Three.js port for the JVM (desktop)


three.kt (Work in progress)

License: MIT contributions welcome

CI Gitter

Kotlin/JVM port of the popular three.js 3D library (r106).

Be warned, while the basics works, such as:

  • Primitives, Points and TubeGeometry
  • All materials and lights
  • OrbitControls
  • 2D textures
  • Raycasting against Mesh
  • OBJ, MTL and STL loaders
  • Other stuff like mirror, sky and water shaders

a lot of features are still missing and the API can change rapidly.

Right now, this is mostly interesting for developers that want to contribute.

API (subject to changes)

Window(antialias = 4).use { window ->

    val scene = Scene().apply {

    val camera = PerspectiveCamera(75, window.aspect, 0.1, 1000).apply {
        position.z = 5f

    val renderer = GLRenderer(window.size)

    val box = Mesh(BoxGeometry(1f), MeshBasicMaterial().apply {
    val clock = Clock()
    val controls = OrbitControls(camera, window)
    window.animate {
        val dt = clock.getDelta()
        box.rotation.x += 1f * dt
        box.rotation.y += 1f * dt

        renderer.render(scene, camera)


public class JavaExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        try (Window window = new Window()) {

            Scene scene = new Scene();
            PerspectiveCamera camera = new PerspectiveCamera();
            camera.getPosition().z = 5;
            GLRenderer renderer = new GLRenderer(window.getSize());

            BoxBufferGeometry boxBufferGeometry = new BoxBufferGeometry();
            MeshPhongMaterial boxMaterial = new MeshPhongMaterial();

            Mesh box = new Mesh(boxBufferGeometry, boxMaterial);

            MeshBasicMaterial wireframeMaterial = new MeshBasicMaterial();
            Mesh wireframe = new Mesh(box.getGeometry().clone(), wireframeMaterial);

            AmbientLight light = new AmbientLight();

            OrbitControls orbitControls = new OrbitControls(camera, window);

            window.animate(() -> {
                renderer.render(scene, camera);




Artifacts are available through Maven central:

repositories {

dependencies {
    def version = "..."
    implementation "info.laht.threekt:core:$version"


seascape points ocean pointlights

Looking for the Kotlin/JS wrapper project?

It has been renamed and moved to here.

  • Move math classes to common.

    Move math classes to common.

    Moved all the math classes to common. Some of the functions had dependencies on jvm stuff or more complicated classes, so I made them extension functions for now. We can move them back to members once we move most of the codebase.

    Although, I'd argue we should leave them as extensions but java ease-of-use :man_shrugging: .

    opened by Dominaezzz 9
  • Migrate to multiplatform

    Migrate to multiplatform

    So I've setup a multiplatform project with only a JVM target for now. I expect we'll gradually move components to the common source set .... until we can't. Then we'll look at viable abstractions.

    There's one tiny gotcha. The play button IntelliJ offers when looking at a sample file won't work anymore because of a bug in IntelliJ (about resource handling) we discussed. So I've created a gradle task for each sample to run them.

    opened by Dominaezzz 8
  • Feature/add instanced mesh

    Feature/add instanced mesh

    With InstancedMesh we can render the same geometry thousands of times with only 1 draw call. This is a big performance boost :) I've implemented this example:


    Since r106 didn't have this feature, I ripped it from the last threejs release (r125).

    opened by Displee 7
  • Custom mipmaps not working

    Custom mipmaps not working

    I try to use my own generated mipmaps, but for whatever reason my geometry always turns black when I do this. I copied the textures example and only edited the material of the plane buffer geometry:

    package info.laht.threekt.examples.textures
    import info.laht.threekt.*
    import info.laht.threekt.cameras.PerspectiveCamera
    import info.laht.threekt.controls.OrbitControls
    import info.laht.threekt.geometries.BoxBufferGeometry
    import info.laht.threekt.geometries.PlaneBufferGeometry
    import info.laht.threekt.geometries.SphereBufferGeometry
    import info.laht.threekt.loaders.TextureLoader
    import info.laht.threekt.materials.MeshBasicMaterial
    import info.laht.threekt.math.Color
    import info.laht.threekt.math.DEG2RAD
    import info.laht.threekt.objects.Mesh
    import info.laht.threekt.renderers.GLRenderer
    import info.laht.threekt.scenes.Scene
    import info.laht.threekt.textures.Image
    import info.laht.threekt.textures.Texture
    import org.lwjgl.BufferUtils
    import java.awt.image.DataBufferByte
    import javax.imageio.ImageIO
    object TextureExample {
    	fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    		Window(antialias = 4).use { canvas ->
    			val scene = Scene().apply {
    			val camera = PerspectiveCamera(75, canvas.aspect, 0.1, 1000)
    			camera.position.z = 10f
    			val renderer = GLRenderer(canvas.size).apply {
    				checkShaderErrors = true
    			Mesh(PlaneBufferGeometry(10f, 10f), MeshBasicMaterial().apply {
    				val repeatS = true
    				val repeatT = true
    				val useMipmaps = true
    				map = Texture(
    					format = TextureFormat.RGBA,
    					type = TextureType.UnsignedByte,
    					mapping = TextureMapping.UV,
    					wrapS = if (repeatS) TextureWrapping.Repeat else TextureWrapping.ClampToEdge,
    					wrapT = if (repeatT) TextureWrapping.Repeat else TextureWrapping.ClampToEdge,
    					minFilter = if (useMipmaps) TextureFilter.LinearMipMapLinear else TextureFilter.Linear,
    					magFilter = TextureFilter.Linear
    				val images = arrayOf(
    				map?.image = images[0]
    				map?.needsUpdate = true
    			}).also {
    				it.rotation.x = DEG2RAD * -90
    			Mesh(BoxBufferGeometry(1f), MeshBasicMaterial().apply {
    				map = TextureLoader.load(javaClass.classLoader.getResource("textures/crate.gif")!!.file)
    			}).also {
    			Mesh(SphereBufferGeometry(0.5f), MeshBasicMaterial().apply {
    				map = TextureLoader.load(javaClass.classLoader.getResource("textures/checker.png")!!.file)
    			}).also {
    			OrbitControls(camera, canvas)
    			canvas.animate {
    				renderer.render(scene, camera)
    	fun loadImage(path: String): Image {
    		val bufferedImage =
    		val byteArray = (bufferedImage.raster.dataBuffer as DataBufferByte).data
    		val textureImageBuffer = IoBuffer(BufferUtils.createByteBuffer(byteArray.size))
    		textureImageBuffer.writeFully(byteArray, 0, byteArray.size)
    		return Image(bufferedImage.width, bufferedImage.height, textureImageBuffer)

    Result: Mipmaps example

    My mipmaps: 64x64: Mipmap 64x64 32x32: Mipmap 32x32 16x16: Mipmap 16x16 8x8: Mipmap 8x8 4x4: Mipmap 4x4 2x2: Mipmap 2x2 1x1: Mipmap 1x1

    Am I doing something wrong?

    opened by Displee 5
  • Feature/drift fx

    Feature/drift fx

    DriftFX allows you to render any OpenGL content directly into JavaFX nodes. Direct means that there is no transfer between GPU and main memory. The textures never leave the GPU.

    This example puts threekt to the test. It renders multiple surfaces (FX nodes) in multiple threads by multiple threekt renderers (also in new windows!). It works great so far.


    However, I found one small issue which is outside of this PR, but is linked to threekt. I'll post it below this PR.

    opened by Displee 4
  • Fix bytes per element for `IntBuffer`.

    Fix bytes per element for `IntBuffer`.

    This is another critical bug fix. I've been stuck on this for months. My indices (geometry.setIndex) were correct but my model was messed up and I couldn't for the love of God figure out why. I traced it down all the way to the BYTES_PER_ELEMENT of threejs:

    else if ( array instanceof Int32Array ) {
    			type = gl.INT;
    return {
    			buffer: buffer,
    			type: type,
    			bytesPerElement: array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT,
    			version: attribute.version

    Int32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT = 4

    in threekt we use 3 (which is incorrect):

    val (type, bytesPerElement) = when (attribute) {
                is IntBufferAttribute -> {
                    GL15.glBufferData(bufferType, attribute.buffer, usage)
                    GL11.GL_UNSIGNED_INT to 3 // this was the evil-doer
                is FloatBufferAttribute -> {
                    GL15.glBufferData(bufferType, attribute.buffer, usage)
                    GL11.GL_FLOAT to 4

    this also solved the issue I had

    opened by Displee 4
  • JavaFX black spot

    JavaFX black spot

    For some reason, the right side of my application always turns black. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.


    import com.sun.prism.es2.JFXGLContext
    import cuchaz.jfxgl.CalledByEventsThread
    import cuchaz.jfxgl.CalledByMainThread
    import cuchaz.jfxgl.JFXGL
    import cuchaz.jfxgl.JFXGLLauncher
    import cuchaz.jfxgl.controls.OpenGLPane
    import info.laht.threekt.Window
    import info.laht.threekt.cameras.PerspectiveCamera
    import info.laht.threekt.controls.OrbitControls
    import info.laht.threekt.core.Clock
    import info.laht.threekt.helpers.AxesHelper
    import info.laht.threekt.helpers.GridHelper
    import info.laht.threekt.math.Color
    import info.laht.threekt.renderers.GLRenderer
    import info.laht.threekt.scenes.Scene
    import javafx.application.Application
    import javafx.fxml.FXML
    import javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader
    import javafx.fxml.Initializable
    import javafx.scene.Parent
    import javafx.scene.layout.BorderPane
    import javafx.stage.Stage
    import java.util.*
    fun main(args: Array<String>) {
        JFXGLLauncher.launchMain(ResizableFX.javaClass, args)
    object ResizableFX : Application() {
        private const val WIDTH = 1200
        private const val HEIGHT = 800
        private const val AAS = 4
        private val backgroundColor = Color(Color.darkgreen)
        private lateinit var PROPERTIES: Properties
        private val controller = ResizeableFXController()
        //Rendering stuff
        private val scene = Scene().apply {
        private val clock = Clock()
        private lateinit var renderer: GLRenderer
        private lateinit var camera: PerspectiveCamera
        private lateinit var controls: OrbitControls
        private var resized = false
        fun jfxglmain(args: Array<String>) {
            Window("Resizable FX", WIDTH, HEIGHT, AAS, true, true).use { canvas ->
                renderer = GLRenderer(canvas.size)
                camera = PerspectiveCamera(45, canvas.aspect, 1, 1E6).apply {
                    position.z = 10f
                controls = OrbitControls(camera, canvas).apply {
                    zoomSpeed = -1.0F
                GridHelper(10, 10, Color(, Color(Color.white)).also {
                AxesHelper(2.5).also {
                JFXGL.start(canvas.hwnd, args, ResizableFX)
                canvas.animate {
                    renderer.render(scene, camera)
        private fun render() {
            if (resized) {
                val container = controller.renderContainer
                val width = container.width.toInt()
                val height = container.height.toInt()
                renderer.setSize(width, height)
                camera.aspect = width.toFloat() / height.toFloat()
                resized = false
                println("$width $height")
        override fun start(stage: Stage) {
            val loader = FXMLLoader()
            loader.classLoader = javaClass.classLoader
            val root = loader.load<Parent>(javaClass.getResourceAsStream("/example.fxml"))
            stage.scene = javafx.scene.Scene(root, WIDTH.toDouble(), HEIGHT.toDouble())
            stage.widthProperty().addListener { _, _, _ ->
                resized = true
            stage.heightProperty().addListener { _, _, _ ->
                resized = true
        fun render(context: JFXGLContext) {
    class ResizeableFXController : Initializable {
        lateinit var renderContainer: BorderPane
        override fun initialize(location: URL?, resources: ResourceBundle?) {
            val pane = OpenGLPane().apply {
                setRenderer { context -> ResizableFX.render(context) }
   = pane


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <?import javafx.scene.control.Menu?>
    <?import javafx.scene.control.MenuBar?>
    <?import javafx.scene.control.MenuItem?>
    <?import javafx.scene.control.Separator?>
    <?import javafx.scene.layout.BorderPane?>
    <BorderPane maxHeight="-Infinity" maxWidth="-Infinity" minHeight="-Infinity" minWidth="-Infinity" prefHeight="400.0" prefWidth="600.0" xmlns="" xmlns:fx="">
          <MenuBar BorderPane.alignment="CENTER">
              <Menu mnemonicParsing="false" text="File">
                  <MenuItem mnemonicParsing="false" text="Close" />
              <Menu mnemonicParsing="false" text="Edit">
                  <MenuItem mnemonicParsing="false" text="Delete" />
              <Menu mnemonicParsing="false" text="Help">
                  <MenuItem mnemonicParsing="false" text="About" />
          <BorderPane fx:id="renderContainer" prefHeight="200.0" prefWidth="200.0" BorderPane.alignment="CENTER" />
          <BorderPane maxHeight="1.7976931348623157E308" maxWidth="-Infinity" prefHeight="200.0" prefWidth="200.0" BorderPane.alignment="CENTER">
                <Separator orientation="VERTICAL" prefHeight="200.0" BorderPane.alignment="CENTER" />
          <BorderPane maxHeight="1.7976931348623157E308" maxWidth="-Infinity" prefHeight="200.0" prefWidth="200.0" BorderPane.alignment="CENTER">
                <Separator orientation="VERTICAL" prefHeight="200.0" BorderPane.alignment="CENTER" />
    opened by Displee 4
  • Revert back to JVM only project

    Revert back to JVM only project

    I need to be selfish about this one. Currently this project has been setup as a Kotlin multiplatform project with JVM being the only implementation. The idea was that JS and Native would follow. I thought that sounded like a good idea and the initial JVM only project was converted into a multiplatform project.

    I fell this change has not been beneficial for me since I'm only interested in the JVM target and the change made it harder to develop that. Therefore I will revert back to JVM only. If someone wants multi-platform, they'll need to fork this project.

    Sorry, @Dominaezzz and @altavir, perhaps you can team up for a continued multiplatform project.

    opened by markaren 4
  • Fix mipmaps for 90%

    Fix mipmaps for 90%

    I wasted a week on fixing mipmaps. You're not going to believe the fix 😡

    However, there seems to be an issue with MeshLambertMaterial. When using that in the mipmaps example the mesh becomes black, but when using MeshBasicMaterial the textures work. Somehow MeshLambertMaterial is being treated differently.

    I tried to update the MeshLambertMaterial class and set the default values like threejs does in r106, but I had no luck yet.

    Forgive me for my useless "merge pull request" commits xD.

    opened by Displee 3
  • PSA: Only BufferGeometries are supported

    PSA: Only BufferGeometries are supported

    <\*>Geometry in three.kt are actually typeAliases for the <\*>BufferGeometry equivalent.

    I'm not planning to add the Geometry class. But give me a good reason why it should be included, and I might reconsider.

    discussion wanted 
    opened by markaren 3
  • Support MacOS development out of the box

    Support MacOS development out of the box

    The LWJGL natives from the build.gradle target windows. It would be nice to have an easy way to build and test Three.kt from MacOS without requiring edits to the build.gradle.

    opened by arocnies 3
  • all textures dissapear when one mesh gets invsible

    all textures dissapear when one mesh gets invsible

    Currently there's a dirty bug where textured meshes turn black (their texture gets disposed somehow?) when the visibility of one textured mesh is set to false: IIuM5R3MZM

    This is most likely a threekt bug.

    opened by Displee 1
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