Kotlin Multiplatform runtime infix expressions evaluator.


Kotlin multiplatform expressions evaluator

This is a kotlin multiplatform runtime infix expressions evaluator.



The library supports the following operators and special symbols:

  • +, -, *, / - mathematical operators
  • % - modulo. Returns the remainder of a division, after one number is divided by another
  • ^ - exponentiation. a^b means a raised to the power of b
  • &&, ||, ! - logical 'and', 'or', 'not' operators
  • ==, != - equality operators
  • <, >, <=, >= - comparison operators
  • a ? b : c - ternary operator


The library supports the following constants:

  • pi - PI
  • e - e
  • any custom constants.


The library supports the following functions:


Any symbols other than constants and function calls are resolved as variables during evaluation.

How to get


Kotlin DSL

repositories {

dependencies {


repositories {
    maven {
        url = uri("https://maven.pkg.github.com/murzagalin/multiplatform-expressions-evaluator")

dependencies {
    implementation "com.github.murzagalin:multiplatform-expressions-evaluator:0.9.1"



1 && var", mapOf("x" to 3, "var" to true) ) //variables evaluator.evaluateDouble( "1 + x + y", mapOf("x" to 3, "y" to 4) ) //functions evaluator.evaluateDouble( "sin(x)^2+cos(x)^2", mapOf("x" to 2.0) ) //constants evaluator.evaluateDouble("cos(pi)") evaluator.evaluateDouble("ln(e^3)") ">
import com.github.murzagalin.evaluator.Evaluator

val evaluator = Evaluator()

//numeric values
evaluator.evaluateDouble("23 + 0.123 * (124 / -60.124)")

//boolean values
    "x > 1 && var",
    mapOf("x" to 3, "var" to true)

    "1 + x + y",
    mapOf("x" to 3, "y" to 4)

    mapOf("x" to 2.0)


Custom functions

The library supports custom functions with any number of arguments. Supported argument and return types are Double and Boolean

Functions with constant number of arguments

For the example I will explain how to create a function that represents the general form of normal distribution probability density function: img.png

The function will have the following syntax: normal_dist(x, m, sigma). The parameter m is the mean of the distribution, while the parameter sigma is its standard deviation.

We define a function which is named "normal_dist" and has 3 arguments:

import com.github.murzagalin.evaluator.Function

object NormalDist : Function("normal_dist", 3) {
    override fun invoke(vararg args: Any): Any {
        val x = args.getAsDouble(0) { "$name argument must be a number" }
        val m = args.getAsDouble(1) { "$name mean must be a number" }
        val sigma = args.getAsDouble(2) { "$name sigma must be a number" }

        return 1.0 / sigma / sqrt(2 * PI) * exp(-1.0 / 2.0 * ((x - m) / sigma).pow(2))

Note: the library checks if the number of arguments in an expression is equal to 3, otherwise it throws an exception. But you have to check the types of the arguments by yourself. Functions getAsDouble(index, lazyMessage) and getAsBoolean(index, lazyMessage) return an element at position index, and throw IllegalArgumentException with the message returned from lazyMessage if it has a wrong type

Then we add this function to the evaluator:

import com.github.murzagalin.evaluator.DefaultFunctions
import com.github.murzagalin.evaluator.Evaluator

fun main() {
    val evaluator = Evaluator(functions = DefaultFunctions.ALL + NormalDist)
    print(evaluator.evaluateDouble("normal_dist(12, 9, 3)"))

Functions with variable number of arguments

The process of creating functions with variable number of arguments is pretty much the same. The difference is how we define the function.

As an example I will create a function mult(a1, a2, ..., an) which is defined as a1 * a2 * ... * an:

acc * (x as Double) } } } ">
object Mult: Function("mult", 2..Int.MAX_VALUE) {
    override fun invoke(vararg args: Any): Any {
        require(args.all { it is Double }) { "$name function requires all arguments to be numbers" }

        return args.fold(1.0) { acc, x -> acc * (x as Double) }

Note: we define minimum and maximum number of arguments as a range. It is also possible to define them separately: Function("mult", 2, Int.MAX_VALUE)

Then we add this function to the evaluator:

import com.github.murzagalin.evaluator.DefaultFunctions
import com.github.murzagalin.evaluator.Evaluator

fun main() {
    val evaluator = Evaluator(functions = DefaultFunctions.ALL + Mult)
    print(evaluator.evaluateDouble("mult(2, 3, 4)"))

Custom constants

The library supports custom constants. For the example I will show you how to add a golden ratio constant. We will define the constant named phi with the value 1.6180339887:

import com.github.murzagalin.evaluator.Constant
import com.github.murzagalin.evaluator.DefaultConstants
import com.github.murzagalin.evaluator.Evaluator

fun main() {
    val PHI = Constant("phi", 1.6180339887)
    val evaluator = Evaluator(constants = DefaultConstants.ALL + PHI)
    print(evaluator.evaluateDouble("x * phi", mapOf("x" to 2)))

Expressions preprocessing

By default, the library does the following steps to evaluate an expression:

  1. Tokenizing - splitting the expression into a list of units (operations, numbers, constants, function calls, etc.)
  2. Converting the expression from infix to postifx notation.
  3. Evaluating the postfix expression.

In case you have an expression with variables, it might make sense to preprocess the expression (do steps 1 and 2 in advance) to improve the performance:

import com.github.murzagalin.evaluator.Evaluator

fun main() {
    val evaluator = Evaluator()
    //step 1 and 2
    val preprocessedExpression = evaluator.preprocessExpression("1 + x + y^2")
    //step 3
    val result = evaluator.evaluateDouble(preprocessedExpression, mapOf("x" to 2, "y" to 4))








This library is available for free under Apache 2.0 license.

Copyright (c) 2021 Azamat Murzagalin.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
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  • Expressions Evaluator package requires authentication

    Expressions Evaluator package requires authentication

    Hi again @murzagalin!

    After trying to add your library to my kotlin multiplatform project, the gradle build failed with an error. So I tried to setup a new empty test project (via the project wizard of Android Studio) to verify that my configuration is not responsible for the error.

    I tested with a new Kotlin Multiplatform Library and a Kotlin Multiplatform App project. In both cases, I added your library as suggested in the README.

        repositories {
            maven {
                url = uri("https://maven.pkg.github.com/murzagalin/multiplatform-expressions-evaluator")
        sourceSets {
            val commonMain by getting {
                dependencies {
            // other stuff ...

    Building the project gives the following error in both cases

    Could not GET 'https://maven.pkg.github.com/murzagalin/multiplatform-expressions-evaluator/com/github/murzagalin/multiplatform-expressions-evaluator/0.11.0/multiplatform-expressions-evaluator-0.11.0.pom'. Received status code 401 from server: Unauthorized
    Disable Gradle 'offline mode' and sync project

    Manually trying to access https://maven.pkg.github.com/murzagalin/multiplatform-expressions-evaluator/com/github/murzagalin/multiplatform-expressions-evaluator/0.11.0/multiplatform-expressions-evaluator-0.11.0.pom also requires authentication.

    It appears that the Github Package is private. Is that intended, or is it possible to make it publicly accessible without authentication?

    opened by flixlo 13
  • Distribution via Maven Central

    Distribution via Maven Central

    Hi @murzagalin!

    At the moment, multiplatform-expressions-evaluator is distributed via Github Packages. The fact, that Github Packages requires authentication to fetch dependencies makes the setup kinda cumbersome. For example, in a team of multiple developers working on the same project, each developer needs to manually configure the authentication credentials. Also, if you want to use CI & CD it requires additional configuration for the credentials.

    That's why I'd highly recommend to upload the library to the Maven Central Repository. This would also make it easier for other developers to use your library, because it drastically simplifies the setup process.

    opened by flixlo 5
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    Hi @murzagalin!

    I’m developing a kotlin multiplatform mobile app for Android and iOS and would like to use your library. Unfortunately, the multiplatform-expression-evaluator does not support iOS targets.

    That’s why I created this pull request, which adds the iOS support to the library. I tested the PR with my app and successfully executed the expression parser on both platforms: Android and iOS.

    Thanks for your feedback!

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