FeedbackerLib - feedback Library is a new way of getting user feedback!


Feedbacker Library

This Library Provide you to get user device information, when they provide feedback to you.

It Includes-

Lite Version (No Activity needed)

Activity Version (It will include activity to send feedback)

Rooted Status of device

Text feedback

Device Information

App version


Alt text

Minimum SDK-




compile 'com.kanishq.feedbacker:feedbacker:0.1.2'




For Direct Use (This will directly open Mail app and add device information)

  feedbacker fd = new feedbacker();

For Adding Email Address

 feedbacker.e= ""; //Replace with your Email

For Using With Activity

  Intent i = new Intent(MainActivity.this, feedbackerActivity.class);

Don't Forget to add activity in Your Manifest

<activity android:name="com.kanishq.feedbacker.feedbackerActivity" />
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