CPU Info provides information about Android device hardware and software


CPU Info (refactor-in-progress )

CPU Info provides information about Android device hardware and software. Most of the code is written in Kotlin but some old widgets are still in Java.

Get it on F-Droid Get it on Google Play

Still TODO

  • Unify architecture - add interactors and data providers
  • Replace layouts with Compose
  • Replace Travis
  • Replace RxJava with coroutines
  • Tests
  • Add benchmarks


Copyright 2017 KG Soft

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
  • Current version not available in F-Droid Store

    Current version not available in F-Droid Store

    Dear team,

    when I take a look on google play store the current version is 4.4.2 in the F-Droid store the current version is 4.3.3.

    What's the reason for this gap? Is there a bug in the build process?

    Please fix this.

    Kind Regards,


    opened by Krawei 5
  • CPU monitor

    CPU monitor

    This app needs to have a status bar icon so that the user can look at the top of his/her device and see the CPU and battery temp., etc., in real time. Other similar apps offered elsewhere already have this all important feature.

    opened by ghost 5
  • support: where can i see AES hardware support

    support: where can i see AES hardware support

    Is AES hardware support show somewhere? (not sure i'm not seeing because the application doesn't show or my devices are missing it)

    if not supported, can you please point me to new contributor docs?

    Thank you!

    opened by gcb 3
  • [RFE] Design improvements of CPU view

    [RFE] Design improvements of CPU view

    Thank you very much for providing this useful piece of software!

    I would like to suggest a more structured design of the "CPU" view. Currently, it looks like this:

    	Core 0 [clock rate]
    	Core 1 [clock rate]
    	Core 2 [clock rate]
    	Core 3 [clock rate]
    Features [of core 0]
    CPU implementer [of core 0]
    CPU architecture [of core 0]
    CPU variant [of core 0]
    CPU part [of core 0]
    CPU revision [of core 0]
    Features [of core 1]
    CPU implementer [of core 1]
    CPU architecture [of core 1]

    There are two minor issues with this layout:

    1. It is quite verbose although it does not provide much information because most of the cores have the same properties
    2. There is no visual distinction which properties belong to which CPU.

    Some ideas on how to improve the user interface: a) Display the CPU properties block in a collapsed block indented below the clock rate, like this:

    	- Core 0 [clock rate]
    		Features [of core 0]
    		CPU implementer [of core 0]
    		CPU architecture [of core 0]
    		CPU variant [of core 0]
    		CPU part [of core 0]
    		CPU revision [of core 0]
    	- Core 1 [clock rate]
    		Features [of core 1]
    		CPU implementer [of core 1]
    		CPU architecture [of core 1]
    	+ Core 2 [clock rate]
    	+ Core 3 [clock rate]
    • Pro: easier to read, easy visual structure and attribution of properties to a core
    • Con: Needs expandable items

    b) Display a CPU core type for cores with identical properties (except the clock rate) like this:

    	Core 0 [clock rate]
    		Core type: A
    	Core 1 [clock rate]
    		Core type: A
    	Core 2 [clock rate]
    		Core type: B
    	Core 3 [clock rate]
    		Core type: B
    Core type A:
    	Features [of core 0, 1]
    	CPU implementer [of core 0, 1]
    	CPU architecture [of core 0, 1]
    	CPU variant [of core 0, 1]
    	CPU part [of core 0, 1]
    	CPU revision [of core 0, 1]
    Core type B:
    	Features [of core 2, 3]
    	CPU implementer [of core 2, 3]
    	CPU architecture [of core 2, 3]

    I'm currently using version 4.1.0 from F-droid store on Android 8.1.0.

    opened by genodeftest 3
  • Copycat on Google Play

    Copycat on Google Play

    Hi @kamgurgul

    I found https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=smartsolutions.traffic.dot.info.cpuinfo on the Google Play Store from this developer. This guy just took your source code, added some ads in it and put it on the Store, without warning this is free software...

    As you are the owner of the source code, feel free to open a request to google here to remove this copy from the Store, if it's your wish ;)

    Don't forget to tell Google that:

    • The app is licensed under Apache V2 license and this guy is violating it;
    • He is falsely claiming he made the app;
    • Provide some screenshots of your own app.
    opened by Poussinou 2
  • show if have an encrypted partition

    show if have an encrypted partition

    Hey Hi great app :)

    the app show great info about your phone, i think one is left behind.... in the Android section, it should show if the android os have a encrypted partition. Similar to the option "Rooted Yes"

    opened by John3 2
  • android studio 3.1.2 read time out

    android studio 3.1.2 read time out

    hi my friend, I think it's my IDE error, I have cloned your repository 3 months ago and it was successfully built, but I can't today. When I sync the project in android studio the " read time out" error occurs. However, even if I pull the latest codes it 's still the same problem. May be it's android studio's bug, could you give me a help

    `下午2:29 Outdated Kotlin Runtime Your version of Kotlin runtime in 'Gradle: org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:1.2.10@jar' library is 1.2.10-release-109 (1.2.10), while plugin version is 1.2.30-release-Studio3.1-1. Runtime library should be updated to avoid compatibility problems. Update Runtime Ignore

    下午2:31 Gradle sync failed: Read timed out Consult IDE log for more details (Help | Show Log) (2m 0s 704ms)

    下午2:33 Gradle sync started

    下午2:33 Gradle sync failed: Read timed out Consult IDE log for more details (Help | Show Log) (32s 52ms)`

    opened by renhuihhh 2
  • Logo/Icon proposal

    Logo/Icon proposal

    Hi good day! I would like to ask for your permission to propose a new designs of logo in your application/project. I would like to help projects in open-source .I would just like to propose new designs. Hoping for your positive response Thank You!

    opened by jbeguna04 2
  • Broken hardware

    Broken hardware

    Hi there, Would the app show broken hardware, as e.g. a nonfunctional Bluetooth module, which is physically available though. And if so, would the app tell me the altered status or can it just tell that the hardware is or is not available. Does it tell anything about functionality?

    Thanks and regards!

    opened by leohoppergit 1
  • Feature Request: Instruction Width + ABI of the OS

    Feature Request: Instruction Width + ABI of the OS

    Hello, I'd like to suggest to add Instruction width 32/64bit and ABI version

    • mips
    • mips64
    • X86
    • X86–64
    • arm64-v8a
    • armeabi
    • armeabi-v7a of the OS to the Android tab. Often APK sources offer a multitude of apks to choose from. For example Bromite Webview. This info would help to choose the right one. Also sometimes the ABI is an older 32bit one running on a 64bit capable CPU which is also good to know (think of Raspberry Pis).
    opened by cachius 1
  • crash on android below 5

    crash on android below 5

    Hi Tnx for this great app :) I have tested your app on lenovo A3300HV (stock android 4.4.2) it works fine in this tabs : CPU - GPU - RAM - STORAGE - SCREEN and this tabs are faulty : ANDROID - HARDWARE - SENSORS

    After opening each faulty tab, it shows exactly same error : error

    To reproduce this: run it on this android version if you have any device or just make an emulator with this version of android (api level 16 to 20) it must appear!

    So i checked output of logcat for ANDROID, HARDWARE and SENSORS tabs and saw something meaningful which were same (don't hestitate about that pid thing {6032}, thats a random number as process identifier for the OS and will be changed on every run):

     W  [ 6032] dalvikvm threadid=1: calling UncaughtExceptionHandler
     E  [ 6032] AndroidRuntime FATAL EXCEPTION: main
     E  [ 6032] AndroidRuntime Process: com.kgurgul.cpuinfo, PID: 6032
     E  [ 6032] AndroidRuntime java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: android.net.wifi.WifiManager.is5GHzBandSupported
     E  [ 6032] AndroidRuntime 	at com.kgurgul.cpuinfo.features.information.hardware.HardwareInfoViewModel.o(SourceFile:24)
     E  [ 6032] AndroidRuntime 	at com.kgurgul.cpuinfo.features.information.hardware.HardwareInfoViewModel.r(SourceFile:10)
     E  [ 6032] AndroidRuntime 	at com.kgurgul.cpuinfo.features.information.hardware.HardwareInfoViewModel.<init>(SourceFile:4)
     E  [ 6032] AndroidRuntime 	at com.kgurgul.cpuinfo.features.information.hardware.d.b(SourceFile:4)
     E  [ 6032] AndroidRuntime 	at com.kgurgul.cpuinfo.features.information.hardware.d.a(SourceFile:1)
     E  [ 6032] AndroidRuntime 	at f.l.a.a.d(SourceFile:4)
     E  [ 6032] AndroidRuntime 	at androidx.lifecycle.a.c(SourceFile:2)
     E  [ 6032] AndroidRuntime 	at androidx.lifecycle.o0.b(SourceFile:6)
     E  [ 6032] AndroidRuntime 	at androidx.lifecycle.o0.a(SourceFile:2)
     E  [ 6032] AndroidRuntime 	at androidx.lifecycle.n0.a(SourceFile:4)
     E  [ 6032] AndroidRuntime 	at androidx.lifecycle.n0.getValue(SourceFile:1)
     E  [ 6032] AndroidRuntime 	at com.kgurgul.cpuinfo.features.information.hardware.b.X1(SourceFile)
     E  [ 6032] AndroidRuntime 	at com.kgurgul.cpuinfo.features.information.hardware.b.R1(SourceFile:1)
     E  [ 6032] AndroidRuntime 	at com.kgurgul.cpuinfo.features.information.base.b.w0(SourceFile:5)
     E  [ 6032] AndroidRuntime 	at androidx.fragment.app.Fragment.Z0(SourceFile:4)
     E  [ 6032] AndroidRuntime 	at androidx.fragment.app.r.e(SourceFile:13)
     E  [ 6032] AndroidRuntime 	at androidx.fragment.app.m.C0(SourceFile:25)
     E  [ 6032] AndroidRuntime 	at androidx.fragment.app.m.B0(SourceFile:1)
     E  [ 6032] AndroidRuntime 	at androidx.fragment.app.m.z0(SourceFile:4)
     E  [ 6032] AndroidRuntime 	at androidx.fragment.app.a.z(SourceFile:26)
     E  [ 6032] AndroidRuntime 	at androidx.fragment.app.m.S(SourceFile:6)
     E  [ 6032] AndroidRuntime 	at androidx.fragment.app.m.T(SourceFile:14)
     E  [ 6032] AndroidRuntime 	at androidx.fragment.app.m.O0(SourceFile:10)
     E  [ 6032] AndroidRuntime 	at androidx.fragment.app.m.R(SourceFile:5)
     E  [ 6032] AndroidRuntime 	at androidx.fragment.app.a.l(SourceFile:2)
     E  [ 6032] AndroidRuntime 	at androidx.fragment.app.s.b(SourceFile:4)
     E  [ 6032] AndroidRuntime 	at androidx.viewpager.widget.ViewPager.F(SourceFile:50)
     E  [ 6032] AndroidRuntime 	at androidx.viewpager.widget.ViewPager.P(SourceFile:15)
     E  [ 6032] AndroidRuntime 	at androidx.viewpager.widget.ViewPager.O(SourceFile:1)
     E  [ 6032] AndroidRuntime 	at androidx.viewpager.widget.ViewPager.setCurrentItem(SourceFile:2)
     E  [ 6032] AndroidRuntime 	at com.google.android.material.tabs.TabLayout$i.b(SourceFile:1)
     E  [ 6032] AndroidRuntime 	at com.google.android.material.tabs.TabLayout.s(SourceFile:2)
     E  [ 6032] AndroidRuntime 	at com.google.android.material.tabs.TabLayout.D(SourceFile:11)
     E  [ 6032] AndroidRuntime 	at com.google.android.material.tabs.TabLayout.C(SourceFile:1)
     E  [ 6032] AndroidRuntime 	at com.google.android.material.tabs.TabLayout$Tab.select(SourceFile:2)
     E  [ 6032] AndroidRuntime 	at com.google.android.material.tabs.TabLayout$h.performClick(SourceFile:4)
     E  [ 6032] AndroidRuntime 	at android.view.View$PerformClick.run(View.java:18770)
     E  [ 6032] AndroidRuntime 	at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:808)
     E  [ 6032] AndroidRuntime 	at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:103)
     E  [ 6032] AndroidRuntime 	at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:193)
     E  [ 6032] AndroidRuntime 	at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5292)
     E  [ 6032] AndroidRuntime 	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
     E  [ 6032] AndroidRuntime 	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:515)
     E  [ 6032] AndroidRuntime 	at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:824)
     E  [ 6032] AndroidRuntime 	at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:640)
     E  [ 6032] AndroidRuntime 	at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)

    I checked your app manifest it says minSDK is 16 You have defined this in line 6 of build.gradle

    So for supporting this versions (api 16 to 20) you need to add some checks of version for every method, which maybe not supported or not available and just skip those tests if not possible to messure!

    opened by amir1376irani 1
  • Widget gone under Android 9 (LineageOS)?

    Widget gone under Android 9 (LineageOS)?

    I have CPU Info installed on several mobile devices, older phones and tablets. On all the devices the widget showing RAM status works fine (and, btw, is very useful), not however on my Samsung Galaxy GT-N8000 since recently running Android 9, the LineageOS version.

    Before that, I was running Resurrection Remix OS (Android 8, I believe) and the widget worked on the same tablet.

    It also works on the original Samsung Android 5 for an older tablet and Android 7 LineageOS for an older phone.

    Come to think of it, Android 9 might be the highest version that I have tried it on so far. Might that be a reason?

    Although the program runs fine, I cannot find a widget. And under "Settings", the "RAM Widget refresh rate" does not exist.

    The Version is 4.5.0 on all devices.

    opened by nowakommunikation 0
  • [Feature Request] .CSV Output

    [Feature Request] .CSV Output

    Use utility (OpenCSV, Apache Commons CSV) to output capture of data stream since time of app load to .CSV file for report generation and analysis over time.

    opened by e-pmc 0
  • Add cellular information

    Add cellular information

    Hi, I think it could be worth to add cellular information to the app. It's implemented in SatStat application and here are the links to the implementation. 1, 2, 3

    opened by pm4rcin 0
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