The simple app is to demonstrate how the modern Enterprise Android App Architecture should be


Weather Forecast App

The simple app is to demonstrate how the modern Enterprise Android App Architecture should be.

Clean Architecture (Mr Uncle Bob)

  • The Application is organized base on the Clean Architecture with 3 modules: Domain, Presentation, Data:
    • Domain: Entities, Use Cases (Enterprise business and rules)
    • Data: Network, Database
    • Presentation: UI, Framework, Devices
    • Interfaces that help communicate between 3 modules above


What I have achieved:

  • The Clean Architecture being applied. I tried to achieve the clean architecture with the way that simple as much as possible, and not break any clean architecture principles
  • The clean way to work together between 3 modules: Domain, Presentation, Data. The Dependency Inversion principle is applied, all 3 modules only depend on interfaces
  • Full Kotlin language
  • MVVM (Android Architecture Components) for Presentation module
  • Apply LiveData mechanism
  • Full required app features
  • Full UnitTests (for all 3 modules: Domain, Presentation, Data)
  • Input City Field min-length error handling (TextBox)
  • App Exception handling (Meaningful error messages, the retry button when the app got an error)
  • App Data Caching (by Room Database), and clear old cached data with the invalid weather date
  • App Resilience Networking (use the app without the network (data cache) and more...)
  • RateLimiter class helper to prevent the app from generating a bunch of API requests
  • Secure Android app from:
  • Accessibility for Disability Supports:
    • Talkback: Use a screen reader
    • Scaling Text: Display size and font-size: To change the size of items on your screen, adjust the display size or font size
  • Principles being applied: SOLID, KISS, DRY, specially Dependency Inversion between Domain module and Presentation/Data module (High-Module vs Low-Module)
  • Factory pattern, Dependency Injection pattern
  • Config Checkstyle with Ktlint (run command line: ./gradlew ktlintCheck)
  • Simplifying Project with a Folder-by-Feature structure


  • Android Architecture Components (MVVM)
  • AndroidX
  • Android KTX
  • Android Lifecycle-aware Components
  • ViewModel
  • Dagger 2: Android Injector + Custom Scope
  • Inject dependencies into ViewModel without boilerplate factory
  • LiveData
  • Room database
  • Kotlin Flow
  • Kotlin Coroutines
  • Kotlin CoroutineScope (viewModelScope)
  • Retrofit 2, Okhttp3
  • Single source of truth (by Room Database)
  • Material Design
  • Android Navigation
  • Data Binding 2
  • Gson
  • Timber
  • Ktlint
  • ConstraintLayout
  • Junit 4
  • Mockito for UnitTests
  • Kotlin Coroutines Test (kotlinx-coroutines-test)

The source code run on Android Studio Arctic Fox (2020.3.1)

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