trueseeing is a fast, accurate and resillient vulnerabilities scanner for Android apps. It operates on Android Packaging File (APK) and outputs a comprehensive report in HTML, JSON or a CI-friendly format. It doesn't matter if the APK is obfuscated or not.
Currently trueseeing can detect the following class of vulnerabilities:
Improper Platform Usage (M1)
- Debuggable
- Inadvent publishing of Activities, Services, ContentProviders, BroadcastReceivers
Insecure Data (M2)
- Backupable (i.e. suspectible to the backup attack)
- Insecure file permissions
- Logging
Insecure Commnications (M3)
- Lack of pinning (i.e. suspictible to the TLS interception attack)
- Use of cleartext HTTP
- Tamperable WebViews
Insufficient Cryptography (M5)
- Hardcoded passphrase/secret keys
- Vernum ciphers with static keys
- Use of the ECB mode
Client Code Quality Issues (M7)
- Reflectable WebViews (i.e. XSSs in such views should be escalatable to remote code executions via JS reflection)
- Usage of insecure policy on mixed contents
Code Tampering (M8)
- Hardcoded certificates
Reverse Engineering (M9)
- Lack of obfuscation
$ pip3 install trueseeing
The following command line is sufficient to scan a APK (target.apk):
$ trueseeing /path/to/target.apk > report.html
To get a JSON format:
$ trueseeing --output=json /path/to/target.apk > report.json
To get output in more CI-friendly format:
$ trueseeing --output=gcc /path/to/target.apk
To fix (not all) problems it catches:
$ trueseeing --patch-all /path/to/target.apk