Fork of svg-android +SVN history +Maven +more

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Utility svg-android

Status: Unmaintained. Discontinued.

This project is no longer being developed or maintained.


This is forked from the awesome but unmaintained:


  • Mavenised.
  • Added SVGBuilder to allow easy specification of SVG parsing & rendering options.
  • ColorFilters can now be applied.
  • Layer opacity and hiding is now supported.
  • This library now works with Robolectric.
  • SVG viewBox attribute is now handled.
  • Numbers with exponents are handled.
  • SVGZ (gzipped svg) auto-detected and supported. (Thank @josefpavlik & @mstevens83)
  • Performance enhancements.
  • Has most community patches applied. Great work to josefpavlik and mrn


Add this to your Android project's pom.xml:



Firstly, store your SVGs in res/raw or assets.

// Load and parse a SVG
SVG svg = new SVGBuilder()
            .readFromResource(getResources(), R.raw.someSvgResource) // if svg in res/raw
            .readFromAsset(getAssets(), "somePicture.svg")           // if svg in assets
            // .setWhiteMode(true) // draw fills in white, doesn't draw strokes
            // .setColorSwap(0xFF008800, 0xFF33AAFF) // swap a single colour
            // .setColorFilter(filter) // run through a colour filter
            // .set[Stroke|Fill]ColorFilter(filter) // apply a colour filter to only the stroke or fill

// Draw onto a canvas

// Turn into a drawable
Drawable drawable = svg.createDrawable();
// drawable.draw(canvas);
// imageView.setImageDrawable(drawable);
  • Added support for SVGZ (i.e. GZIPed SVG).

    Added support for SVGZ (i.e. GZIPed SVG).


    I forked your svg-android project and added support for SVGZ files (i.e. GZIPed SVGs). The requires only a small amount of code added in SVGBuilder. I've based this on work by josefpavlik ( However I made an improvement by decorating the InputStream with a BufferedInputStream when mark/reset are not supported. Josef's version failed in some cases because of that reason.

    I hope you'll merge this in your project such that maven users can start using this.



    opened by mstevens83 2
  • change opacity as well as color

    change opacity as well as color

    if you use .setOverideOpacity(true) on your SVGBuilder before build()

    the alpha of the color you specified in setColorSwap() will be combined to the current opacity.

    opened by jeremie-seguin 2
  • Fixing of  stroke attribute in doStroke

    Fixing of stroke attribute in doStroke

    In method doStroke need udpate condition:

    if ("none".equals(atts.getString("display"))) { return false; }


    if ("none".equals(atts.getString("display")) || "none".equals(atts.getString("stroke")) || atts.getString("stroke") == null ) { return false; }

    opened by Dragues 0
  • Support nested svg elements with or without viewBox attributes.  Prev…

    Support nested svg elements with or without viewBox attributes. Prev…

    Prevents underflow on restoreToCount. On Lollipop when Picture.beginRecording has a saveCount of 1 which causes the canvasRestoreCount to be set to 2. This doesn't work if I have nested svg elements, the out one does not have a viewBox and the inner one does.

    I've created a deQue for the canvasRestoreCount and the canvas so they are scoped to the svg element.

    opened by daviditkin 0
  • Fixed alpha gradient bug

    Fixed alpha gradient bug

    Fixed bug that prevented gradients with varying alpha from being displayed properly.

    Commit d1f6374 unintentionally broke gradient fills that change in opacity because the call to Color.parseColor () implicitly set the alpha value of the colour to FF. The stop-opacity is applied with a bitwise OR, so the FF would overrule the 'true' value.

    opened by benelliott 0
  • Load Path data rather than Drawable from SVG file

    Load Path data rather than Drawable from SVG file

    Refactor SVGParser and SVGHandler into smaller components. Provided PathHandler alternative to load path data instead of a drawable.

    This data might be useful for various techniques, including Romain Guy's path tracing:

    opened by funkthemonk 0
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