A Spark DSL in idiomatic kotlin.



A Spark DSL in idiomatic kotlin.


  • Per Wendel, @perwendel
  • Love Löfdahl, @lallemupp





compile "com.sparkjava:spark-kotlin:1.0.0-alpha"



") splat() status() status(404) queryParams(" ") queryMap() queryMap(" ") attribute(" ") attribute(" ", " ") attributes() session() session(create = true) contentType() uri() protocol() scheme() host() port() pathInfo() servletPath() contextPath() userAgent() requestMethod() type() type(contentType = "application/json") redirect(location = "/to") redirect(location = "/to", statusCode = 302) // has all above and some more request response } get("/nothing") { status(404) "Oops, we couldn't find what you're looking for" } get("/saymy/:name") { params(":name") } get("/redirect") { redirect("/hello") } // Instance API val http = ignite() http.get("/hello") { "Hello Spark Kotlin" } http.get("/nothing") { status(404) "Oops, we couldn't find what you're looking for" } http.get("/saymy/:name") { params(":name") } http.get("/redirect") { redirect("/hello") }">
// Static API
get("/hello") {
    "Hello Spark Kotlin"

get("/doc") {
    // available (same in instance API)
        , "
    session(create = true)
    type(contentType = "application/json")
    redirect(location = "/to")
    redirect(location = "/to", statusCode = 302)
    // has all above and some more

get("/nothing") {
    "Oops, we couldn't find what you're looking for"

get("/saymy/:name") {

get("/redirect") {

// Instance API
val http = ignite()

http.get("/hello") {
    "Hello Spark Kotlin"

http.get("/nothing") {
    "Oops, we couldn't find what you're looking for"

http.get("/saymy/:name") {

http.get("/redirect") {

Initialization DSL

// Static API
config {
    port = 5500
    ipAddress = ""
    threadPool {
        maxThreads = 10
        minThreads = 5
        idleTimeoutMillis = 1000
    secure {
        keystore {
            file = "/etc/secure/keystore"
            password = "hardtocrack"
        truststore {
            file = "/etc/secure/truststore"
            password = "otherdifficultpassword"
        needsClientCert = false
    staticFiles {
        location = "/public"
        expiryTime = 36000.seconds
                "description" to "static content",
                "licence" to "free to use"
                "cxt" to "text/html"

// Instance API
val http = ignite {
    port = 5500
    ipAddress = ""
    threadPool {
        maxThreads = 10
        minThreads = 5
        idleTimeoutMillis = 1000
    secure {
        keystore {
            file = "/etc/secure/keystore"
            password = "hardtocrack"
        truststore {
            file = "/etc/secure/truststore"
            password = "otherdifficultpassword"
        needsClientCert = false
    staticFiles {
        location = "/public"
        expiryTime = 36000.seconds
                "description" to "static content",
                "licence" to "free to use"
                "cxt" to "text/html"

Redirect DSL

// Static API
redirect {
            "/from" to "/hello",
            "/hi" to "/hello"
            "/source" to "/target"
            "/gone" to "/new"

// Instance API
http.redirect {
            "/from" to "/hello",
            "/hi" to "/hello"
            "/source" to "/target"
            "/gone" to "/new"

WebSocket DSL (design ongoing)

// Static API
webSocket("/echo") {
    opened {
        println("[Opened] remote address = " + session.remoteAddress)
    received {
        println("[Received] message = $message")
    closed {
        println("[Closed] code = $code, reason = $reason, session = $session")
    error {
        println("[Error] cause = " + cause)

// Instance API
http.webSocket("/echo") {
    opened {
        println("[Opened] remote address = " + session.remoteAddress)
    received {
        println("[Received] message = $message")
    closed {
        println("[Closed] code = $code, reason = $reason, session = $session")
    error {
        println("[Error] cause = " + cause)

class WebSocketSession
    val remote
    var idleTimeout
    val isOpen
    val localAddress
    val protocolVersion
    val upgradeResponse
    val upgradeRequest
    val policy
    val isSecure
    val remoteAddress
    fun disconnect()
    fun suspend(): Suspension 
    fun close()
    fun close(closeStatus: CloseStatus?)
    fun close(statusCode: Int, reason: String?)
    fun raw(): Session
  • Sources JAR in Maven

    Sources JAR in Maven

    Source JAR in Maven doesn't include the Kotlin sources:

    # unzip -l spark-kotlin-1.0.0-alpha-sources.jar
    Archive:  spark-kotlin-1.0.0-alpha-sources.jar
      Length      Date    Time    Name
    ---------  ---------- -----   ----
           93  05-30-2017 23:37   META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
            0  05-30-2017 23:37   META-INF/
            0  05-30-2017 23:36   dummy/
            0  05-30-2017 23:37   META-INF/maven/
            0  05-30-2017 23:37   META-INF/maven/com.sparkjava/
            0  05-30-2017 23:37   META-INF/maven/com.sparkjava/spark-kotlin/
          920  05-30-2017 23:36   dummy/JavadocDummy.java
         8372  05-30-2017 23:36   META-INF/maven/com.sparkjava/spark-kotlin/pom.xml
          124  05-30-2017 23:37   META-INF/maven/com.sparkjava/spark-kotlin/pom.properties
    ---------                     -------
         9509                     9 files
    opened by 0x3333 3
  • Possible to group request handlers into controllers?

    Possible to group request handlers into controllers?

    Question/Feature request: I tend to write apps where the code is grouped by feature/package (opposed to group-by-layer) in order to achieve cleaner code, especially when it comes to larger codebases. I'm a newbie to Kotlin and haven't figured a way how to group routes into controllers using spark-kotlin, sparkjava supports this pattern. Is this possible, and if so how? In case it isn't, would it be possible to add support for it to spark-kotlin?

    opened by pehagg 2
  • return value in places that use http transformer

    return value in places that use http transformer


    This is a bit contradictory to https://github.com/perwendel/spark-kotlin/issues/7, however I was using a response transformer to generate JSON and noticed that the Kotlin wrapper didn't pass through the return values of the routes.

    Cheers, Andreas

    opened by athurn 2
  • Too many arguments for public fun ignite()

    Too many arguments for public fun ignite()

    Hi! I try to run the basic example given on the project main page:

    val http = ignite {
        port = 8080
        ipAddress = ""
        threadPool {
            maxThreads = 10
            minThreads = 5
            idleTimeoutMillis = 1000
    http.get("/") {
        "Hello Spark Kotlin!"

    but it gives already errors without doing a compile/build step, saying "Too many arguments for public fun ignite()". I would appreciate a working example or some hint, what goes wrong.

    I added import spark.kotlin.* to the import section of my main.kt file and implementation "com.sparkjava:spark-kotlin:1.0.0-alpha" to my modules build.gradle dependencies section. And yes I triggered a gradle sync afterwards.

    opened by matths 1
  • Unable to serve static files

    Unable to serve static files

    I'm trying out spark with Kotlin for the first time so forgive me if this is a trivial error but it seems to be in line with the documentation. I have created a folder in src/main/resources/public that contains an index.html

    package com.divanvisagie.todo
    import spark.kotlin.*
    fun main(args: Array<String>) {
        val http: Http = ignite()
        http.get("/hello") {
            "Hello Spark Kotlin!"
        println("Hello Kotlin ?")

    However browsing to the following url returns a 404.


    opened by divanvisagie 1
  • Add Banner support to the framework

    Add Banner support to the framework

    Hey ya, I like spark quite a bit and use it in multiple projects. I was wondering if framework can add banner functionality, just like Spring or Dropwizard?

    Thank you.

    opened by meirka 0
  • Instance API exception handling

    Instance API exception handling

    In Java version I can app.exception(Exception::class.java) { e, req, res -> /**/ }

    However, in this one the api seems to be unavailable, the IDE can't find any method with name exception. So how am I supposed to establish exception handling with instance API?

    opened by isaac-weisberg 0
  • Release or updated alpha?

    Release or updated alpha?

    Hello happy people,

    will there be a new(er) release any time soon? It seems that exception handlers (and maybe some other things I haven't touched yet) don't work in the latest release (from May, 2017) on maven central.

    Are there anything to do before a release is possible that one can help with maybe?

    Cheers, Alex

    opened by JimPanic 4
  • halt return type gets in the way

    halt return type gets in the way

    Since halt doesn't return, it should return Nothing. This can be accomplished by throwing the result of java's halt (it won't actually get thrown because java's halt will do it first).

    This will let us use halt inside of when and the like without affecting the type of the expression. (right now, since halt returns the exception, a when statement will change its type to Any for no good reason)

    opened by phrodo00 1
  • RouteHandler::queryParams can be null

    RouteHandler::queryParams can be null

    request.queryParams can return null, which throws a runtime error since the return type of RouteHandler.queryParams is set as a non-nullable String: fun queryParams(key: String): String { return request.queryParams(key) }

    There are probably other methods with the same problem (contentType?)

    opened by richardskg 1
  • Make things that are possibly null nullable

    Make things that are possibly null nullable

    Right now, certain things are nullable from the Java side of things and are declared as non-null on the Kotlin side of things, which would cause runtime crashes as they occur. I think I covered them all here, but these were the ones that I found could be null via the JavaDocs of the Java libraries.

    I also updated this to use the new java-library plugin which allows for more control over gradle dependencies.

    opened by Jawnnypoo 1
Per Wendel
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