- View Model Scope (coroutine scope)
- Live Data
- Data Binding
- Fragments
- RecyclerView using Diffutil
- Retrofit
- Moshi
- Glide
Android TODO List VIPER VIPER is an architectural approach for iOS mobile app de
New version of my Android app that shows you popular movies using API. Using Modern Android Develpment skills like Kotlin, Room, Retrofit, Hilt, coroutines, Flow and Jetpack Compose.
Marvel App This is an Android application developed with kotlin that uses the Ma
MovieLibrary -An android application which uses tmdb API to fetch the data for various movies and TV Shows
This android app fetches the data from the USGS API in real time to display a list of earthquakes. On clicking an earthquake it opens a browser window with the complete information of the earthquake along with the location on a map.
App made using Kotlin to retrieve data from an API and show in a recyclerview with Login and SignUp features.
Gamex Compose -Work in Progress- An android application that consumes RAWG API to display a list of popular video games built using Jetpack Compose an
Il Bil App Introduction I will introduce you to how to implement Account Kit, Map Kit, Game Service. About the game: The app has got fullscreen Turkey
AboutMe The AboutMe app is a demo app that shows information about a person. Name Settable Nickname An image Scrollable information This app demonstra
Android App which shows random anime wallpapers from some famous subreddits like r/animeArt, r/imaginarySliceOfLife, r/animePhoneWallpapers and animeWallpapersSfw
AppcentNasaApi Appcent Nasa Rover Photos API Apptern Homework NASA Api : See Photos that taken by Nasa's 3 Rovers (Curiosity, Op
MoviesAppTMDB This app uses the TMDB in order to provide a list of movies, artists and TV shows. The purpose of this app is to demonstrate the use of
Mars Photos App ?? Mars Photos App for Android that display a list of photos taken from cameras from different rovers - Made with Hilt, Coroutines, Re
android-imagesearch-app App for searching unsplash photos library with query. Used API for images: Unsplash Libraries used in the project: Paging 3 fo
KeyCip is an Android app that allows users to encrypt, decrypt and sign text, photos, videos and other files. To accomplish this goal, it relie
Todo List Application is an android app that allows building a todo list and basic todo items management functionality including adding new items, editing and deleting an existing item
Pixelify-Google-Photos LSPosed module to add Google Pixel features on Google Photos for any device. LSPosed module repo Development repo Telegram grou
MarsPhotos - Starter Code Starter code for Android Basics in Kotlin. Introductio
MyDishes In this application you can add your dishes with recipes and photos. Co