52 Repositories
Android console-colors Libraries
🪐 Modern Android development with Hilt, Coroutines, Flow, JetPack(ViewModel) based on MVVM architecture.
Ceres 🪐 Modern Android development with Hilt, Coroutines, Flow, JetPack(ViewModel) based on MVVM architecture. Download Gradle Add the dependency bel
This application provide purchase request service for Membership Console.
Purchase Request 概要 本プロジェクトはMembership Consoleの購入申請機能を提供します。 開発 開発環境 Java OpenJDK 17 Kotlin 1.7.10 Ktor 2.1.2 PostgreSQL 13 docker-compose ビルド方法 ビルドに成
A Mirai-Console Plugin
MuteGames 一个以 Mirai-Console 为基础开发并为了满足群友PVP需求和抖M需求开发的禁言游戏集合 开始使用 插件需要以 Mirai-Console 为基础,你可以下载 MCL 作为你的Mirai插件载入器 与此同时,本插件需要 Mirai 官方插件 chat-command 使
A console-based game that helps you learn new words.
learn-language-game 📖 🤓 🔠 This is a simple console-based game which helps you learn new words each day. Prerequisites An API-KEY is required from R
Run Linux virtual machine on Android OS. Powered by QEMU. No KVM or root required.
vmConsole A free and open-source application that enables you to run Alpine Linux distribution in a virtual machine on your Android device. Thousands
Utility library that extends Jetpack Compose Colors with Material Design2 colors, Color swatches like in Flutter
🚀🌈♾ Utility library that expands Compose Colors with Material Design2 colors, color swatches, Material Design 3 Tonal Palettes, color names, and utility functions to convert between HSL, HSV, RGB, HCT models and to HEX or from HEX
Simple Design for Kotlin bridge with Javascript. Also can get javascript console.log.
SDBridgeJava is here. If your h5 partner confused about how to deal with iOS and Android. This Demo maybe help. bilibili video introduction is here. Y
A light-weight Android client for Polyhoot! Written in Kotlin and made with Material 3 and Dynamic Colors support.
A light-weight Android client for Polyhoot! Written in Kotlin and made with Material 3 and Dynamic Colors support.
Kotter - aims to be a relatively thin, declarative, Kotlin-idiomatic API that provides useful functionality for writing delightful console applications.
Kotter (a KOTlin TERminal library) aims to be a relatively thin, declarative, Kotlin-idiomatic API that provides useful functionality for writing delightful console applications.
An easy way to customize your log in Android,including output to console, writing log to file in high performance way and so on
EasyLog An easy way to customize your log in Android,including output to console, writing log to file in high performance way and so on. 1. Initializa
A console-based productivity app involving both To-Do Lists and Goal tracking
This is a console-based productivity app involving both To-Do Lists and Goal tracking. It allows users to create To-Dos, check them off, and filter the display between complete/incomplete items
InstaKiller - InstaKiller is a CLI client for Instagram
InstaKiller InstaKiller is a CLI wrapper around instagram4j library. Icon Item ?
JCSectionedProgressIndicator - A Sectioned Progress Indicator built in Jetpack Compose. Easily specify number of sections with corresponding section colors
JCSectionedProgressIndicator A Sectioned Progress Indicator built in Jetpack Com
Gitversion - A native console application to calculate a version based on git commits and tags
GitCommit A native console application to calculate a version based on git commi
Linux CLI Launcher for Android
T-UI Linux CLI Launcher Useful links @tui_launcher -- Twitter.com Official community -- Reddit Official Group -- Telegram Wiki -- GitHub.com FAQ -
ChroMATERIAL is a color scheme that expresses the chromatic nature of Material Design within JetBrain IDEs and Android Studio
ChroMATERIAL is a color scheme that expresses the chromatic nature of Material Design within JetBrain IDEs and Android Studio. In particular, ChroMATERIAL focuses on syntax highlighting of code within the IDE's code editor.
Send push notification from server to mobile application.
Firebase Push Notification Tutorial How Firebase Push Notification works? Firebase serves as a module between your server and the devices that will be
Multiplatform text styling for Kotlin command-line applications
Mordant Colorful styling for command-line applications /mɔː(ɹ)dənt/ A substance used to set (i.e. bind) colored dyes on fabrics 1 Mordant has: Easy co
A library to print colored strings, with Kotlin.
kolor A library to print colored strings, with Kotlin. Example Foreground: println("We all live in a yellow submarine".yellow()) // Or println(Kolor.f
Library For Toast with different colors
Toaster-Library Library For Toast with different colors To get a Git project int
This console based application calculates sales tax, import duty and provide a way to print the invoice
Sales Tax Problem This console based application calculates sales tax, import du
Camera Color Picker is an Android application that lets you capture, in real time, the colors around you using the camera of your device
Camera Color Picker Camera Color Picker is an Android application that lets you capture, in real time, the colors around you using the camera of your
Console Weather App With Kotlin
ConsoleWeatherApp Описание Данный сервис позволяет получить текущее состояние погоды в выбранном городе. Использование Сервис может быть запущен со сл
A lightweight library for using Material Colors in Android Jetpack Compose Project 🚀🚀🚀
How To Use Step 1: Add the JitPack repository to your build file. Add it in your root build.gradle / build.gradle.kts at the end of repositories: Groo
Demonstration of calling requestFocusFromTouch() in WebView is changing colors in Android app
webview-changing-colors-bug Demonstration of calling requestFocusFromTouch() in WebView is changing colors in Android app This is the problematic code
一个简单的每日新闻速报/动画速报 mirai-console 插件
Mirai News Reporter 一个简单的每日新闻速报/番剧速报 mirai-console 插件 项目地址: https://github.com/LinHeLurking/mirai-news-reporter 功能 爬取知乎的一个每日新闻页面, 以图片形式分享. 向机器人说 "今日新闻
How to use Material You colors in your app
A small tool that help to see the colors generated by Material You.
An app to detect color palettes in the real world - powered by VisionCamera
Colorwaver An app to detect colorwaves (swatches/palettes) in the real world - powered by VisionCamera and Reanimated. I wrote this app in less than a
🎨 A tiny (Kotlin) library for generating attractive colors
🎨 A tiny (Kotlin) library for generating attractive colors
An experimental tool for building console UI in Kotlin using the Jetpack Compose compiler/runtime
An experimental tool for building console UI in Kotlin using the Jetpack Compose compiler/runtime
Holi is a lightweight Jetpack Compose library of colors, gradients and cool utility functions for all your palette needs!
Holi is a lightweight Jetpack Compose library of colors, gradients and cool utility functions for all your palette needs!
mirai-console 插件开发计划
Debug Helper 基于 Mirai Console 的RSS订阅插件 机器人会在触发上线事件后向群聊发送上线卡片消息 有好友申请和加群申请时,会记录事件信息,并联系机器人所有者 指令 注意: 使用前请确保可以 在聊天环境执行指令 ...中的是指令名,由空格隔开表示或,选择其中任一名称都可
A Mirai console plugin that can provide osu!std players some appropriate beatmap (WIP)
OsuMapSuggester A mirai-console plugin that can provide osu!std players some appropriate beatmap. (WIP) Features It can analyze player's aim, speed an
Holi is a lightweight Jetpack Compose library of colors, gradients and cool utility functions for all your palette needs!
Holi A library of colors, gradients and utils built using Jetpack Compose for Android Features A wide collection of colors from different palettes for
A furry-themed assembly language and interpreter written in Kotlin.
A furry-themed assembly language and interpreter written in Kotlin. Inspired by Furcode, the Synacor challenge, and JVM bytecode. I spent multiple hou
A set of lint rules to check for common mistakes when styling and theming on Android
A set of lint rules to check for common mistakes when styling and theming on Android
Default colors and dimens per Material Design guidelines and Android Design guidelines inside one library.
Material Design Dimens Default colors and dimens per Material Design guidelines and Android Design guidelines inside one library. Dimens Pattern: R.di
Access to 1000+ colors on android!
Colorize Android quick access to 1000+ pre-loaded @colors! Install Add the dependency to your build.gradle dependencies { compile 'com.cesarferrei
A beautiful set of predefined colors and a set of color methods to make your Android development life easier.
Colours is a port of the Colours Library for iOS made by my good friend Ben Gordon. You can find that project here. Installation Maven Central Colours
A canvas you can draw on with different colors.
Simple Draw A canvas you can draw on with different colors. Want to draw something but you have no paper? This app will suit you perfectly. Just pick
Use an expanded notification as a makeshift Android log output console
NotificationLog Use an expanded notification as a makeshift Android log output console. https://vine.co/v/bFxhUAVjvrY The design goals of this project
A really simple library that help you to display a custom toast with many colors (for : success, warning, danger, info, dark, light, primary...etc ), or with rounded corners, or event with image.
CoolToast A really simple library that help you to display a custom toast with many colors (for : success, warning, danger, info, dark, light, primary
IntelliJ / Android Studio plugin for Android Holo Colors
This project is not maintained anymore. Holo Colors doesn't make sense since the introduction of Material Design and the ability to set the primary co
A canvas you can draw on with different colors.
Simple Draw A canvas you can draw on with different colors. Want to draw something but you have no paper? This app will suit you perfectly. Just pick
Androidicons is a professional, handcrafted icon set with 250 icons in 14 different colors and 5 sizes, including an icon font and all sources.
Android Developer Icons Android Developer Icons is a custom icon set, created by Opoloo. Included are: 250 hand-crafted, pixel-perfect icons in 5 size
A list of most useful resources for designing android apps such as all material colors and dimens, 180 Gradient background + html, social, flat, fluent, metro colors.
Timer UI Login UI Fitness UI Material-Resources-Library A list of most useful resources for designing android apps such as all material colors and dim
Color picker library for Android
andColorPicker — Color Picker library for Android 🥑 Handy, 🐍 flexible, and ⚡ lightning-fast Android color picker views and utilities. 💊 Features Cl
Android Material Design Colors
Android-Material-Design-Colors Android-Material-Design-Colors provides color definitions of the Material Design. Demo Usage R.color.md_color_value or
User onboarding library with smooth animation of objects and background colors
SlidingTutorial Cleveroad introduces Sliding Tutorial Library for Flutter Hey guys, hope you haven’t started developing a tutorial for your Flutter ap
🎨 Android colorpicker for getting colors from any images by tapping on the desired color.
ColorPickerView 🎨 ColorPickerView implements getting HSV colors, ARGB values, Hex color codes from any image drawables or your gallery pictures by ta
🎨 Android colorpicker for getting colors from any images by tapping on the desired color.
ColorPickerView 🎨 ColorPickerView implements getting HSV colors, ARGB values, Hex color codes from any image drawables or your gallery pictures by ta
Override the Holo EdgeEffect colors
EdgeEffectOverride EdgeEffectOverride is library designed to help override the blue overscroll_edge and overscroll_glow effects used by the the EdgeEf