DroidKaigi 2016 official Android conference app in Tokyo.

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App droidkaigi2016

DroidKaigi 2016 official Android app Circle CI Stories in Ready

DroidKaigi is a conference tailored for developers on 18th and 19th February 2016.

Try it on your device via DeployGate


  • Show all sessions
  • Manage schedule
  • Show map
  • Search sessions and speakers

Development Environment

Java8 & retrolambda

This project uses Java8 and retrolambda. If you haven't set up Java8 yet, install it from here, and set env JAVA_HOME or JAVA8_HOME.


This project tries to use DataBinding.

    android:text="@{session.place.name}" /

Custom attributes are also used like below.

    app:speakerImageUrl="@{session.speaker.imageUrl}" />

BindingAdapter like speakerImageUrl is written in DataBindingAttributeUtil.java.

public static void setSpeakerImageUrl(ImageView imageView, @Nullable String imageUrl) {
    if (TextUtils.isEmpty(imageUrl)) {
        imageView.setImageDrawable(ContextCompat.getDrawable(imageView.getContext(), R.drawable.ic_speaker_placeholder));
    } else {
                .transform(new CropCircleTransformation())


This project uses DI library Dagger2. See classes in di package.

|  |--ActivityScope.java
|  |--FragmentScope.java


This project uses ORM library Android-Orma. Android-Orma is a lightning-fast and annotation based wrapper library of SQLiteDatabase.

Some model classes in model package have @Table annotation.

public class Session {
    @Column(indexed = true)
    public int id;

    @Column(indexed = true)
    public String title;

    // ...

These classes are saved in database via dao/SessionDao. To know more about Android-Orma, see document.


This project is under development. Issues are managed by GitHub Project. https://github.com/konifar/droidkaigi2016/projects/1

If you have a feature you want or find some bugs, please write an issue.

For speakers

If you want to change description of your session, feel free to send PullRequest 👍

You have to fix 3 json files below.

If you can write only English or Japanese, it is good to write same description in sessions_en.json and sessions_ja.json. And if you can translate to Arabic by using GoogleTranslate, please write Arabic description in sessions_ar.json.

Thanks! Enjoy together!


This project uses some modern Android libraries.


Copyright 2016 Yusuke Konishi

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
  • Added markers show conflicts of the sessions in My Schedule.

    Added markers show conflicts of the sessions in My Schedule.

    Implemented #101


    • Add a conflict tag on a CardView
    • Add some resources for conflict tags
    • Refresh contents of RecyclerView when the statuses of sessions are changed
    conflict_on_jp conflict_on_en
    opened by jmatsu 23
  • Refactoring and Update dependencies

    Refactoring and Update dependencies



    • if to switch.
      • It is easy to add languages.

    Update Dependencies

    gson 2.6.1


    okhttp 3.1.2


    threetenabp 1.0.3


    stetho 1.3.0


    opened by gotokatsuya 14
  • Support Korean language

    Support Korean language


    • Added Korean strings.xml
    • Added sessions_ko.json


    I knew one Korean Androider. His name is Pluu. He is translating Japanese session slide of DroidKaigi to Korean. http://pluu.github.io/tags/#DroidKaigi

    I was so impressed. Of course it is not required to support Korean language. But I want to support him. That's the reason.


    All Korean text is translated by Google translate. So it is not perfect, but in my opinion, Japanese <=> Korean auto translation is pretty good.

    Screen Shot

    untitled improve fun 
    opened by konifar 12
  • Improve about page layout

    Improve about page layout


    ref: SNS buttons in detail page layout. https://github.com/konifar/droidkaigi2016/blob/master/app/src/main/res/layout/view_speaker_sns_icons.xml#L36-L55

    if possible improve welcomecontribute 
    opened by konifar 12
  • Fix issue of don't keep activities

    Fix issue of don't keep activities

    Related issue



    When I opened a detail screen of a talk and go back to the "All Sessions" screen with the back button, the app crashed and logged below stack trace.


    Crash point is SessionsFragment.java#L175.

    SessionsFragment#onActivityResult() is unnecessary. FragmentActivity calls onActivityResult() of the child Fragment automatically. So, you should using the Fragment#startActivityForResult().


    • 044e13c Initialize a fragment only when savedInstanceState of the Activity is null.
    • 965a857 Use Fragment#startActivityForResult(). I added the method for Fragment#startActivityForResult() to ActivityNavigator.
    • e8b3245 Remove unnecessary codes.


    Verified the following:

    • [x] With "Don't keep activities" on, I opened a session detail and added it to my schedule and return back to the All Sessions to see the session was checked
    • [x] With "Don't keep activities" off, I opened a session detail and added it to my schedule and return back to the All Sessions to see the session was checked
    opened by sys1yagi 11
  • Adds first UI tests for SessionDetailActivity using Espresso.

    Adds first UI tests for SessionDetailActivity using Espresso.

    The tests verify initial views are correctly rendered and external Intents are correctly thrown when clicking the Twitter/GitHub icons by launching the SessionDetailActivity on connected emulators or devices.

    Note that this is the first time for me to setup an emulator on CircleCI. I referred to this document on how to run an emulator on the CircleCI. If the pre-submit fails, let me play around the setup until the pre-submit becomes green.

    opened by thagikura 9
  • Fix IndexOutOfBoundsException when back to

    Fix IndexOutOfBoundsException when back to "All Sessions" screen

    Related issue



    • [x] Check the size of the fragments and return null if it is out of bounds

    Regression tests

    Verified the following:

    • [x] With "Don't keep activities" on, I opened a session detail and added it to my schedule and return back to the All Sessions to see the session was checked
    • [x] With "Don't keep activities" off, I opened a session detail and added it to my schedule and return back to the All Sessions to see the session was checked

    Review on Reviewable

    opened by hkurokawa 9
  • Create a server program to accept session feedback request

    Create a server program to accept session feedback request

    This is a dependent of #32 Add feedback function.

    Create a server program which accepts a session feedback request like below:

    POST https://droidkaigi.jp/feedback
      "sessionId": 1,
      "ratingValuability": 2,
      "ratingContents": 3,
      "ratingSpeaker": 3,
      "comment": "Good. But not best IMO."


    • Can process ~50 req/sec
    • Average response time is less than 200 msec
    • Should be working for 4 days, from 18th Feb to 21th Feb
    • Data should be stored so that it can be summarised for each session later.
    • The size of comment is less than 1.2KB (400 characters in Japanese)
    opened by hkurokawa 9
  • Introduce MVVM or MVP?

    Introduce MVVM or MVP?


    Nowadays a bunch of Android developers are eager to discuss what kind of architecture we should adopt. I think this is the good timing to introduce MVVM or MVP to this app :D The diff will be so huge, hence it might be better to create new architecture branch and work on it. I have no strong opinion for MVP and MVVM...what do you think @konifar ?

    opened by hotchemi 8
  • Add gradle-versions-plugin

    Add gradle-versions-plugin


    • I have added gradle-versions-plugin. This allows all contributors to easily check whether the libraries this app depend on are all up-to-date :)
    • Remove short apk size comment (If anybody does not like this modification I can revert this 🙇 )


    Maybe in the near future we can integrate it to Circle CI and run the command and check the library updates regularly.


    Also, here is the result when I ran the command

    ./gradlew delendencyUpdates
    The following dependencies exceed the version found at the milestone revision level:
     - com.android.databinding:adapters [1.1 <- 1.0-rc3]
     - com.android.databinding:library [1.1 <- 1.0-rc3]
    The following dependencies have later milestone versions:
     - com.android.databinding:baseLibrary [2.1.2 -> 2.2.0-alpha3]
     - com.android.databinding:compiler [2.1.2 -> 2.2.0-alpha3]
     - com.android.support:animated-vector-drawable [23.2.0 -> 24.0.0-beta1]
     - com.android.support:appcompat-v7 [23.2.0 -> 24.0.0-beta1]
     - com.android.support:cardview-v7 [23.2.0 -> 24.0.0-beta1]
     - com.android.support:customtabs [23.2.0 -> 24.0.0-beta1]
     - com.android.support:design [23.2.0 -> 24.0.0-beta1]
     - com.android.support:recyclerview-v7 [23.2.0 -> 24.0.0-beta1]
     - com.android.support:support-annotations [23.2.0 -> 24.0.0-beta1]
     - com.android.support:support-v4 [23.2.0 -> 24.0.0-beta1]
     - com.android.support:support-vector-drawable [23.2.0 -> 24.0.0-beta1]
     - com.android.support.test:rules [0.4.1 -> 0.5]
     - com.android.support.test:runner [0.4.1 -> 0.5]
     - com.android.support.test.espresso:espresso-core [2.2.1 -> 2.2.2]
     - com.android.support.test.espresso:espresso-intents [2.2.1 -> 2.2.2]
     - com.facebook.stetho:stetho [1.3.0 -> 1.3.1]
     - com.github.gfx.android.orma:orma [2.3.2 -> 2.5.0]
     - com.github.gfx.android.orma:orma-processor [2.3.2 -> 2.5.0]
     - com.github.gfx.android.robolectricinstrumentation:robolectric-instrumentation [3.0.8 -> 3.1.0]
     - com.github.hotchemi:permissionsdispatcher [2.1.2 -> 2.1.3]
     - com.github.hotchemi:permissionsdispatcher-processor [2.1.2 -> 2.1.3]
     - com.github.jd-alexander:LikeButton [0.1.9 -> 0.2.0]
     - com.github.ozodrukh:CircularReveal [1.3.1 -> 2.0.1]
     - com.google.android.gms:play-services-analytics [8.4.0 -> 9.0.2]
     - com.google.android.gms:play-services-maps [8.4.0 -> 9.0.2]
     - com.google.code.gson:gson [2.6.1 -> 2.6.2]
     - com.google.dagger:dagger [2.2 -> 2.4]
     - com.google.dagger:dagger-compiler [2.2 -> 2.4]
     - javax.annotation:jsr250-api [1.0 -> 1.0-20050927.133100]
     - net.opacapp:multiline-collapsingtoolbar [1.0.0 -> 1.0.1]
     - org.mockito:mockito-all [1.10.19 -> 2.0.2-beta]
     - org.parceler:parceler [1.0.4 -> 1.1.5]
     - org.parceler:parceler-api [1.0.4 -> 1.1.5]
    opened by shoheikawano 8
  • Add contributors page

    Add contributors page

    Fix issue



    Add ContributorsActivity .

    ( This is arabian language ) 2016-02-13 22 00 46


    Go to github user page.


    Add Contributor table.


    • avatar_url
      • github user profile image url.
    • html_url
      • github user page. ( Like a https://github.com/gotokatsuya
    • contributions
      • commit number.
    • name
      • github user name. Primary Key. This is not duplicated because github login name.


    2016-02-13 22 12 28 ## Other

    Sorry, I could not translate "Contributors" into Arabian.

    I try to use the GoogleTranslator.

    <string name="about_contributors">مساهم</string>
    opened by gotokatsuya 8
  • Remove release.keystore

    Remove release.keystore

    There is release.keystore in this repository. I guess it is better to add to .gitignore.

    It is not always necessary. Just I want to try :)

    http://qiita.com/tomoima525/items/dbeeb6d451304333b17d http://ja.ngs.io/2015/03/24/circleci-ios/

    opened by konifar 0
  • Version code bug

    Version code bug

    Small bug hide inside version code in build.gradle :open_mouth: https://github.com/konifar/droidkaigi2016/blob/master/app/build.gradle#L35-L36

    Ref: https://twitter.com/ushi3_jp/status/704619982592675840

    opened by konifar 0
  • Add rest of movie urls

    Add rest of movie urls


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    • [ ] Fireside chat (Maybe nothing?)
    prepare data welcomecontribute 
    opened by konifar 6
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