inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?,
        savedInstanceState: Bundle?
    ): View? {
        // Inflate the layout for this fragment
        return inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_home, container, false)
    override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
    private fun setupRecyclerView() {
        rvHome.layoutManager = GridLayoutManager(context, 2)
        homeAdapter = OneAdapter()
    private fun observeImagesLiveData() {
        viewModel.getPicsumImages(1).observe(this, Observer { result ->
            when (result) {
                is Result.Loading -> {
                is Result.Success<*> -> {
                    val imagesList = result.data as List<PicsumPhoto>
                is Result.Error -> {


    class HomeItem(context: Context) : ItemModule<PicsumPhoto>() {
    private val displayMetrics = context.resources.displayMetrics
    private val columnWidth = displayMetrics.widthPixels / 2
    override fun provideModuleConfig() = object : ItemModuleConfig() {
        override fun withLayoutResource() = R.layout.item_home
    override fun onBind(model: PicsumPhoto, viewBinder: ViewBinder) {
        val mainImage: ImageView = viewBinder.findViewById(R.id.ivMainHomeItem)
        mainImage.apply {
            layoutParams.height = columnWidth
            layoutParams.width = columnWidth


    class HomePagingModule(private val homeViewModel: HomeViewModel) : PagingModule() {
    override fun provideModuleConfig() = object : PagingModuleConfig() {
        override fun withLayoutResource() = R.layout.load_more
        override fun withVisibleThreshold() = 3
    override fun onLoadMore(currentPage: Int) {
        homeViewModel.getPicsumImages(currentPage + 1)
    opened by mehul4795 6
  • View Binding with Kotlin 1.6.0 not working

    View Binding with Kotlin 1.6.0 not working

    Hey there,

    as of today i tried migrating an older app and now i am required to use Kotlins Android View Binding with kotlin 1.6.0.

    I followed the example in the readme but i cant make it to work. This is how my code looks:

    class DiscoveredDeviceModule(
        val context: Context,
        private val callback: DeviceModuleCallbackListener?
    ) : ItemModule<DiffableDevice>() {
        init {
            config {
                layoutResource = R.layout.component_discover_bt_list_item
                firstBindAnimation = AnimatorInflater.loadAnimator(
            onBind { item, viewBinder, _ ->
                viewBinder.bindings(ComponentDiscoverBtListItemBinding::bind).run {
                    btListItemTitle.text = item.getReadableName(context.resources)
                    // PushDownAnim.setPushDownAnimTo(btListItemWrapper)
                    btListItemWrapper.setOnClickListener {
                        btListItemProgress.visibility = View.VISIBLE
        interface DeviceModuleCallbackListener {
            fun onClick(device: DiffableDevice) {}

    Everytime the onBind should have been called, nothing appears in the view. Any help?

    The version i'm using is 2.1.1

    opened by vsxed 5
  • Can we call next page with Paging Module to load without scrolling

    Can we call next page with Paging Module to load without scrolling

    Hi @ironsrc,

    Thanks for the library. Have been using it quite a number of my projects but have recently ran into a problem that the API response has only 10 items and the UI doesn't cover whole page and due to that the scroll event of recyclerview is not called.

    Is there any way or function can make the Paging module load the next page without scrolling.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    bug resolved in the next version 
    opened by palVikas9 5
  • Question:Paging with Room Datasource

    Question:Paging with Room Datasource

    Hi, this is more a question than an issue, related to Room Datasource+LiveData PagedList. I want to use selectable item feature of the OneAdapter, so i am trying to change currently working RecyclerView with PagedListAdapter. But for OneAdapter, i need to ask PagedList from Room datasource to load next items , which i could not find how can it be done. As i understand PagedListAdapter requests next loading of items automatically by calculating Item size and recyclerview viewport size. and calls pagedlist.loadAround(Int) . I am not sure about the Int value passed here, its probably the internally maintained enumerated index of current list. I could not find how can i request next page to load in viewmodel. Did anyone can direct me how to use Room Paging Datasource with OneAdapter.?

    OneAdapter Impl

    object OneAdapters {
        fun create(recyclerView: RecyclerView, onClick:(ModelEntity)->Unit,onCurrentBind:(Int)->Unit,loadMoreCall:(Int)->Unit) =OneAdapter(recyclerView){
        internal class ExperimentModelItem(onClick: (ModelEntity) -> Unit,onCurrentBind: (Int) -> Unit) : ItemModule<ModelEntity>() {
            init {
                config {
                    layoutResource = R.layout.item_tile_list
                onBind { model, viewBinder, metadata ->
                    viewBinder.bindings(ItemTileListBinding::bind).run {
                        title.text = model.modelname
                        model.modified_at?.let { d ->
                            subtitle.text = "modified ${DateFormatHelper.readable(d)}"
                onUnbind { model, viewBinder, _ ->
                eventHooks += ClickEventHook<ModelEntity>().apply {
                    onClick { model, viewBinder, _ ->
        internal class PagingModuleImpl(loadMoreCall:(Int)->Unit) : PagingModule() {
            init {
                config {
                    layoutResource = R.layout.item_loading_progress// can be some spinner animation
                    visibleThreshold = 0 // invoke onLoadMore 3 items before the end
                onLoadMore { currentPage ->
                    // place your load more logic here, like asking the ViewModel to load the next page of data.


    private var mListMaxPosition: Int = 0
        private val mRecyclerAdapter: OneAdapter by lazy {
            OneAdapters.create(binding.explistActivityRecylerview, onClick = {
                // navigate
                onCurrentBind = {
                    if (it > mListMaxPosition)
                        mListMaxPosition = it 
                loadMoreCall = {


     val factory =repo.getAllModelsFactory()
            val config = PagedList.Config.Builder()
                .setEnablePlaceholders(false) // when true, the oneadapter's internal adapter crash on validating list having null models   
            val pagedListBuilder: LivePagedListBuilder<Int, ModelEntity>  = LivePagedListBuilder<Int,ModelEntity>(
    models=pagedListBuilder.build() // observed LiveData in activity
    fun    onLoadMore(currentPage:Int) // called from activity, 
       models.value?.let {
         // it.loadAround(currentPage) // max intPosition comming from activity
        //it.loadAround(it.lastKey as Int)
    opened by thexaib 2
  • 2.1.3(Dec 15, 2022)

  • 2.1.2(Dec 10, 2022)

  • v2.1.1(May 17, 2021)

    Version 2.1.1

    • Added: new selection trigger - Manual
    • Added: support for Android view binding
    • Fixed: selection metadata not updated correctly
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v2.1.0(Apr 4, 2021)

    Version 2.1.0

    • Updated: internal diffing mechanism to fix the famous inconsistency crash
    • Updated: removed deprecated bitray publish and moved to jitpack
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v2.0.2(Jan 25, 2021)

    Version 2.0.2

    • Added: new selection trigger - Manual
    • Added: support for Android view binding
    • Fixed: selection metadata not updated correctly
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v2.0.1(Oct 20, 2020)

  • v2.0.0(Sep 5, 2020)

    Version 2.0.0

    • Breaking Changes: Kotlin is now the first priority of this library and as such comes a full API change, every Module, Hook and State is now created using dedicated DSLs
    • Added:
      • Ability to trigger selection with click and long click
      • More "update" function to OneAdapter API
      • More tests
    • Fixed: bug in paging threshold not calculated correctly
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.5.2(Jul 1, 2020)

    Version 1.5.2

    • Improved ItemSelectionModule with the ability to:
      • Start manual selection
      • New callbacks: onSelectionStarted, onSelectionEnded
      • New queries: isSelectionActive & isPositionSelected
    • Improved SwipeEventHook with Up and Down swipe direction support
    • Breaking Changes:
      • Right and Left swiping direction changed to Start and End for better support LTR and RTL
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.5.1(Jul 1, 2020)

    Version 1.5.1

    • Fixed Bug: recycler view crash due to race condition with background and ui threads while request multiple diffing quickly
    • Breaking Changes:
      • Wrapped event hooks models with Item object in order to get additional information like item position, isSelected, etc... (using the Metadata object)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.5.0(Jul 1, 2020)

    Version 1.5.0

    • Fixed Bug: clear() not triggering onBind of emptiness module when the adapter was already empty
    • Breaking Changes:
      • Wrapped each model with Item object in all module's OnBind and onUnbind call in order to get additional information like item position, isSelected, etc... (using the Metadata object)
      • Removed modules actions class, each module now holds its own actions
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.4.1(Jul 1, 2020)

    Version 1.4.1

    • Added the ability to get view types from the adapter to support GridLayoutManager.SpanSizeLookup
    • Added more tests to cover paging
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.4.0(Jul 1, 2020)

    Version 1.4.0

    • Added support for ButterKnife and DataBinding
    • Added more utility functions like item visibility
    • Added examples for nested RecyclerView, ButterKnife and DataBinding in the sample project
    • Fixed Bug: Sync issues with background and ui threads when using nested RecyclerViews with OneAdapter
    • Breaking Changes:
      • ViewBinder getRootView function changed to a property
      • Added HookConfig for SwipeEventHook to specify the supported swipe directions
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.3.0(Jul 1, 2020)

    Version 1.3.0

    • Added First Bind Animation Config
    • Improved threading mechanism
    • Added common UI tests
    • Breaking Changes:
      • RecyclerView is now a constructor parameter instead of an attachment function
      • OnUnbind functions now includes the model as a parameter
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.2.0(Jul 1, 2020)

    Version 1.2.0

    • Change: Diffable is now mandatory when working with OneAdapter
    • Bug Fixes:
      • Paging Module not working properly with some layout manager
      • onUnbind call now called when the view is recycled instead of detached from window
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.1.1(Jul 1, 2020)

  • v1.1.0(Jul 1, 2020)

  • v1.0.0(Jul 1, 2020)

    Version 1.0.0

    First Release Includes:

    • Modules:
      • Item Module
      • Emptiness Module
      • Paging Module
      • Selection Module
    • Event Hooks:
      • Click Event Hook
    • Diffable Interface
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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