MiStoryView is a simple configurable library to integrate stories features into your social media android application.



MiStoryView is a simple configurable library to integrate stories features into your social media android application.



Key features

  • Set a list of image URLs in MiStoryView.
  • Customize duration for the particular story (in milliseconds).
  • Set any of the predefined animations, while swiping between multiple stories.
  • Move to the back and forth story by tapping on the right and left parts of an image.
  • Hold story by just simply touch on it.
  • Move to the whole next story or exit full story view, if a user is at the last item of the story.
  • Move to the whole previous story or exit the full story view, if a user is at the first item of the story.
  • Story indicator color changes once it is seen.



  • Step 1: Add the JitPack repository in your project build.gradle file
allprojects {
	    repositories {
		    maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }


If Android studio version is Arctic Fox or upper then add it in your settings.gradle:

 dependencyResolutionManagement {
    		repositories {
        		maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
  • Step 2: Add the dependency in your app module build.gradle file
dependencies {
	        implementation 'com.github.Mindinventory:MIStoryView:0.0.1'


  • Step 1 : Provide a list of stories. (Note : Use MiUserStoryModel class only to provide list of stories)

      class MainViewModel : ViewModel() {
              val mListOfUsers: ArrayList<MiUserStoryModel> = ArrayList()
              init {
                      mListOfUsers.add(MiUserStoryModel("1", "Johny Curtis", ArrayList()).also {
                                      "Johny Depp",
                                      "10:08 PM"
                                      "Johny Depp",
                                      "07:50 AM"
              fun updateListOfUser(mListOfUsers: ArrayList<MiUserStoryModel>) {
  • Step 2 : Inflate recyclerview in your layout file.

              tools:listitem="@layout/item_user_story" />
  • Step 3 : Create a recyclerview row item, which consists MiStoryView class.

      // See row item of sample app.
  • Step 4 : Create an adapter object and a resultAPI launcher to launch story detail view from your activity.

      class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
              // This is necessary snippet to listen the changes of seen stories data,
              // when user come back to the origin activity.
              private val launcher =
                      registerForActivityResult(ActivityResultContracts.StartActivityForResult()) {
                      try {
                              if (it.resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {
                                      val list = arrayListOf<MiUserStoryModel>()
                                      ?.let { hasMiStoryList ->
                                           if (hasMiStoryList) {
                                              )?.let { listOfUserStories ->
                                      if (!mViewModel.mListOfUsers.containsAll(list)) {
                      } catch (e: Exception) {
              // onCreateView here and invoke initView() method in it.
              private fun initView() {
                      // Initialize your adapter here.
                      // Provide launcher and list of stories from viewmodel for example
                      // in constructor of that adapter.
                      with(mBinding.rvStory) {
                          storyAdapter = StoryAdapter(mViewModel.mListOfUsers, { launcher }, { this@MainActivity })
                          adapter = storyAdapter
  • Step 5 : Create a recyclerview adapter. Must implement touch event of root view and dispatch that event to MiStoryView to launch Story detail view.

      class StoryAdapter(
              private val launcher: ActivityResultLauncher<Intent>,
              private val launcherCallBack: () -> ActivityResultLauncher<Intent>,
              private val activityCallBack: () -> AppCompatActivity
      ) : RecyclerView.Adapter<RecyclerView.ViewHolder>() {
              override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
                      // inflate your row item layout here
              override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: RecyclerView.ViewHolder, position: Int) {
                      if (holder is StoryViewHolder) {
                              holder.mBinding.apply {
                                      // Dispatch touch event of root view
                                      // to MiStoryView to open full screen
                                      // story preview view.
                                      root.setOnTouchListener { view, motionEvent ->
                                      msvStory.apply {
                                              if (listOfUseStory.isNotEmpty()) {
                                                      setImageUrls(listOfUseStory, holder.adapterPosition)
                                      tvUserName.text = mDataList[holder.adapterPosition].userName
              // Other override methods here
              // Define viewholder class here
              fun setUserStoryData(mDataList: ArrayList<MiUserStoryModel>) {
                  this.listOfUseStory = mDataList

XML Properties

Properties Description
miPageTransformer Set different animation while switching between stories
miPendingIndicatorColor Set color for unseen story
miStoryImageRadius Set size of round image
miStoryItemIndicatorWidth Set width of progress indicator
miSpaceBetweenImageAndIndicator Set margin between two progress bar indicator
miVisitedIndicatorColor Set color for seen story
miFullScreenProgressBarHeight Set height of progress in full story view
miFullScreenGapBetweenProgressBar Set margin between two progress bar indicator in full story view
miFullScreenProgressBarPrimaryColor Set primary color of progress bar in full story view
miFullScreenProgressBarSecondaryColor Set secondary color of progress bar in full story view
miFullScreenSingleStoryDisplayTime Set time for particular story (i.e in milliseconds)

That's it 👍 and you're good to go 🚀

Guideline to report an issue/feature request

It would be very helpful for us, if the reporter can share the below things to understand the root cause of the issue.

  • Library version.
  • Code snippet.
  • Logs if applicable.
  • Screenshot/video with steps to reproduce the issue.


MIStoryView is MIT-licensed.

Let us know!

If you use our open-source libraries in your project, please make sure to credit us and Give a star to www.mindinventory.com

Please feel free to use this component and Let us know if you are interested to building Apps or Designing Products.

app development
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  • Release second version

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    • Set a list of URLs consisting of Images/GIFs/Video in MiStoryView.
    • Set the fixed duration for media type Image/GIF.
    • Set the variable duration or the media type Video.
    • Implemented Exoplayer play/pause when long tap occurred.
    • Managed next/previous story invocation.
    • Implemented play/pause GIF media when a long tap occurred.
    opened by BhavnikDesai 0
  • 0.0.1(May 13, 2022)

    • Initial launch
    1. Set a list of image URLs in MiStoryView.
    2. Set duration for the particular story (in milliseconds).
    3. Set any of the predefined animations, while swiping between multiple stories.
    4. Move to the back and forth story by tapping on the right and left parts of an image.
    5. Pause progress while keeping in touch on an image.
    6. Move to the whole next story or exit full story view, if a user is at the last item of the story.
    7. Move to the whole previous story or exit the full story view, if a user is at the first item of the story.
    8. Story indicator color changes once it is seen.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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