A lightweight coroutine based persistent job/cron scheduler written in Kotlin



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A coroutine based persistent background (cron) scheduler written in Kotlin.


  • Persist scheduled jobs (e.g. mongoDB)
  • Cron jobs
  • Nice DSL for registering and scheduling jobs
  • Multiple instances possible
  • Failed jobs will be rescheduled
  • Other instances will restart the work of a crashed one
  • Pool for blocking and non-blocking jobs
  • Pool size can be defined to go easy on resources
  • Add new features through your own extensions


Just add the following lines to your build.gradle. For <version> see the button above or releases/latest for the current version number.

repositories {

dependencies {
  implementation "it.justwrote:kjob-core:<version>"
  implementation "it.justwrote:kjob-mongo:<version>" // for mongoDB persistence
  testImplementation "it.justwrote:kjob-inmem:<version>" // for in-memory 'persistence' (e.g. tests)

Using kjob

import it.justwrote.kjob.Mongo
import it.justwrote.kjob.Job
import it.justwrote.kjob.job.JobExecutionType
import it.justwrote.kjob.kjob

object OrderCreatedEmail : Job("order-created-email") {
    val recipient = string("recipient")

// ...

// start kjob with mongoDB persistence and default configuration
val kjob = kjob(Mongo).start()

// ...

kjob.register(OrderCreatedEmail) {
    executionType = JobExecutionType.NON_BLOCKING // our fake email client is non blocking
    maxRetries = 3
    execute {
        val to = props[it.recipient] // getting address from customer
        client.sendTo(to, subject, body)
    }.onError {
        // errors will automatically logged but we might want to do some metrics or something 

// ...

kjob.schedule(OrderCreatedEmail) {
    props[it.recipient] = "customer@example.com"

// or provide some delay for the scheduling
kjob.schedule(OrderCreatedEmail, 5.seconds) {
    props[it.recipient] = "customer@example.com"
// this runs the job not immediately but - you may guess it already - in 5 seconds!

For more details please take a look at the examples

Starting kjob

Multiple schedulers are running in the background after starting kjob. There is one looking for new jobs every second (period can be defined in the configuration). If a job has been found that has not yet been started (or reset after an error) and the kjob instance is currently not executing too many other jobs of the same kind (there are blocking and non-blocking jobs) kjob will process it. The second scheduler is handling the locking. It indirectly tells the other kjob instances that this one is still alive. The last scheduler is cleaning up locked jobs of other not responding kjob instances to make the jobs available again for execution.

Multiple kjob instances

To be fault tolerant you sometimes want to have multiple instances of your job processor. This might be in the same app or on different nodes. Therefore, every kjob instances has a unique id which will be added to the job it is currently executing. This actually locks a job to a specific kjob instance. If the kjob instance is somehow dying while executing a job another kjob instance will remove the lock after a specific time (which can be defined in the configuration) and will pick it up again.

Changing Configuration

Changing the config is fairly easy. There is not another config file and everything will be done in code - so you can use your own configuration.

kjob(InMem) {
    nonBlockingMaxJobs = 10 // how many non-blocking jobs will be executed at max in parallel per instance
    blockingMaxJobs = 3 // same for blocking jobs
    maxRetries = 5 // how often will a job be retried until it fails
    defaultJobExecutor = JobExecutionType.BLOCKING // default job execution type
    exceptionHandler = { t: Throwable -> logger.error("Unhandled exception", t) } // default error handler for coroutines
    keepAliveExecutionPeriodInSeconds = 60 // the time between 'I am alive' notifications
    jobExecutionPeriodInSeconds = 1 // the time between new job executions
    cleanupPeriodInSeconds = 300 // the time between job clean ups
    cleanupSize = 50 // the amount of jobs that will be cleaned up per schedule

MongoDB Configuration

Despite the configuration above there are some mongoDB specific settings that will be shown next.

kjob(Mongo) {
    // all the config above plus those:
    connectionString = "mongodb://localhost" // the mongoDB specific connection string 
    client = null // if a client is specified the 'connectionString' will be ignored
    databaseName = "kjob" // the database where the collections below will be created
    jobCollection = "kjob-jobs" // the collection for all jobs
    lockCollection = "kjob-locks" // the collection for the locking
    expireLockInMinutes = 5L // using the TTL feature of mongoDB to expire a lock


If you want to add new features to kjob you can do so with a kjob extension.

object ShowIdExtension : ExtensionId<ShowIdEx>

class ShowIdEx(private val config: Configuration, private val kjobConfig: BaseKJob.Configuration, private val kjob: BaseKJob<BaseKJob.Configuration>) : BaseExtension(ShowIdExtension) {
    class Configuration : BaseExtension.Configuration()

    fun showId() {
        // here you have access to some internal properties
        println("KJob has the following id: ${kjob.id}")

object ShowIdModule : ExtensionModule<ShowIdEx, ShowIdEx.Configuration, BaseKJob<BaseKJob.Configuration>, BaseKJob.Configuration> {
    override val id: ExtensionId<ShowIdEx> = ShowIdExtension
    override fun create(configure: ShowIdEx.Configuration.() -> Unit, kjobConfig: BaseKJob.Configuration): (BaseKJob<BaseKJob.Configuration>) -> ShowIdEx {
        return { ShowIdEx(ShowIdEx.Configuration().apply(configure), kjobConfig, it) }

// ...

val kjob = kjob(InMem) {
    extension(ShowIdModule) // register our extension and bind it to the kjob life cycle

// ...

kjob(ShowIdExtension).showId() // access our new extension method

To see a more advanced version take a look at this example


With kjob you are also able to schedule jobs with the familiar cron expression. To get Kron - the name of the extension to enable Cron scheduling in kjob - you need to add the following dependency:

dependencies {
  implementation "it.justwrote:kjob-kron:<version>"

After that you can schedule cron jobs as easy as every other job with kjob.

// define a Kron job with a name and a cron expression (e.g. 5 seconds)
object PrintStuff : KronJob("print-stuff", "*/5 * * ? * * *")

// ...

val kjob = kjob(InMem) {
    extension(KronModule) // enable the Kron extension

// ...

// define the executed code
kjob(Kron).kron(PrintStuff) {
    maxRetries = 3 // and you can access the already familiar settings you are used to
    execute {
        println("${Instant.now()}: executing kron task '${it.name}' with jobId '$jobId'")

You can find more in this example


Here is an unordered list of features that I would like to see in kjob. If you consider one of them important please open an issue.

  • Priority support
  • Backoff algorithm for failed jobs
  • Dashboard


kjob is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.

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  • InMem, missing docs?

    InMem, missing docs?

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't see anything mentioned that InMem is not apart of the core libary and needs to be added to your dependcies list (ie, implementation "it.justwrote:kjob-inmem:version" ), just letting you know, so people don't get stuck and give up, and miss out on this amazing libary 😅

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  • only support UTC time?

    only support UTC time?

    when i add a kron job, cronExpression like this: "0 0 1 * * ?",it should have started at 1:00 every day,but not. I checked the code,I found this

    class InMemKJob(config: Configuration) : BaseKJob<InMemKJob.Configuration>(config) {
        class Configuration : BaseKJob.Configuration() {
             * The timeout until a kjob instance is considered dead if no 'I am alive' notification occurred
            var expireLockInMinutes = 5L
        override val jobRepository: JobRepository = InMemJobRepository(Clock.systemUTC())
        override val lockRepository: LockRepository = InMemLockRepository(config, Clock.systemUTC())

    It seems to only be supported UTC time, Can I change the time zone?

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  • Add option to configure periods in milliseconds

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    For example, you anyway convert the jobExecutionPeriodInSeconds to milliseconds, so why not provide user a possibility to configure jobExecutionPeriod, cleanupPeriod, etc. in ms?


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