Androidicons is a professional, handcrafted icon set with 250 icons in 14 different colors and 5 sizes, including an icon font and all sources.

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Icons androidicons

Android Developer Icons

Android Developer Icons is a custom icon set, created by Opoloo. Included are:

  • 250 hand-crafted, pixel-perfect icons in 5 sizes and 14 colors
  • an icon font, made from the set
  • all sources: .svg, .ai, .eps, .eot, .ttf, .woff


[Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International CC BY-SA 4.0] (


We‘re always happy to hear from you, whether it’s a question about the icon set or giving us a heads-up where you used our beautiful little icons in a project. If you like, follow us at Google+, on Twitter, or [shoot us an email](mailto:

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