Weather Forecast App
The simple app is to demonstrate how the modern Enterprise Android App Architecture should be.
Clean Architecture (Mr Uncle Bob)
- The Application is organized base on the Clean Architecture with 3 modules: Domain, Presentation, Data:
- Domain: Entities, Use Cases (Enterprise business and rules)
- Data: Network, Database
- Presentation: UI, Framework, Devices
- Interfaces that help communicate between 3 modules above
What I have achieved:
- The Clean Architecture being applied. I tried to achieve the clean architecture with the way that simple as much as possible, and not break any clean architecture principles
- The clean way to work together between 3 modules: Domain, Presentation, Data. The Dependency Inversion principle is applied, all 3 modules only depend on interfaces
- Full Kotlin language
- MVVM (Android Architecture Components) for Presentation module
- Apply LiveData mechanism
- Full required app features
- Full UnitTests (for all 3 modules: Domain, Presentation, Data)
- Input City Field min-length error handling (TextBox)
- App Exception handling (Meaningful error messages, the retry button when the app got an error)
- App Data Caching (by Room Database), and clear old cached data with the invalid weather date
- App Resilience Networking (use the app without the network (data cache) and more...)
- RateLimiter class helper to prevent the app from generating a bunch of API requests
- Secure Android app from:
- SSL Certificate Pinning
- Rooted device
- Decompile APK (Proguard config for Release build. Shrink, obfuscate, and optimize the app)
- Data transmission via the network (data traffic via https with system CA for Release build base on
- Accessibility for Disability Supports:
- Talkback: Use a screen reader
- Scaling Text: Display size and font-size: To change the size of items on your screen, adjust the display size or font size
- Principles being applied: SOLID, KISS, DRY, specially Dependency Inversion between Domain module and Presentation/Data module (High-Module vs Low-Module)
- Factory pattern, Dependency Injection pattern
- Config Checkstyle with Ktlint (run command line: ./gradlew ktlintCheck)
- Simplifying Project with a Folder-by-Feature structure
- Android Architecture Components (MVVM)
- AndroidX
- Android KTX
- Android Lifecycle-aware Components
- ViewModel
- Dagger 2: Android Injector + Custom Scope
- Inject dependencies into ViewModel without boilerplate factory
- LiveData
- Room database
- Kotlin Flow
- Kotlin Coroutines
- Kotlin CoroutineScope (viewModelScope)
- Retrofit 2, Okhttp3
- Single source of truth (by Room Database)
- Material Design
- Android Navigation
- Data Binding 2
- Gson
- Timber
- Ktlint
- ConstraintLayout
- Junit 4
- Mockito for UnitTests
- Kotlin Coroutines Test (kotlinx-coroutines-test)
The source code run on Android Studio Arctic Fox (2020.3.1)