Casio G-Shock Phone Sync


NOTE: We are looking for contributors to add support for other watches. Specifically, the G-Shock GMWB5000 series are similar to the B5600, and should be not too hard to implement. Drop me a note at if you are interested to contribute.

Casio G-Shock Phone Sync

This app integrates the Casio G-shock B5600 series bluetooth watches, with Google services such as Google Calendar events and Google Alarm Clock. It is not meant to replace the official Casio app. Instead it converts your traditional G-shock into a semi-smart watch.


Connection Screen

The app works by sending commands to the watch via Bluetooth (BLE). The watch data is not persisted on the phone, but instead is read from the watch each time a connection is established. Any changes on the app are sent back to the watch, only when the Send to Watch button is pressed.

Setting Time

Time Screen

The local time can be set from the main screen by pressing the Send to Watch button next to the current time display. The app uses your current location to get the local lime. You can then set the watch time accordingly, without having to change your World Time selection on the watch.

This screen also shows your Home Time location and battery level.


Alarms Screen

Set Alarm Screen

The GW-B5600 has 5 alarms and a Signal or chime setting. They are first read from the watch, and displayed in the app. The alarms can be updated by pressing on the time display of each alarm. A dialog will appear which allows you to select the time.

Once the alarms have been set, you can send them to the watch, or send them to the Alarm Clock app on the phone. Unfortunately, there is currently no way to read the alarms from the Alarm Clock app programmatically, so we cannot set the watch alarms from this app. However, we can set the Alarm Clock app with the watch's alarms.


Events Screen

Make sure you have set your phone to auto-sync to your google account. Otherwise, adding events in your phone will not be reflected to the Google account, and you will not be able to see the events in the app.

This screen displays Events from your Google Calendar and allows you to send these events to the watch's reminders. (don't confuse these with reminders in the Google Calendar app. These reminders are special features and are not accessible programmatically).

There are many ways to set calendar events in Google Calendar. Events could be one time, repeating daily, weekly, monthly or yearly, or some complex period such as every second Thursday of the month. There are also events which occur number of times only (count events), like repeat this event 12 times every Monday. Not all event types can be supported on the watch, but this app attempts to adopt the calendar events to the watch as much as possible. The only not supported event types are daily and complex events, such as every second Thursday of the month. Count events are simulated on the watch with a start and end date, matching the event start time, count and frequency. In case the calendar event cannot be adopted to a watch reminder, the app will display the event as Incompatible. Only future events and recurring events which have not expired are displayed.

The watch only supports all-day reminders. However, if the Google calendar event has a specific time, it will still be used as a day reminder on the watch.


Events Screen

The selected actions are run when the user short-presses the lower-right watch button from disconnected mode (initial screen). Using these actions, the watch acts like a remote control for your phone.

The app has to be in the foreground in order to run the actions. An exception to this is Setting Time.


Get it on Google Play

  • Watch-initiated time sync not functional

    Watch-initiated time sync not functional

    This app does not automatically send time to the watch when the watch connects. It should do that, because without doing that, watch-initiated automatic time sync does not work. If you think there are people out there who wouldn't want the time sync to be automatic, you could add an option to disable it, but... I don't see why this wouldn't be an "always" thing on connection.

    As a side note, it would also be nice if there were an intent to reliably launch the app in the background. Right now I have automation launch the app and then send it away, but it'd be better if I could ensure the app were running for automatic time sync from phone -> watch.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. With a GW-B5600 watch, enable "automatic time sync".
    2. Launch the G-Shock Smart Sync app with Bluetooth enabled.
    3. Wait until 00:30:30, 06:30:30, 12:30:30, or 18:30:30 exactly by the watch's time
    4. Witness the watch rapidly connect to the phone and then disconnect, but not sync time (no "recv" text on display)

    Expected behavior The watch should automatically sync with the phone four times per day.

    opened by BryanJacobs 17
  • Action button not working on new B5600

    Action button not working on new B5600

    Action button not working until watch registered in official application.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Reset pairing info from watch image image
    2. Open CasioGShockPhoneSync
    3. Press mode button for 3 seconds -- it works
    4. Press action button -- nothing happens

    Expected behavior Looks like need to save some pairing info on watch to be able to use action button

    Additional context I know that it is low priority issue, just to capture the problem

    opened by mazzz1y 6
  • Future integration with Gadgetbridge

    Future integration with Gadgetbridge

    First of all, I'm very glad I found this project today after finding that Gadgetbridge does not support the GW-B5600. I love this watch and I look forward to testing your application when the watch arrives. I am a big fan of freeing digital devices from the chains of manufacturers. So I would like to know if you plan to integrate your knowledge into Gadgetbridge?

    opened by n8name 5
  • Non-FOSS in F-Droid build

    Non-FOSS in F-Droid build


    1 actionable task: 1 up-to-date
    2022-09-18 09:38:55,049 INFO: Scanning source for common problems...
    2022-09-18 09:38:55,057 INFO: Removing gradle-wrapper.jar at gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar
    2022-09-18 09:38:55,059 ERROR: Found usual suspect 'google.*play.*services' at app/build.gradle
    2022-09-18 09:38:55,070 ERROR: Could not build app org.avmedia.gshockGoogleSync: Can't build due to 1 error while scanning
    2022-09-18 09:38:55,070 DEBUG: Error encoutered, stopping by user request.
    opened by licaon-kter 4
  • Add Configuration Support

    Add Configuration Support

    • Add a configuration screen to set up watch's settings, such as "Light time-length (2 or 4 secs)", "Button Sounds", "Time Format".

    • Add smart features for these settings, such as "automatically turn on auto-light at night", or "silence watch's buttons if the phone is in do-not-disturb mode".

    opened by izivkov 1
  • Update



    This small PR adds two buttons to get your app on F-Droid and Google Play 👍

    You can now eventually add the fdroid and/or f-droid tags that will appear on the right side of the repo.

    opened by Poussinou 0
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