Ktor Routing Extensions
Extension to Ktor’s routing system to add object-oriented routing and much more.
This extension library was created to reduce the amount of boilerplate to install routing to Noelware's products and services. We use Ktor for our major platforms like Tsubaki, charted-server, analytics-server and much more.
- Reflection loading - Since we have interfaces to extend routing, this adds loading with Koin, Kodein, and with the Reflections library.
- OOP-based routing - By "OOP-based," I mean it adds a
interface to create routing with annotations.
@Serializable class RequestBody(val id: Int, val email: String) class MyEndpoint: AbstractEndpoint() { init { install(SomeRoutingPlugin) { // type-safe config } } @Get suspend fun get(call: ApplicationCall) { call.respond(HttpStatusCode.OK, "Hello, world!") } @Post suspend fun post(call: ApplicationCall) { val body by call.body<RequestBody>() call.respond(HttpStatusCode.OK, "Hello user with ID ${body.id} and email ${body.email}!") } } suspend fun main(args: Array<String>) { val server = embeddedServer(Netty, port = 9090) { module { // We need this to be enabled. :( routing {} install(NoelKtorRouting) { loader(ReflectionBasedLoader("org.noelware.ktor.tests")) endpoints += MyEndpoint() } } } }
ktor-routing is released under the MIT License with love (๑・ω-)~