Kotter - aims to be a relatively thin, declarative, Kotlin-idiomatic API that provides useful functionality for writing delightful console applications.


version: 0.9.8 Varabyte Discord Follow @bitspittle

Kotter 🦦

"); input(Completions("yes", "no")) if (wantsToLearn) { yellow(isBright = true) { p { textLine("""\(^o^)/""") } } } }.runUntilInputEntered { onInputEntered { wantsToLearn = "yes".startsWith(input.lowercase()) } } }">
session {
  var wantsToLearn by liveVarOf(false)
  section {
    text("Would you like to learn "); cyan { text("Kotter") }; textLine("? (Y/n)")
    text("> "); input(Completions("yes", "no"))

    if (wantsToLearn) {
      yellow(isBright = true) { p { textLine("""\(^o^)/""") } }
  }.runUntilInputEntered {
    onInputEntered { wantsToLearn = "yes".startsWith(input.lowercase()) }

Code sample in action

See also: the game of life, snake, sliding tiles, doom fire, and Wordle implemented in Kotter!

Kotter (a KOTlin TERminal library) aims to be a relatively thin, declarative, Kotlin-idiomatic API that provides useful functionality for writing delightful console applications. It strives to keep things simple, providing a solution a bit more opinionated than making raw println calls but way less featured than something like Java Curses.

Specifically, this library helps with:

  • Setting colors and text decorations (e.g. underline, bold)
  • Handling user input
  • Creating timers and animations
  • Seamlessly repainting terminal text when values change

🐘 Gradle

🎯 Dependency

The artifact for this project is hosted in our own artifact repository (*), so to include Kotter in your project, modify your Gradle build file as follows:

repositories {
  /* ... */
  maven { url 'https://us-central1-maven.pkg.dev/varabyte-repos/public' }

dependencies {
  /* ... */
  implementation 'com.varabyte.kotter:kotter:0.9.8'

(* To be hosted in mavenCentral eventually)

🚥 Running examples

If you've cloned this repository, examples are located under the examples folder. To try one of them, you can navigate into it on the command line and run it via Gradle.

$ cd examples/life
$ ../../gradlew run

However, because Gradle itself has taken over the terminal to do its own fancy command line magic, the example will actually open up and run inside a virtual terminal.

If you want to run the program directly inside your system terminal, which is hopefully the way most users will see your application, you should use the installDist task to accomplish this:

$ cd examples/life
$ ../../gradlew installDist
$ cd build/install/life/bin
$ ./life

Note: If your terminal does not support features needed by Kotter, then this still may end up running inside a virtual terminal.

📖 Usage

👶 Basics

The following is equivalent to println("Hello, World"). In this simple case, it's definitely overkill!

session {
  section { textLine("Hello, World") }.run()

section { ... } defines a Section which, on its own, is inert. It needs to be run to output text to the console. Above, we use the run method to trigger this. The method blocks until the render (i.e. text printing to the console) is finished (which, in the above case, will be almost instant).

session { ... } sets the outer scope for your whole program. While we're just calling it with default arguments here, you can also pass in parameters that apply to the entire application. A Kotter session can contain one or more sections.

While the above simple case is a bit verbose for what it's doing, Kotter starts to show its strength when doing background work (or other async tasks like waiting for user input) during which time the section block may render several times. We'll see many examples throughout this document later.

🎨 Text Effects

You can call color methods directly, which remain in effect until the next color method is called:

section {
  green(layer = BG)
  red() // defaults to FG layer if no layer specified
  textLine("Red on green")
  textLine("Blue on green")

Code sample in action

If you only want the color effect to live for a limited time, you can use scoped helper versions that handle clearing colors for you automatically at the end of their block:

section {
  green(layer = BG) {
    red {
      textLine("Red on green")
    textLine("Default on green")
    blue {
      textLine("Blue on green")

Code sample in action

If the user's terminal supports truecolor mode, you can specify rgb (or hsv) values directly:

section {
  rgb(0xFFFF00) { textLine("Yellow!") }
  hsv(35, 1.0f, 1.0f) { textLine("Orange!") }

Code sample in action

Note: If truecolor is not supported, terminals may attempt to emulate it by falling back to a nearby color, which may look decent! However, to be safe, you may want to avoid subtle gradient tricks, as they may come out clumped for some users.

Various text effects (like bold) are also available:

section {
  bold {

  p {
    textLine("A paragraph is content auto-surrounded by newlines")

  p {
    text("This paragraph has an ")
    underline { text("underlined") }
    textLine(" word in it")

Code sample in action

Note: Italics functionality is not currently exposed, as it is not a standard feature and is inconsistently supported across terminals.

🪆 State and scopedState

To reduce the chance of introducing unexpected bugs later, state changes (like colors) will be localized to the current section block only:

section {
  text("This text is red on blue")

section {
  text("This text is rendered using default colors")

Code sample in action

Within a section, you can also use the scopedState method. This creates a new scope within which any state will be automatically discarded after it ends.

section {
  scopedState {
    textLine("Underlined red on blue")
  text("Text without color or decorations")

Code sample in action

Note: This is what the scoped text effect methods (like red { ... }) are doing for you under the hood, actually.

🎬 Rerendering sections

The section block is designed to be run one or more times. That is, you can write logic inside it which may not get executed on the first run but will be on a followup run.

Here, we pass in a callback to the run method which updates a value referenced by the section block (the result integer). This example will run the section twice - once when run is first called and again when it calls rerender:

var result: Int? = null
section {
  text("Calculating... ")
  if (result != null) {
    text("Done! Result = $result")
}.run {
  result = doNetworkFetchAndExpensiveCalculation()

Code sample in action

The run callback automatically runs on a background thread for you (as a suspend function, so you can call other suspend methods from within it).

Unlike using run without a callback (i.e. simply run()), here your program will be blocked until the callback has finished (or, if it has triggered a rerender, until the last rerender finishes after your callback is done).


As you can see above, the run callback uses a rerender method, which you can call to request another render pass.

However, remembering to call rerender yourself is potentially fragile and could be a source of bugs in the future when trying to figure out why your console isn't updating.

For this purpose, Kotter provides the LiveVar class, which, when modified, will automatically request a rerender. An example will demonstrate this in action shortly.

To create a LiveVar, simply change a normal variable declaration line like:

session {
  var result: Int? = null
  /* ... */


session {
  var result by liveVarOf<Int?>(null)
  /* ... */

Note: The liveVarOf method is actually scoped to the session block. For many remaining examples, we'll elide the session boilerplate, but that doesn't mean you can omit it in your own program!

Let's apply liveVarOf to our earlier example in order to remove the rerender call:

var result by liveVarOf<Int?>(null)
section {
  /* ... no changes ... */
}.run {
  result = doNetworkFetchAndExpensiveCalculation()

And done! Fewer lines and less error pone.

Here's another example, showing how you can use run and a LiveVar to render a progress bar:

// Prints something like: [****------]
val BAR_LENGTH = 10
var numFilledSegments by liveVarOf(0)
section {
  for (i in 0 until BAR_LENGTH) {
    text(if (i < numFilledSegments) "*" else "-")
}.run {
  var percent = 0
  while (percent < 100) {
    delay(Random.nextLong(10, 100))
    percent += Random.nextInt(1,5)
    numFilledSegments = ((percent / 100f) * BAR_LENGTH).roundToInt()

Code sample in action


Similar to LiveVar, a LiveList is a reactive primitive which, when modified by having elements added to or removed from it, causes a rerender to happen automatically. You don't need to use the by keyword with LiveList. Instead, within a session, use the liveListOf method:

() section { textLine("Matches found so far:") if (fileMatches.isNotEmpty()) { for (match in fileMatches) { textLine(" - $match") } } else { textLine("No matches so far...") } }.run { fileWalker.findFiles("*.txt") { file -> fileMatches += file.name } }">
val fileWalker = FileWalker(".") // This class doesn't exist but just pretend for this example...
val fileMatches = liveListOf<String>()
section {
  textLine("Matches found so far:")
  if (fileMatches.isNotEmpty()) {
    for (match in fileMatches) {
      textLine(" - $match")
  else {
    textLine("No matches so far...")
}.run {
  fileWalker.findFiles("*.txt") { file ->
    fileMatches += file.name

Code sample in action

The LiveList class is thread safe, but you can still run into trouble if you access multiple values on the list one after the other, as a lock is released between each check. It's always possible that modifying the first property will kick off a new render which will start before the additional values are set, in other words.

To handle this, you can use the LiveList#withWriteLock method:

() section { ... }.run { fileWalker.findFiles("*.txt") { file -> last10Matches.withWriteLock { add(file.name) if (size > 10) { removeAt(0) } } } }">
val fileWalker = FileWalker(".")
val last10Matches = liveListOf<String>()
section {
}.run {
  fileWalker.findFiles("*.txt") { file ->
    last10Matches.withWriteLock {
      if (size > 10) { removeAt(0) }

The general rule of thumb is: use withWriteLock if you want to access or modify more than one property from the list at the same time within your run block.

Note that you don't have to worry about locking within a section { ... } block. Data access is already locked for you in that context.

Signals and waiting

A common pattern is for the run block to wait for some sort of signal before finishing, e.g. in response to some event. You could always use a general threading trick for this, such as a CountDownLatch or a CompletableDeffered to stop the block from finishing until you're ready:

() fileDownloader.onFinished += { finished.complete(Unit) } fileDownloader.start() finished.await() }">
val fileDownloader = FileDownloader("...")
section {
  /* ... */
}.run {
  val finished = CompletableDeffered<Unit>()
  fileDownloader.onFinished += { finished.complete(Unit) }

but, for convenience, Kotter provides the signal and waitForSignal methods, which do this for you.

val fileDownloader = FileDownloader("...")
section {
  /* ... */
}.run {
  fileDownloader.onFinished += { signal() }

These methods are enough in most cases. Note that if you call signal before you reach waitForSignal, then waitForSignal will just pass through without stopping.

There's also a convenience runUntilSignal method you can use, within which you don't need to call waitForSignal yourself, since this case is so common:

val fileDownloader = FileDownloader("...")
section {
  /* ... */
}.runUntilSignal {
  fileDownloader.onFinished += { signal() }

⌨️ User input

Typed input

Kotter consumes keypresses, so as the user types into the console, nothing will show up unless you intentionally print it. You can easily do this using the input method, which handles listening to kepresses and adding text into your section at that location:

section {
  // `input` is a method that appends the user's input typed so far in this
  // Once your section references it, the block is automatically rerendered when its value changes.
  text("Please enter your name: "); input()
}.run { /* ... */ }

Code sample in action

The input method automatically adds a cursor for you. It also handles keys like LEFT/RIGHT and HOME/END, moving the cursor back and forth between the bounds of the input string.

You can intercept input as it is typed using the onInputChanged event:

section {
  text("Please enter your name: "); input()
}.run {
  onInputChanged {
    input = input.toUpperCase()
  /* ... */

You can also use the rejectInput method to return your input to the previous (presumably valid) state.

section {
  text("Please enter your name: "); input()
}.run {
  onInputChanged {
    if (input.any { !it.isLetter() }) { rejectInput() }
    // Would also work: input = input.filter { it.isLetter() }
  /* ... */

To handle when the user presses the ENTER key, use the onInputEntered callback. You can use it in conjunction with the onInputChanged callback we just discussed:

var name = ""
section {
  text("Please enter your name: "); input()
}.runUntilSignal {
  onInputChanged { input = input.filter { it.isLetter() } }
  onInputEntered { name = input; signal() }

Above, we've indicated that we want to close the section when the user presses ENTER. Since this is actually a fairly common case, Kotter provides runUntilInputEntered for your convenience. Using it, we can simplify the above example a bit, typing fewer characters for identical behavior and expressing clearer intention:

var name = ""
section {
  text("Please enter your name: "); input()
}.runUntilInputEntered {
  onInputChanged { input = input.filter { it.isLetter() } }
  onInputEntered { name = input }


If you're interested in specific keypresses and not simply input that's been typed in, you can register a listener to the onKeyPressed callback:

quit = true } } while (!quit) { delay(16) /* ... */ } }">
section {
  textLine("Press Q to quit")
  /* ... */
}.run {
  var quit = false
  onKeyPressed {
    when(key) {
      Keys.Q -> quit = true

  while (!quit) {
    /* ... */

For convenience, there's also a runUntilKeyPressed method you can use to help with patterns like the above. It can be nice, for example, to let the user press Q to quit your application:

section {
  textLine("Press Q to quit")
  /* ... */
}.runUntilKeyPressed(Keys.Q) {
  while (true) {
    /* ... */


Kotter can manage a set of timers for you. Use the addTimer method in your run block to add some:

section {
  /* ... */
}.runUntilSignal {
  addTimer(Duration.ofMillis(500)) {
    println("500ms passed!")

You can create a repeating timer by passing in repeat = true to the method. And if you want to stop it from repeating at some point, set repeat = false inside the timer block when it is triggered:

val BLINK_TOTAL_LEN = Duration.ofSeconds(5)
val BLINK_LEN = Duration.ofMillis(250)
var blinkOn by liveVarOf(false)
section {
  scopedState {
    if (blinkOn) invert()
    textLine("This line will blink for ${BLINK_TOTAL_LEN.toSeconds()} seconds")

}.run {
  var blinkCount = BLINK_TOTAL_LEN.toMillis() / BLINK_LEN.toMillis()
  addTimer(BLINK_LEN, repeat = true) {
    blinkOn = !blinkOn
    if (blinkCount == 0L) {
      repeat = false
  /* ... */

Code sample in action

With timers running, it's possible your run block will exit while things are in a state you didn't intend (e.g. in the above example with the blink effect still on). You should use the onFinishing callback to handle this case:

var blinkOn by liveVarOf(false)
section {
  /* ... */
}.onFinishing {
  blinkOn = false
}.runUntilKeyPressed(Keys.Q) {
  addTimer(Duration.ofMillis(250), repeat = true) { blinkOn = !blinkOn }
  /* ... */

Note: Unlike all the other callbacks we discussed earlier, onFinishing is registered directly against the underlying section and not inside the run block, because it is actually triggered AFTER the run pass is finished but before the block is torn down.

onFinishing will only run after all timers are stopped, so you don't have to worry about setting a value that an errant timer will clobber later.

🎥 Animations

Animations make a huge difference for how the user experiences your application, so Kotter strives to make it trivial to add them into your program.

Text Animation

You can easily create quick animations by calling textAnimOf:

var finished = false
val spinnerAnim = textAnimOf(listOf("\\", "|", "/", "-"), Duration.ofMillis(125))
val thinkingAnim = textAnimOf(listOf("", ".", "..", "..."), Duration.ofMillis(500))
section {
  if (!finished) { text(spinnerAnim) } else { text("") }
  text(" Searching for files")
  if (!finished) { text(thinkingAnim) } else { text("... Done!") }
}.run {
  finished = true

Code sample in action

When you reference an animation in a render for the first time, it kickstarts a timer automatically for you. In other words, all you have to do is treat your animation instance as if it were a string, and Kotter takes care of the rest!

Text animation templates

If you have an animation that you want to share in a bunch of places, you can create a template for it and instantiate instances from the template. TextAnim.Template takes exactly the same arguments as the textAnimOf method.

This may be useful if you have a single animation that you want to run in many places at the same time but all slightly off from one another. For example, if you were processing 10 threads at a time, you may want the spinner for each thread to start spinning whenever its thread activates:

val SPINNER_TEMPATE = TextAnim.Template(listOf("\\", "|", "/", "-"), Duration.ofMillis(250))

val spinners = (1..10).map { textAnimOf(SPINNER_TEMPLATE) }
/* ... */

Render animations

If you need a bit more power than text animations, you can use a render animation instead. You create one with a callback that is given a frame index and access to the current render scope. You can interpret the frame index however you want and use the render scope to call any of Kotter's text rendering methods that you need.

Declare a render animation using the renderAnimOf method and then invoke the result inside your render block:

session {
  val exampleAnim = renderAnimOf(numFrames = 5, Duration.ofMillis(250)) { i -> ... }
  section {
    // RenderAnims act like a function which take a render scope as their first parameter

For example, let's say we want to rotate through a list of colors and apply those to some text. Text animations only deal with raw text and don't have access to text effects like colors and styles, so we can't use them here, but we can accomplish these easily using a render animation and the color(Color) method:

session {
  val colorAnim = renderAnimOf(Color.values().size, Duration.ofMillis(250)) { i ->
  section {
    colorAnim(this) // Side-effect: sets the color for this section

Code sample in action

📥 Offscreen

Occasionally, when you want to render some marked up text, you'll wish you could measure it first, for example allowing you to pad both sides of each line with spaces to center everything, or putting the right count of "=" characters above and below a block of text to give it a sort of header effect. But by the time you've rendered something out, then it's too late!

offscreen to the rescue. You can think of offscreen as a temporary buffer to render to, after which you can both query it and control when it actually renders to the screen.

offscreen returns a buffer, which is a read-only view of the content. You can query its raw text or line lengths, for example. To render it, you need to call offscreen.createRenderer and then use renderer.renderNextRow to render out each line at a time.

section {
  // NOTE: This example doesn't really take advantage of the offscreen buffer,
  // but it does showcase all the moving parts.
  val buffer = offscreen { ... }
  val renderer = buffer.createRenderer()
  while (renderer.hasNextRow()) { renderer.renderNextRow() }

Note: Although you usually won't need to, you can create multiple renderers, each which manages its own state for what row to render out next.

One nice thing about the offscreen buffer is it manages its own local state, and while it originally inherits its parent scope's state, any changes you make within the offscreen buffer will be remembered to its end.

This is easier seen than described. The following example:

section {
  val buffer = offscreen {
    textLine("Inherited color (red)")
    textLine("Local color (cyan)")
    textLine("Still blue")

  val renderer = buffer.createRenderer()
  while (renderer.hasNextRow()) {
    text("red -- "); renderer.renderNextRow(); textLine(" -- red")

will render:

Offscreen local state example

The driving motivation for adding offscreen buffers was to be able to easily add borders around any block of text, so when this functionality went in, we also added the bordered method (link to code). You can check the implementation yourself to see how it delegates to offscreen, padding each row with the right number of spaces so that the border sides all line up.

📤 Aside

You can actually make one-off render requests directly inside a run block:

section {
    /* ... */
}.run {
    aside {
        textLine("Hello from an aside block")

which will output text directly before the active section.

In order to understand aside blocks, you should start to think of Kotter output as two parts -- some static history, and a dynamic, active area at the bottom. The static history will never change, while the active area will be written and cleared and rewritten over and over and over again as needed.

In general, a section is active until it is finished running, at which point it becomes static history, and the next section becomes active. You can almost think about consuming an active section, which freezes it after one final render, at which point it becomes static.

In fact, it's a common pattern to get static instructions out of the way first, in its own section, so we don't waste time rerendering them over and over in the main block:

session {
  section {
    textLine("Press arrow keys to move")
    textLine("Press R to restart")
    textLine("Press Q to quit")

  section {
    ... constantly rerendered lines ...
  }.runUntilKeyPressed(Keys.Q) { ... }

Occasionally, however, you want to generate static history while a block is still active.

Let's revisit an example from above, our FileWalker demo which searched a list of files and added every matching result to a list. We can, instead, put a spinner in the active section and use the aside block to output matches:

aside { textLine(" - ${file.name}") } } isFinished = true }">
val fileWalker = FileWalker(".")
var isFinished by liveVarOf(false)
val searchingAnim = textAnimOf(listOf("", ".", "..", "..."), Duration.ofMillis(500))
section {
  if (!isFinished) {
  else {
      textLine("Finished searching")
}.run {
  aside {
    textLine("Matches found so far:")

  fileWalker.findFiles("*.txt") { file ->
    aside { textLine(" - ${file.name}") }
  isFinished = true

Code sample in action

🎓 Advanced

🔨 "Extending" Kotter

Kotter aims to provide all the primitives you need to write dynamic, interactive console applications, such as textLine, input, offscreen, aside, onKeyPressed, etc.

But we may have missed your use case, or maybe you just want to refactor out some logic to share across sections. This is totally doable, but it requires writing extension methods against the correct receiving classes. At this point, we need to discuss the framework in a bit more detail than beginners need to know.

For reference, you should also look at the extend sample project, which was written to demonstrate some of the concepts that will be discussed here.


Before continuing, let's look at the overview of a Kotter application. The following may look a bit complex at first glance, but don't worry as the remaining subsections will break it down:

┌───────── | session {
│ ┌─┬───── |   section {
│ │ │      |      ...
│ │ 3a┌─── |      offscreen {
│ │ │ 3b   |         ...
│ │ │ └─── |      }
│ │ └───── |   }.onFinished {
1 2        |      ...
│ │ ┌───── |   }.run {
│ │ │      |      ...
│ │ 4 ┌─── |      aside {
│ │ │ 3c   |         ...
│ │ │ └─── |      }
│ └─┴───── |   }
└───────── | }

1 - Session

┌─ session {
│    section {
│      ...
│    }.run {
│      ...
│    }
└─ }

The top level of your whole application. Session owns a data: ConcurrentScopedData field which we'll talk more about a little later. However, it's worth understanding that data lives inside a session, and every other way you access it is really pointing back to this singular one.

Session is the scope you need when calling liveVarOf or liveListOf, or even declaring a section, so you may find yourself creating an extension method on top of the Session scope to reference such methods:

fun Session.firstSection() {}
  var name by liveVarOf("")
  var age by liveVarOf(18)
  section { ... }.run { ... }

fun Session.secondSection() { ... }
fun Session.thirdSection() { ... }

... later ...

session {

2 - Section

┌─ section {
│    ...
│  }.run {
│    ...
└─ }

Unlike Session, you shouldn't ever need to add an extension method on top of a Section, because a section is mainly just a class for managing two sub-parts - the render logic (which runs on the main thread) and the run logic (which runs on a background thread).

It is the render and run parts that are particularly interesting, those being the most likely ones that users will want to extend in general. These are discussed next.

3 - RenderScope

┌─ section {
│    ...
└─ }

┌─ offscreen {
│    ...
└─ }

┌─ aside {
│    ...
└─ }

This scope represents a render pass. This is the scope that owns textLine, red, green, bold, underline, and other text rendering methods.

This can be a useful scope for extracting out a common text rendering pattern. For example, let's say you wanted to display a bunch of terminal commands and their arguments, and you want to highlight the command a particular color, e.g. cyan:

section {
  cyan { text("cd") }; textLine(" /path/to/code")
  cyan { text("git") }; textLine(" init")

That can get a bit repetitive. Plus, if you decide to change the color later, or maybe bold the command part, you'd have to do it all over the place. Also, putting the logic behind a function can help you express your intention more clearly.

Let's refactor it!

fun RenderScope.shellCommand(command: String, arg: String) {
  cyan { text(command) }; textLine(" $arg")

section {
  shellCommand("cd", "/path/to/code")
  shellCommand("git", "init")

Much better!

On its surface, the concept of a RenderScope seems pretty straightforward, but the gotcha is that Kotter offers a few separate areas that accept render blocks. In addition to the main rendering block, there are also offscreen and aside blocks, which allow rendering to different targets (these are discussed earlier in the README in case you aren't familiar with them here).

Occasionally, you may want to define an extension method that only applies to one of the three blocks (usually the main one). In order to narrow down the place your helper method will appear in, you can use MainRenderScope (3a), OffscreenRenderScope (3b), and/or AsideRenderScope (3c) as your method receiver instead of just RenderScope.

For example, the input() method doesn't make sense in an offscreen or aside context (as those aren't interactive). Therefore, its definition looks like fun MainRenderScope.input(...) { ... }

4 - RunScope

   section {
┌─ }.run {
│    ...
└─ }

RunScope is used for run blocks. It's useful for extracting logic that deals with handling user input or running long-running background tasks. Functions like onKeyPressed, onInputChanged, addTimer etc. are defined on top of this scope.

fun RunScope.exec(vararg command: String) {
  val process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(*command)

section {
    textLine("Please wait, cloning the repo...")
}.run {
  exec("git", "clone", "https://github.com/varabyte/kotter.git")
  /* ... */


To close off all this scope discussion, it's worth mentioning that a SectionScope interface exists. It is the base interface to both RenderScope AND a RunScope, and using it can allow you to define the occasional helper method that can be called from both of them.


The one thing that all scopes have in common is they expose access to a session's data field. OK, but what is it?

ConcurrentScopedData is a thread-safe hashmap, where the keys are always of type ConcurrentScopedData.Key, and such keys are associated with a ConcurrentScopedData.Lifecycle (meaning that any data you register into the map will always be released when some parent lifecycle ends, unless you remove it yourself manually first).

Kotter itself manages four lifecycles: Session.Lifecycle, Section.Lifecycle, MainRenderScope.Lifecycle, and Run.Lifecycle (each associated with the scopes discussed above).

Note: No lifecycles are provided for offscreen or aside blocks at the moment because you could probably just use the MainRenderScope.Lifecycle or Run.Lifecycle lifecycles for those cases. Feel free to open up an issue with a use-case requiring additional lifecycles if you run into one.

Keep in mind that the MainRenderScope dies after a single render pass. Almost always you want to use the Section.Lifecycle, as it survives across multiple runs.

Nothing prevents you from defining your own lifecycle - just be sure to call data.start(...) and data.stop(...) with it.

Lifecycles can be defined as subordinate to other lifecycles, so if you create a lifecycle that is tied to the Run lifecycle for example, then you don't need to explicitly call stop yourself (but you still need to call start).

You can review the ConcurrentScopedData class for its full list of documented API calls, but the three common ways to add values to it are:

  • always overwrite: data[key] = value
  • add if first time: data.tryPut(key, value) // returns true if added, false otherwise
  • add if first time but always run some follow-up logic:
    data.putIfAbsent(key, provideInitialValue = { value }) { ... logic using value ... }
    • This is essentially a shortcut for calling tryPut and then getting the value, but doing so in a way that ensures no one else grabs the thread from you in between.

We're almost done! At this point, all you need is a key. Creating one is easy - just tie it to a lifecycle and the type of data it represents. Putting it all together:

class MyFeatureState(...)
val MyFeatureKey = Section.Lifecycle.createKey<MyFeatureState>() // Or some other lifecycle

fun RenderScope.myFeature() { // Or some other scope
  data.putIfAbsent(MyFeatureKey, { MyFeatureState(...) }) {
    // "this" is MyFeatureState
    // This block gets run every time `myFeature` is called, but
    // `MyFeatureState` is only created the first time

To close this section, we just wanted to say that it was very tempting at first to create a bunch of hardcoded functions baked inside Section, MainRenderScope, etc., with access to some private state, but implementing everything through ConcurrentScopedData plus extension methods ensured that we had the same tools and constraints as any user would.

So go forth, and extend Kotter!

🧵 Thread Affinity

Setting aside the fact that the run block runs in a background thread, sections themselves are rendered sequentially on a single thread. Anytime you make a call to run a section, no matter which thread it is called from, a single thread ultimately handles it. At the same time, if you attempt to run one section while another is already running, an exception is thrown.

I made this decision so that:

  • I don't have to worry about multiple sections printlning at the same time - who likes clobbered text?
  • Kotter handles repainting by moving the terminal cursor around, which would fail horribly if multiple sections tried doing this at the same time.
  • Kotter embraces the idea of a dynamic, active section preceded by a bunch of static history. If two dynamic blocks wanted to be active at the same time, what would that even mean?

In practice, I expect this decision won't be an issue for most users. Command line apps are expected to have a main flow anyway -- ask the user a question, do some work, then ask another question, etc. It is expected that a user won't ever even need to call section from more than one thread. It is hoped that the

section { ... main thread ... }.run { ... background thread ... }

pattern is powerful enough for most (all?) cases.

🖥️ Virtual Terminal

It's not guaranteed that every user's command line setup supports ANSI. For example, debugging this project with IntelliJ as well as running within Gradle are two such environments where functionality isn't available! According to many online reports, Windows is also a big offender here.

Kotter will attempt to detect if your console does not support the features it uses, and if not, it will open up a virtual terminal. This fallback gives your application better cross-platform support.

To modify the logic to ALWAYS open the virtual terminal, you can set the terminal parameter in session like this:

session(terminal = VirtualTerminal.create()) {
  section { /* ... */ }
  /* ... */

or you can chain multiple factory methods together using the runUntilSuccess method, which will try to start each terminal type in turn:

  terminal = listOf(
    { SystemTerminal() },
    { VirtualTerminal.create(title = "My App", terminalSize = Dimension(30, 30)) },
) {
  /* ... */

🤷 Why Not Compose / Mosaic?

Kotter's API is inspired by Compose, which astute readers may have already noticed -- it has a core block which gets rerun for you automatically as necessary without you having to worry about it, and special state variables which, when modified, automatically "recompose" the current console block. Why not just use Compose directly?

In fact, this is exactly what Jake Wharton's Mosaic is doing. Actually, I tried using it first but ultimately decided against it before deciding to write Kotter, for the following reasons:

  • Compose is tightly tied to the current Kotlin compiler version, which means if you are targeting a particular version of the Kotlin language, you can easily see the dreaded error message: This version (x.y.z) of the Compose Compiler requires Kotlin version a.b.c but you appear to be using Kotlin version d.e.f which is not known to be compatible.

    • Using Kotlin v1.3 or older for some reason? You're out of luck.
    • I suspect this issue with Compose will improve over time, but for the present, it still seems like a non-Compose approach could be useful to many.
  • Compose is great for rendering a whole, interactive UI, but console printing is often two parts: the active part that the user is interacting with, and the history, which is static. To support this with Compose, you'd need to manage the history list yourself and keep appending to it, and it was while thinking about an API that addressed this limitation that I envisioned Kotter.

  • Compose encourages using a set of powerful layout primitives, namely Box, Column, and Row, with margins and shapes and layers. Command line apps don't really need this level of power, however.

  • Compose has a lot of strengths built around, well, composing methods! And to enable this, it makes heavy use of features like remember blocks, which you can call inside a composable method and it gets treated in a special way. But for a simple CLI library, being able to focus on render blocks that don't nest too deeply and not worrying as much about performance allowed a more pared down API to emerge.

  • Compose does a lot of nice tricks due to the fact it is ultimately a compiler plugin, but it is nice to see what the API would kind of look like with no magic at all (although, admittedly, with some features sacrificed).

  • Mosaic doesn't support input well yet (at the time of writing this README, maybe this has changed in the future). For example, compare Mosaic to Kotter.

Mosaic comparison

// Mosaic
runMosaic {
  var count by remember { mutableStateOf(0) }
  Text("The count is: $count")

  LaunchedEffect(null) {
    for (i in 1..20) {

// Kotter
session {
  var count by liveVarOf(0)
  section {
    textLine("The count is: $count")
  }.run {
    for (i in 1..20) {

Comparisons with Mosaic are included in the examples/mosaic folder.

  • Add handler for exception that occurs within run?

    Add handler for exception that occurs within run?

    Right now, if an exception occurs within run, the program just exits. A user can themselves wrap everything inside a try / catch block (within the run block), but it might be nice if we had a method, onFailure maybe, similar to onFinished

    Edit: Added "within the run block" for clarity

    opened by bitspittle 19
  • Timing issues with aside sections

    Timing issues with aside sections

    First: Great library, I like it a lot!

    Describe the bug

    That very simple demo below always only yields

    Do something...

    swallowing all the asides.

    session {
      section {
        textLine("Do something...")
      }.run {
        aside { textLine(" - a") }
        aside { textLine(" - b") }
        aside { textLine(" - b") }
        aside { textLine(" - f") }
        // to be replaced

    If I replace // to be replaced at the end of the run block with something like Thread.sleep(1) (yes 1 ms is enough) or a "heavy" computation that takes some ms everything's printed out. I am suspecting a timing issue.

    Do you have any thoughts?

    opened by cedriessen 8
  • Add OSC support, add OSC 8 (anchor) support to the public api, add a …

    Add OSC support, add OSC 8 (anchor) support to the public api, add a …

    …simple implementation in VirtualTerminal, and use in 'input' example. Fixes #84.

    Hope this is useful for you.

    Running in iTerm...


    Also see the definitive reference https://gist.github.com/egmontkob/eb114294efbcd5adb1944c9f3cb5feda

    opened by cbcmg 6
  • A simple game using Kotter

    A simple game using Kotter

    First off, I like Kotter a lot, thank you for your work!

    I wanted to see how versatile it is, so I'm making a small game with a main game loop, continuous rendering and multiple screens all in Kotter. I mostly do Android development so I wrote a very simple MVVM wrapper around Kotter session and render scopes and it seems to work well.


    Although it's more of a proof-of-concept thing, the game runs and there's basic gameplay!

    opened by LeafyLappa 6
  • Add support for OSC hyperlinks

    Add support for OSC hyperlinks

    See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#OSC_(Operating_System_Command)_sequences See also: https://github.com/varabyte/kotter/issues/12#issuecomment-1144444459 See also: https://gist.github.com/egmontkob/eb114294efbcd5adb1944c9f3cb5feda

    I'd really like to do this assuming support for it is standard across all of the main terminals.

    @cbcmg FYI

    enhancement maybe 
    opened by bitspittle 4
  • Handle control C

    Handle control C

    We should restore the cursor when the user presses Ctrl+C, and probably add handler methods to KonsoleBlock and KonsoleApp that get triggered as well so users can clean up if it happens.

    opened by bitspittle 4
  • Add an API for drawing a box

    Add an API for drawing a box

    Something like

    box(WIDTH, HEIGHT, x, y, "TEXT")
    box(10, 10, 3, 5, "Hello")
    would render (assume X's are spaces):

    This would be useful in the robot example but also for something like, say, a "screensaver", like a text string that bounces around the console.

    But this is low priority, and honestly may be a very niche case.

    enhancement maybe 
    opened by bitspittle 3
  • MAJOR CHANGE: Rename

    MAJOR CHANGE: Rename "konsole" to something else

    The name Konsole sits too closely to KDE Konsole, which is confusing.

    So, this bug is a few parts...

    1. Remove all references of the name "konsole" from class, method, and variable names, e.g. konsoleApp -> session and konsoleVarOf to liveVarOf
      • Once this is done, the code itself will no longer care about large refactorings of name changes in the future.
    2. Come up with a new name for the library. I'm leaning on "Kotter" for "KOTlin TERminal" but I'm open to other ideas
    3. Update the package / artifacts / README / screencasts / this repo name / our Discord channel etc. to match

    This is a pretty big change for this library. This may inconvenience users who are using it, so I'll give this bug a day or two just in case anyone wants to respond. But so far, I haven't seen much of an indication that people are actually using it yet, so it seems like a good time to make such a drastic change.

    enhancement process 
    opened by bitspittle 2
  • Allow executing other programs while Konsole is running

    Allow executing other programs while Konsole is running

    For example, maybe an app will want to call git to sync, or some other function that returns output.

    Right now, Konsole has taken over System.in, System.out, and System.err - so we may need an escape hatch for when the user wants to say "I'm not in a Konsole block right now, let someone else print stuff for a whiel"


    konsoleApp {
       konsole { ... }.run()
       konsoleExec("git clone")
       konsole { ... }.run()


    enhancement maybe 
    opened by bitspittle 2
  • Allow addTimer to take a key value for uniqueness

    Allow addTimer to take a key value for uniqueness

    Currently in Snake I'm doing something like:

    var firstMove = true
    level.snake.onMoved = {
       if (firstMove) {
          firstMove = false
          addTimer(KonsoleAnim.ONE_FRAME_60FPS, repeat = true) {

    which could possibly be simplified to:

    level.snake.onMoved = {
       addTimer(KonsoleAnim.ONE_FRAME_60FPS, repeat = true, key = level.snake) {

    In other words, if a timer with the particular key is already found, don't add it again.

    enhancement maybe 
    opened by bitspittle 2
  • Add

    Add "transform" callback to input() method

    Imagine you're typing a password. It could be nice to do something like this:

    input(transform { ch -> '*' })

    If you do this, the underlying value is still valid. It's only what's printed to the screen that is changed.

    Question: Should the transformation work per character? Or on the whole input?

    e.g. password could be this:

    input(transform { str -> "*".repeat(str.length) })
    opened by bitspittle 1
  • Consider opening up `link(uri, block)`

    Consider opening up `link(uri, block)`

    Currently, we have implemented a method for creating OSC links with the following signature:

    fun RenderScope.link(uri: URI, block: RenderScope.() -> Unit) { ... }

    which you could call like:

    link("https://example.com") {
       text("click here")

    but opening up this generic API feels like room for problems to sneak in:

    link(...) {
       link(...) { uh oh }

    and does it makes sense to add underlines, clear underlines, change colors, etc. inside links?

    So, for now, we've marked it an non-public.

    We're only exposing the more constrained version:

    fun RenderScope.link(uri: URI, displayText: String)

    which you can call like:

    link("https://example.com", "click here")

    even if it, internally, delegates to the more general API.

    I think the constrained version is all that people will ever really need, but I'll keep this bug open in case users have good reasons to want to use the general one.

    enhancement maybe 
    opened by bitspittle 0
  • Fix busted unicode (emoji?) support

    Fix busted unicode (emoji?) support

    Well, nuts. String.length miscounts unicode characters and we might be using it everywhere.

    Something like this should render incorrectly

    bordered {
       textLine("Oh my stars ⭐⭐⭐ this just screws it up")

    Add stars to test cases, and probably use text.codePoints.count() instead of text.length. Audit all the code...

    opened by bitspittle 1
  • Virtual terminal: Fix underline showing on newline

    Virtual terminal: Fix underline showing on newline

    The following

    underline { textLine("Test") }

    currently adds a weird tiny piece of underline on the next line.

    This only happens in the virtual terminal, not in an actual terminal.

    opened by bitspittle 0
  • Investigate / add Kotlin native support

    Investigate / add Kotlin native support

    Context: https://www.reddit.com/r/Kotlin/comments/q17zjq/introducing_konsole_a_kotlinidiomatic_library_for/hfggbsv/

    Currently, this library is JVM only. Adding native support would allow users to use this library in a Kotlin native context, which would:

    • result in smaller file sizes / let people run on systems that don't have Java installed(?)
    • have better performance(?)
    • make this library available to Kotlin native projects

    Current challenges:

    • I'm currently leaning on the JVM library Jline for system terminal support, although there is almost certainly a C library that we can hook into instead
    • I'm using Swing to create a virtual terminal, but we can exclude Virtual Terminal support for native targets.
    • I've never written a Kotlin Native app before. I may be relying on JVM-only features without realizing it, like my threading logic or who knows what else?

    This bug isn't a priority for me at the moment because it's not clear to me how many people actually want this support, but hey, if you do, please indicate so by adding a thumbs up reaction to it (and consider leaving a comment on why you don't want to just use the JVM, I'd be curious!)

    enhancement maybe 
    opened by bitspittle 4
  • v1.0.0(Oct 29, 2022)

    Announcing: the first stable release of Kotter :tada: :tada: :tada:

    At this point, Kotter provides a core API for writing dynamic CLIs that is:

    Outside of documentation changes, there were a handful of API changes that snuck in since v1.0.0-rc3, gaps I noticed when poring over the API docs:

    • TextAnims no longer implement CharSequence.
      • The original decision was causing its API to expose additional properties that were unnecessarily confusing (e.g. length means the length of the text for that frame, not the length of the animation.)
      • If, after upgrading, you get a compile error that text(myTextAnim) in your project, simply right-click on it and import the new extension method that fixes it. Or, change it to text("$myTextAnim") as another alternative.
    • Added a new shiftRight { ... } method, which takes any text rendered in the block and prepends all lines with spaces.
    • Added the minWidth property to the justified method
      • So you can now do justified(CENTER, minWidth = 10) { text("Hi") }
    • Animation changes
      • Allow pausing animations via the paused property
      • Provide the looping parameter when creating animations, so that you can define one-shot animations.
      • Added a few other properties for querying the state of animations: totalDuration, isRunning, and lastFrame
    • Fixed a crash in the virtual terminal you could get clicking on a blank line.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.0.0-rc3(Oct 21, 2022)

    • Code coverage is now above 90% and very healthy
    • Introduced the new link(...) method for adding text links
      • For example: link("https://github.com/varabyte/kotter", "Learn Kotter!")
      • See also: OSC hyperlink support
      • Huge thanks to @cbcmg for their support with this feature! :bow:

    With the current level of code coverage and the fact that link was the last feature I was planning on squeezing into 1.0, it's hoped that this 1.0-rc3 release will become 1.0, assuming no bugs or other issues are discovered by users before then. I might also make a pass at reviewing / updating code docs, but if all goes well, no more code changes will need to be made :crossed_fingers:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.0.0-rc2(Oct 20, 2022)

    • Tons of unit tests added, bringing code coverage up to > 70%, and fixing a slew of subtle bugs that were uncovered by them.
    • Added a new viewMap parameter to the input method, which allows you to map characters in your input text before they show up on the screen.
      • For example, the feature allows password fields like so: input(viewMap = { '*' })
    • Created (and published) a kotter-test-support library, as a home for code that I not only use in my own Kotter tests but could be useful to anyone who wants to test their own programs backed by Kotter.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.0.0-rc1(Oct 8, 2022)

    First 1.0.0 release candidate! :tada:

    At this point, all v1.0 milestone bugs have been resolved except for a final code coverage requirement.

    This seems like a good time to start advertising we're getting close to a 1.0 release. If no high priority community feature requests or bugs come in, we'll just keep adding more tests over time, and lock things down once code coverage hits a high enough percent.

    Now, onto the fixes added in this release:

    • Added new LiveMap and LiveSet classes, in a similar vein to the existing LiveList class.
    • Any exceptions thrown during the run block are no longer silently swallowed but will now crash the calling thread. This makes it so you no longer have programs that might fail silently, and also you can wrap a whole session in a single try/catch block now to handle all possible errors.
    • Fixed a bug where asides in a run block could get lost if their parent section block finished too quickly.
    • Exceptions thrown in a section block no longer prevent internal state from getting cleaned up

    In addition to the bug fixes, code coverage was added and is now being tracked. As we've added more and more unit tests for this goal, it has helped surface subtle inefficiencies with extra rendering that have since been fixed.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.9.9(May 16, 2022)

    • Added ways to query and set input() values outside of onInputChanged / onInputEntered methods.
      • You shouldn't need this in most cases but it's an important escape hatch when available.
    • Created a new VirtualTerminal implementation backed by Compose. It works but is still considered experimental.
      • It is in a separate kotterx.compose module.
      • Unlike the Swing version, you can't simply deploy it effortlessly, but you need to package it differently on Windows, MacOS, and Linux. It may only ever be good for the rare application that intentionally wants to launch ONLY uses a virtual terminal and never using an actual command line.
    • Added a clearTerminal argument that you can set to true when creating a session. Useful if you're making a "full screen" terminal application, such as a game.
    • Added a handful of missing color methods. Thanks @LeafyLappa!
    • Fixed a hard lock that could happen with subtle timing if you pressed ESC very quickly followed by a control key.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.9.8(Apr 18, 2022)

    • README updated, with animated gifs or at least screenshots for most examples.
    • Fixed a bug with how p worked, which was buggy if you had two p blocks in a row.
    • Fixed a bug where setting addTimer { repeat = false } wasn't actually working behind the scenes
    • Major change to input enabling advanced use-cases:
      • You can now call input() more than once in a render block. However, only one input block can be active at a time, and each input block must have a different ID.
      • Added onInputActivated and onInputDeactivated callbacks for intercepting focus change events.
      • Updated the input example to demonstrate this new behavior.
      • Simple code written as described in the README should still work.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.9.7(Apr 14, 2022)

    Misc bug fixes / minor feature additions.

    • Fixed a bug with border rendering caused by setting both left/right AND top/bottom padding
    • Fixed an occasional crash that could be caused due to a threading issue around how the ESC key was handled
    • Added a try/catch around code that calls into user space and previously could break system assumptions from within if it threw an exception
    • Added the ability to call clearInput in onInputEntered, ensuring the input() field would be empty on the next render pass.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.9.6(Jan 6, 2022)

    Patch fix.

    • BREAKING CHANGE animOf is now textAnimOf (and Anim is now TextAnim)
    • Introduce renderAnimOf and RenderAnim
    • Update Kotlin compilation version (which doesn't affect the end user but eliminates warnings when compiling Kotter)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.9.5(Jan 3, 2022)

    Patch fix.

    • BREAKING CHANGE RunScope is now a top-level class.
      • Change imports of Section.RunScope to just RunScope
      • Made this change for API consistency with RenderScope
    • Added hasNextLine to the offscreen buffer renderer class.
    • Fixed a crash when ConcurrentScopedData value initialization register dependent values as part of its logic.
    • Added a new sliding tile sample.
    • Added a new "extend Kotter" sample.
    • Added a bunch of information to the README about extending Kotter.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.9.4(Dec 29, 2021)

    Patch fix.

    This release was focused on some input(...) improvements.

    Major changes since last release include:

    • Fixed a bug with p { ... } adding an extra leading newline in some cases
    • Lifecycles can now be linked hierarchically, so that you can group some keys together as a subset of a greater lifecycle
      • Use the new lifecycle hierarchy feature to clean up input() code
    • Add initialText to input(...) which can be used to set, um, initial text (shocking, I know), when input is called for the first time.
    • Add id to input(...), which can be used if you have multiple input(...) blocks in a single section and want to make sure text is reset when bouncing between them
    • Release resources allocated by input(...) are now released if input(...) is not called on a subsequent render.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.9.3(Dec 28, 2021)

    Patch fix. Major changes since last release include:

    • New offscreen and bordered blocks
      • You can now "render" commands offscreen so you can query results for width / height before actually rendering them
      • This allows you to make smart layout decisions, e.g. wrap your text with a border, or center text, etc.
      • New sample: "Border" to showcase bordered
    • Added a parameter for setting max num lines on the virtual terminal
    • Added support for clicking on URLs inside the virtual terminal
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.9.2(Dec 28, 2021)

    Patch fix. Major changes since last release include:

    • BREAKING CHANGE Konsole is now renamed to Kotter
      • And various classes with "Konsole" in the name have been renamed
      • See #74 for more details
    • Changed how you specify a chain of Terminal factory methods
    • Richer color support
      • rgb / hsv methods (24-bit color)
      • color by index (8-bit color)
    • New sample: "color picker"
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.9.1(Oct 28, 2021)

    Patch fix. Major changes since last release include:

    • Windows is now supported
    • Fixed an issue with the Virtual Terminal swallowing TAB
    • New samples: "doom fire" and "keys"
    • Misc. internal fixes and documentation cleanup
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.9.0(Oct 2, 2021)

    This is the first public release of Konsole. There are no guarantees of API stability between now and 1.0, but it's hoped that at this point there are no fundamental changes that will be required. The library is functional and can already allow one to write powerful, dynamic CLI applications with it.

    The goal of releasing this version to the community is to learn if people are interested in it, get feedback, handle bug reports, close API gaps, and learn about any development environments where this framework fails to work.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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Library to generalize functionality between several projects

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Auxilor 20 Dec 20, 2022
PokeDexApi is a simple version of PokeApi with search functionality.

PokeDex Api PokeDexApi is a simple version of PokeApi with search functionality based on KTOR. Documentation Base Url https://poki-dex.herokuapp.com E

Rohit Sharma 1 Jan 15, 2022
Modern flashlight app with dim functionality on Android 13+

FlashDim About this project Features Download Supported devices Screenshots Contribute Used Icons License About this project Starting with Android 13,

Niko Diamadis 35 Jan 2, 2023
Combine some useful exts in One place

Helper Extensions Extensions Combine some useful exts in One place Examples : this.errorMsg(msg = "Test error" , duration = 6000)

Mostafa Gad 0 Dec 31, 2021
A library with a range of useful machines for simprokmachine framework.

simproktools simproktools is a small library consisting of useful machines for simprokmachine framework. Installation Add this in your project's gradl

simprok 0 Apr 19, 2022
This is a template to help you get started building amazing Kotlin applications and libraries.

Welcome to the Starter This is a template to help you get started building amazing Kotlin applications and libraries. Over time, examples will be comp

Backbone 8 Nov 4, 2022