Tesla App Clone built in Kotlin, using Compose. The project was initially designed by Clinton using Flutter.
We are keeping this repo as a single module since we are building out the UI only. Might modularize if necessary, but not now
- Versions Catalog
- Jetpack Compose
- Coil - For Image Loading and Caching
- Material3
- Hilt
Versions Catalog
To add a dependency, navigate to gradle/libs.versions.toml file, which has all the dependencies for the project. This file has the following sections:
[versions] is used to declare the version numbers that will be referenced later by plugins and libraries.
[libraries] Define the libraries that will be later accessed in our Gradle files.
[bundles] Are used to define a set of dependencies. For this, we have compose
and hilt
as examples.
[plugins] Used to define plugins.
You need to add your dependency version in [versions]. This is unnecessary if you are not sharing the version across different dependencies. After defining the version, add your library in the [libraries] section as:
android-hilt = "com.google.dagger:hilt-android:2.42"
If you have already defined the version in [versions], you define it as:
android-hilt = { module = "com.google.dagger:hilt-android", version.ref = "hilt" }
This is the link to the app design:
Figma App Design