Spring Boot API for Modern Warfare 2 Dedicated Servers



Under Development - Local Testing Only

Project Requirements:

  • IntelliJ IDEA (Version that supports Kotlin 1.6.20)
  • Gradle 7.4.2
  • Spring Boot 2.6.6
  • MariaDB 10.7.1
  • JDK 11

Use Case:

  • Stores (PlayerName, GUID, LastMap, LastSeen, FirstSeen, Connections & Port)
  • Information can be used for displaying "Welcome Messages" globally between different Modern Warfare 2 servers
  • Data can be synced between multiple server instances, allowing to see active players on other maps
  • API Replacement for IW4XAdmin


  • Track additional stats such as (Play Time, Network Info, KDR, Killstreak Totals) etc
  • Integrate into GSC instead of just calling local HTTP(s) requests

LocalDB (SQL Script):

create table iwkot
    id               int auto_increment
        primary key,
    username         varchar(64)          not null,
    guid             varchar(128)         not null,
    first_seen       datetime             not null,
    last_seen        datetime             not null,
    connections      int        default 0 not null,
    last_map_name    varchar(32)          not null,
    last_server_port int                  not null,
    banned           tinyint(1) default 0 not null,
    constraint iwkot_guid_uindex
        unique (guid),
    constraint iwkot_id_uindex
        unique (id)
    auto_increment = 1;
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