Android calendar library provides easy to use widget with events



Kotlin-AgendaCalendarView based on AgendaCalendarView

Kotlin-AgendaCalendarView is a awesome calendar widget with a list of events. Events can be dynamically added to the calendar. Please feel free to contribute to this project by creating pull request on feauture or bugfix branches.


alt text

Import project


        compile 'com.ognev.kotlin.agendacalendarview:kotlin-agendacalendarview:1.0'




Layout xml file

        tools:layout_editor_absoluteX="8dp" />

Implement your activity/fragment from CalendarController

    fun getEmptyEventLayout(): Int

    fun getEventLayout() : Int

    fun onDaySelected(dayItem: IDayItem)

    fun onScrollToDate(calendar: Calendar)

Create your Model class:

    class SampleEvent(name: String, description: String) {
        var id: Long = 0
        var name: String = name
        var desciption: String = description

Create model wrapper class for calendar widget:

    class MyCalendarEvent: BaseCalendarEvent {

    override lateinit var startTime: Calendar
    override lateinit var endTime: Calendar
    override var event: Any? = null

    override lateinit var instanceDay: Calendar

    override lateinit var dayReference: IDayItem

    override lateinit var weekReference: IWeekItem

    override fun setEventInstanceDay(instanceDay: Calendar): MyCalendarEvent {
        this.instanceDay = instanceDay
        this.instanceDay.set(Calendar.HOUR, 0)
        this.instanceDay.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0)
        this.instanceDay.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0)
        this.instanceDay.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0)
        this.instanceDay.set(Calendar.AM_PM, 0)
        return this

    constructor(calendarEvent: CalendarEvent) {

    constructor(startTime: Calendar,
                endTime: Calendar,
                dayItem: DayItem,
                event: SampleEvent?)  {
        this.startTime = startTime
        this.endTime = endTime
        this.dayReference = dayItem
        this.event = event

    fun copy(): MyCalendarEvent {
        return MyCalendarEvent(this)

    override fun hasEvent(): Boolean {
        return event != null

    fun toString(): String {
        return super.toString()

Create adapter:

    class SampleEventAgendaAdapter(var context: Context) : DefaultEventAdapter() {
        private var format: SimpleDateFormat? = null

    init {
        format = SimpleDateFormat(context.getString(com.ognev.kotlin.agendacalendarview.R.string.header_date),

    override fun getHeaderLayout(): Int {
        return R.layout.view_agenda_header

    override fun getHeaderItemView(view: View, day: Calendar) {
        val txtDayOfMonth = view.findViewById( as TextView
        val today = CalendarManager.instance!!.today

        if (DateHelper.sameDate(day, today)) {
        } else{

        txtDayOfMonth.text = format!!.format(day.time)

    override fun getEventItemView(view: View, event: CalendarEvent, position: Int) {
        val myEvent = event as MyCalendarEvent
        val myObject: SampleEvent? = myEvent.event as SampleEvent?

        if(myEvent.hasEvent()) {
                    as TextView).text = myObject!!.name

                    as TextView).text = myObject.desciption

        view.setOnClickListener {
            Toast.makeText(view.context, "Item: ".plus(position), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()

    override fun getEventLayout(hasEvent: Boolean): Int {
        return if(hasEvent) R.layout.view_agenda_event else R.layout.view_agenda_empty_event

Configure calendar in your code with a CalendarContentManager:

        minDate = Calendar.getInstance()
        maxDate = Calendar.getInstance()
        minDate.add(Calendar.MONTH, -10)
        minDate.add(Calendar.YEAR, -1)
        minDate.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1)
        maxDate.add(Calendar.YEAR, 1)

        eventList = ArrayList()

        contentManager = CalendarContentManager(this, agenda_calendar_view, SampleEventAgendaAdapter(applicationContext))

        contentManager.locale = Locale.ENGLISH
        contentManager.setDateRange(minDate, maxDate)

Add events to calendar from start


Add events to calendar to End of list



Copyright 2017 Ognev Zair

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

  • new logo

    new logo

    Hi @ognev-zair , I am a graphic designer, I want to help others in graphic design.

    After I reviewed your project, you have no logo on this project. Therefore I want to contribute to this project by creating a new logo / icon. what do you think?

    opened by luthfirangers 3
  • Awesome library! Thank you. I do have a question though

    Awesome library! Thank you. I do have a question though

    Hi @ognev-zair I was able to configure the calendar and it loads and works very smoothly. What I couldn't figure out yet, is how can I make the top bar that contains the days to start from Monday, and not from Sunday. Could you give me a hit, please? I've tried to set the locale to some local that has the week starting with Monday, but it only changes the calendar language, not the week day name bar.

    Thanks you!

    opened by trifagabriel 1
  • Sample code clean-up

    Sample code clean-up

    • Update MainActivity code formatting
    • Update kotlin version to 1.1.60
    • Add extension function for Calendar.isSameDay
    • Make SampleEvent a data class
    • Format code
    opened by victornicro 1
  • ,ckdk;udizogmzjhflm


    opened by kescatefou 0
  • Notify for new values

    Notify for new values


    How can we update the list of adapter ?

    val calendarView : AgendaCalendarView = view.findViewById( adapter = AgendaAdapter(this.requireContext()) contentManager = CalendarContentManager(this, calendarView, adapter) contentManager.setDateRange(minDate, maxDate) contentManager.locale = Locale.FRENCH

        viewModel.interventionsListOfUser.observe(viewLifecycleOwner) { intervention ->
            intervention.forEach { inter ->
                val dayStart = Calendar.getInstance()
                dayStart.time = Date(inter.startAt!!)
                val dayEnd = Calendar.getInstance()
                dayEnd.time = Date(inter.finishAt!!)
                val dayItem = DayItem.buildDayItemFromCal(dayStart)
                eventList.add(AgendaEvent(dayStart, dayEnd, dayItem, inter))
    opened by FlorianStock 1
  • [SOLVED] IllegalStateException: Handling non empty state of parent class is not implemented

    [SOLVED] IllegalStateException: Handling non empty state of parent class is not implemented

    If you're getting the [IllegalStateException: Handling non empty state of parent class is not implemented] crash, you can solve it by adding this line in your activity/fragment, where the agenda calendar view is instantiated. Most probably to happen on Android O, Google phones.


    opened by trifagabriel 0
  • why it is get black screen before open the calendar

    why it is get black screen before open the calendar

    I tried to use this library on a button click event. It is working but it gets a little bit of time to open the calendar & before open it shows a black screen.

    opened by PrihanNimsara 0
  • Question and bug: making

    Question and bug: making "notifyDataSetChanged" stay on same place

    I've noticed that whether you scroll to the top or to the bottom, after it finishes loading, you call notifyDataSetChanged , but the scrolling stay almost on same place, almost perfectly.

    How did you do this?

    I've written about it here:

    Also, found an issue about this. If I let it load, and then I scroll a bit, it doesn't stay on the current place. Attached video to show issue.

    opened by AndroidDeveloperLB 1
Ognev Zair
Software Engineer | Work Hard Dream Big
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