ToGoZip: "Add To Zip" for Android's Share/Send Menu

Easy collection of files from every supporting app into one ZIP file while being "on the go" or offline.
This collecting "" file is like a suitcase in which you can put things (files) from nearly everywhere (from every app that supports "share"/"send") and that can travel everywhere (via email, Bluetooth, NFC).
In the beginning this program was developed to collect new Android calendar entry ics-files in order to transfer them to a desktop PC's calendar.
- Supports view/send/SendMultiple for file(s), folder(s), URLs and texts.
- Automatic file renaming in the ZIP if the same name with different file date already exists.
- If settings/DebugMode is enabled, processing is logged to logcat and to clipboard as text.
- Settings automatically pop up if the ZIP folder is not writable.
- Translations : bn, de, en, es, fr, hi, hu, id, ja, nl, no, pl, pt, tr, zh-CN, zh-TW
- Minimual requirements:
- Version 2.0.17 works with Android-2.1 (api 7) up to Android-5. apk size is only about 100 KB.
- Version 2.1.27 works with Android-4.1 (api 16) and later (including Android-10). apk size is only about 200 KB.
Required Android Permissions
- WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE used to store the created/updated ZIP file.
- The Android device must have external storage (aka SD card) where the ZIP file is written to.
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