A player based on ExoPlayer for play video automatically in RecyclerView, when an item is visible.
- This library supports the Auto-play video even though there are multiple View-Types and View-Holders in RecyclerView.
- Automatically detect the visible video and play it while pause the other videos.
- Fully customizable settings (Auto Play, Default Mute, Use Controller, Enable Caching etc.).
- Support Mute/Unmute.
- Support Attractive controller for video.
- Automatically detect the highest visible video if there are more than 1 player visible same time on the screen.
To add this Library in your project :
Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file
allprojects { repositories { ... maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' } } }
Step 2. Add the dependency
dependencies { implementation 'com.github.kishansinghpanwar:AutoPlayer:v1.0.0' }
Basic Usage :
Step 1. Setup the AutoPlayerManager in your Activity/Fragment with your custom settings for Player :
AutoPlayerManager autoPlayerManager = new AutoPlayerManager(this); autoPlayerManager.setAutoPlayerId(R.id.autoPlayer); autoPlayerManager.setUseController(true); autoPlayerManager.attachRecyclerView(rvFeeds); autoPlayerManager.setup();
See usage: MainActivity.java
Step 2. Add AutoPlayer in your Adapter XML :
">See usage: item_layout_video.xml
Step 2. Set Player URL and Placeholder in your Adapter class :
holder.autoPlayer.setUrl(feedBeanList.get(position).getUrl()); holder.autoPlayer.setAnimationTime(500); holder.autoPlayer.setPlaceholderView(holder.placeHolderView);
See usage: FeedAdapter.java