Kick-starts Android application development.



If you've made it here, chances are you are not quite as satisfied with the Android application framework as you could be. Same for us, that's why we created ignition.

Ignition helps you getting your Android applications off the ground quickly, by offering ready-to-use components and utility classes that wrap a lot of the boilerplate that's involved when writing Android apps. Areas covered by ignition encompass:

  • UI components such as widgets, adapters, dialogs, and more
  • An HTTP wrapper library that allows you to write simple yet robust networking code
  • A class to load remote images off the web and cache them
  • A simple yet effective caching framework (caches to memory and disk, anything from HTTP responses to entire object trees)
  • Several helper classes for easier API level backwards compatibility, Intents, diagnostics, and more
  • A friendlier and more robust implementation of AsyncTask

Ignition is split up into three sub-projects.

  • ignition-core. This is an Android library project that is compiled straight into your apps. This allows you to re-use views and shared resources right in your own code.
  • ignition-support. This is a standard Java library project, deployed as an ordinary JAR. It contains most of the utility classes. You can use this independently of the core module.
  • ignition-location. This is an Android AspectJ library project that is compiled straight into your apps. It allows your location-aware applications to always have the most recent location without the need to handle location updates within your Activity.


The latest version of ignition is 0.2 and was released on April 20th 2012.

Go here for a list of changes.


We decided to not write exhaustive documentation, since it would get outdated frequently. Instead, the project is documented both via sample applications that are part of the build, as well as online JavaDoc:


Please refer to Installation and setup. We are also collecting answers to frequently asked questions.

Getting help

First, please check if your question is answered in the FAQ. If not, you can ask questions and get help by joining ignition-users on Google Groups.


Feel like giving back? We'll happily take contributions via GitHub. For questions, please turn to ignition-developers on Google Groups.


Apache License, Version 2.0 (


  • App design question: Reconnectable dialogs?

    App design question: Reconnectable dialogs?

    I'm in the process of adapting my existing code to work with IgnitedAsyncTask (you deprecated android-fu already?) and I'm running into a potential design issue in that most of my asyncTasks are involved in some form of ProgressDialog or AlertDialog, which is tied to the Context object and likely should not survive a reconfiguration.

    Is there value in developing a ProgressDialog-like and/or AlertDialog-like object "in the style" of IgnitedAsyncTask that supports .connect() and .disconnect(), recreating the "real" dialog object as-needed (and hooking all the events into itself) ? Or is there a better way to look at this issue that I'm not seeing?

    This is not a request for development or a pull request (yet), just a query as to whether this is a good direction to go in, as an issue on a project that seems to deal with these issues as one of its central purposes.

    opened by odysseus654 5
  • RemoteImageLoader: properly support servers which don't send a Content-Length header

    RemoteImageLoader: properly support servers which don't send a Content-Length header

    I noticed there was some code in RemoteImageLoaderJob which purported to deal with servers which fail to send a Content-Length header, but it didn't work properly. This patch fixes that.

    Thanks so much!

    opened by mlc 4
  • NullPointerException in RemoteImageView

    NullPointerException in RemoteImageView

    I'm using the RemoteImageView in a ListView. It works fine for one list but for another it gives the following error in Logcat.

    12-28 14:25:44.843: E/AndroidRuntime(2617): FATAL EXCEPTION: main 12-28 14:25:44.843: E/AndroidRuntime(2617): java.lang.NullPointerException 12-28 14:25:44.843: E/AndroidRuntime(2617): at 12-28 14:25:44.843: E/AndroidRuntime(2617): at com.github.ignition.core.widgets.RemoteImageView$DefaultImageLoaderHandler.handleImageLoaded( 12-28 14:25:44.843: E/AndroidRuntime(2617): at 12-28 14:25:44.843: E/AndroidRuntime(2617): at 12-28 14:25:44.843: E/AndroidRuntime(2617): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( 12-28 14:25:44.843: E/AndroidRuntime(2617): at android.os.Looper.loop( 12-28 14:25:44.843: E/AndroidRuntime(2617): at 12-28 14:25:44.843: E/AndroidRuntime(2617): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method) 12-28 14:25:44.843: E/AndroidRuntime(2617): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( 12-28 14:25:44.843: E/AndroidRuntime(2617): at$ 12-28 14:25:44.843: E/AndroidRuntime(2617): at 12-28 14:25:44.843: E/AndroidRuntime(2617): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)

    NOTE: the actual line number for the exception in is 71. I added lines to see where the exact problem was.

    It seems that a null Bitmap is passed to the RemoteImageLoaderHandler and because I get the RemoteImageView from a findViewById(), I don't have an errorDrawable so the NullPointerException is passed.

    I believe the problem is initiated at line 51 in

    Bitmap bitmap = data.getParcelable(BITMAP_EXTRA);

    Maybe I'm doing something wrong. Any ideas ?

    opened by saadfarooq 4
  • Issue on RemoteImageView used together with HorizontalListView (

    Issue on RemoteImageView used together with HorizontalListView (

    I can't get any web image to load, not even progress spinner showed up (i only see the spinner for brief moment when doing quick scroll), no errordrawable showed up either. I think there is internal issues here. Can you enlighten me on how to fix this.


        android:paddingTop="4dp" >
            android:text="Foods around here:"
            android:textSize="16dp" />
            android:layout_height="400dp" />



    package com.test;

    import android.os.Bundle;
    import android.view.LayoutInflater;
    import android.view.View;
    import android.view.ViewGroup;
    import android.widget.BaseAdapter;
    import android.widget.TextView;

    import com.github.ignition.core;

    public class HorizontalListViewDemo extends Activity {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {  
        HorizontialListView listview = (HorizontialListView) findViewById(;  
    private static String[] url = new String[]{ "",  
        "" };   
    private BaseAdapter mAdapter = new BaseAdapter() {  
        public int getCount() {  
            return url.length;  
        public Object getItem(int position) {  
            return null;  
        public long getItemId(int position) {  
            return 0;  
        public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {  
            View retval = LayoutInflater.from(parent.getContext()).inflate(R.layout.gallery_listentry, null);  
            RemoteImageView img = (RemoteImageView) retval.findViewById(;  
            return retval;  


    opened by ghost 3
  • Setting an Android resource image URL

    Setting an Android resource image URL

    Since I do have your undivided attention. I'm using RemoteImageView in a ListView. Most of the items are loaded over the web but I want to show a couple from a local resource.

    Is there a way to specify this ?

    It would be really awesome if I could just specify this as a URL from my adapter. I asked a question on StackOverflow. but none of the responses worked for me:

    opened by saadfarooq 2
  • Warning: Cookie Rejected

    Warning: Cookie Rejected

    I am getting 3 "Cookie Rejected" errors during the build test (Building ignition-location-tests 0.1-SNAPSHOT)...this doesn't seem to effect the final result because I am getting a clear SUCCESS summary, but I do think it's strange. Should I post the full error messages here?

    opened by zakdances 2
  • Error upon build test:

    Error upon build test: "Failed to execute goal..."

    I am running Windows 7 with Android SDK v. 4.0.3 (API 15).

    Failed to execute goal (default-generate-sources) on project ignition-core: Execution default-generate-sources of goal failed: Invalid SDK: Platform/API level 4 not available. This command should give you all you need: C:/Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\tools\android update sdk --no-ui --obsolete --force

    Why do you I need to install obsolete version of the Android SDK just to get ignition to work?

    opened by zakdances 2
  • Guava Required

    Guava Required

    Classes within ignition-support (e.g., AbstractCache) are dependent upon Guava (AKA Google Collections library). This should be documented/communicated.

    opened by onyxmueller 2
  • No clear instructions on using it as a library for an Android project

    No clear instructions on using it as a library for an Android project

    I'm trying to use ignition-core as a library for my Android app. I tried following instructions, and got as far as gradle eclipse, and having the .project files imported into eclipse from /ignition/ignition-core, but it seems that the Android project does not find the classes, despite having it added as a project requirement in the build path settings.

    I looked deeper at your project struction, and realised that ignition-core-lib is an android app project of which I believe I should be including, and in there, lies a build.gradle too. I am however unable to use that gradle build path. Perhaps it would be better if clearer instructions could be posted on this? Thanks!

    PS: There are some dead links in the readme too. Cheers! PS: Nice work btw.

    opened by nubela 1
  • Gradle: duplicate files during packaging of APK

    Gradle: duplicate files during packaging of APK

    This is reproducible with versions 0.1 to 0.3-SNAPSHOT.

    Using Android Studio Preview 130 and Gradle.

    When I include ignition-core as a dependency as a dependency: dependencies { compile 'com.github.ignition:ignition-core:0.1@apklib' }

    Gradle: Execution failed for task ':App:packageDebug'.

    Duplicate files copied in APK AndroidManifest.xml File 1: /home/user/github/android/AppProject/App/build/libs/App-debug.ap_ File 2: /home/user/github/android/AppProject/App/build/libs/App-debug.ap_

    Extracting ignition-core-0.2.apklib shows an AndroidManifest.xml: image

    Does ignition-core-0.1.apklib need the AndroidManifest.xml? I am assuming the Android Gradle plugin is trying to flatten the jars into an apk.


    opened by hekar 0
  • Extended RemoteImageLoader to support downloading images to use as Textview's CompoundDrawables.

    Extended RemoteImageLoader to support downloading images to use as Textview's CompoundDrawables.

    Current limitation: the RemoteImageLoaderTextViewAdapter class supports the download of only one image, ideally it should support downloading up to 4 since a TextView can have up to 4 different CompoundDrawables. If one sets more than one CompoundDrawable for a TextView, the same drawable will be used.

    opened by futtetennista 0
  • Qype dependencies for distribution

    Qype dependencies for distribution

    @mttkay given this is an open source project, shouldn't the releases be pushed to maven central or sonatype oss instead of qype's nexus repo?

    Right now I have an issue given qype's repo is down (not sure if decommissioned) and we can fetch the latest releases or snapshots.

    opened by robertoandrade 1
  • endlessListAdapter.shouldRequestNextPage(firstVisibleItem, visibleItemCount, totalItemCount)

    endlessListAdapter.shouldRequestNextPage(firstVisibleItem, visibleItemCount, totalItemCount)

    On a typical implementation with just a few items to fit in the screen, the shouldRequestNextPage() returns true always, resulting in repeated calls to the network fetch function I have. This is supposedly making another issue that, all items in the list are disabled, (possibly because a network fetch is always there in progress)

    opened by subinsebastien 0
  • IgnitedHttpResponseImpl relies on BufferedHttpEntity which blows up memory limits for large entities

    IgnitedHttpResponseImpl relies on BufferedHttpEntity which blows up memory limits for large entities

    When trying to consume a large entity via IgnitedHttpResponseImpl it seems like the replacement of the original entity by a BufferedHttpEntity in its implementation seems to allocate memory for the the entire length of the entity you're trying to download.

    So say you have a 100MB file for instance, it will try to allocate that much memory to fetch the InputStream of the HttpEntity (which by the name - buffered - you'd expect it to stream the contents via an internal buffer or sorts rather than cache the entire stream).

    Do you guys have any suggestions to overcoming this issue given AbstractHttpClient seems to call entity.consumeContent() right after the initialization of the response by IgnitedHttpRequestBase.handleResponse()?

    opened by robertoandrade 1
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