Forecast / DarkSky's Skycons, Animated Weather icons recreated for Android

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Icons Skycons

Skycons for Android Android Arsenal


We set out to create a native weather app on Xamarin but we wanted to build something unique to differentiate ourselves amongst the plethora of weather apps avaialble out there. The DarkSky app & Forecast did an excellent job with their Skycons.

We wanted to re-use the same icons for our app as well, however, we found that these animated icons don't exist natively on either platforms. This is currently a work-in-progress as the team is finetuning the animation & the performance itself. You can download the complete repository which also contains the sample project SkyconsDemo.

Built with Android Studio (2.2.3)

Available Icons

Icon View
Cloud CloudView
Clear Sky (Sunny) SunView
Clear Night MoonView
Partly Cloudy Day CloudSunView
Partly Cloudy Night CloudMoonView
Heavy Showers CloudHvRainView
Snow CloudSnowView
Light Showers CloudRainView
Fog CloudFogView
Wind WindView
Thunder CloudThunderView

How to use

  • Deployment target should be API level 14 or above.
  • Import 'SkyconsLibrary' as a library to your project.

Adding icons:

1) To add a skycon(icon) through the XML:
         app:isStatic = "true"
         app:strokeColor = "#000000"
         app:bgColor = "#ffffff"/>

where <skycon> represents the particular view/icon. For example "MoonView"

2) To add a skycon(For instance, WindView) through Java code, perform following in the activity:

        LinearLayout layout = new LinearLayout(this);
        LinearLayout.LayoutParams params = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(
            LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT);
        //Using these params, you can control view attributes
        //attributres include boolean isStatic,boolean isAnimated, int strokeColor , int backgroundColor
        WindView windView = new WindView(this,true,false, Color.parseColor("#000000"),Color.parseColor("#ffffff"));          
        //Using these params, you can control width & height of the icon
        params.width = 200;
        params.height = 200;
  • For a better experience, keep 'layout_width' & 'layout_height' the same.


Options Value Description
layout_width 100dp (recommended min value) Width of icon
layout_height 100dp (recommended min value) Height of the icon
isStatic True / False Boolean Value to enable on-touch animation
strokeColor HEX Customize the color of the icon
bgColor HEX Customize the background colour

Pull Requests are welcomed. We are looking forward for your suggestions on new icons & animations.

##Demo Get it on Google Play


Skycons for Android is being made available in public domain under similar terms like the original

  • Creating a icon via code

    Creating a icon via code

    Hi, do you have any good example how to create a icon from code? I have problems creating the AttributeSet from my layout.

    CloudHvRainView cloudHvRainView = new CloudHvRainView(context, attrs);

    Don't know if you have any good code example?

    opened by erikthorselius 6
  • Add getters and setters for custom attributes

    Add getters and setters for custom attributes

    Hi, tried to answer my own question in issue #2 how to change custom settings. And found that one way is to expose them via getters and setters

    I moved som shared code to a base class. It would be useful in my other project. for code like this

        SkyconView iconView = null;
            switch (icon) {
                case "clear-night":
                    iconView = new MoonView(context);
                case "clear-day":
                    iconView = new SunView(context);
                case "snow":
                    iconView = new CloudSnowView(context);
                    //Default to rain - plan for the worst
                    iconView = new CloudRainView(context);

    Hope this is helpful


    opened by erikthorselius 0
  • Using multiple icons at the same time

    Using multiple icons at the same time

    Hi, I am using the icons in an app that I am making for school and whenever I want to display 5 at the same time for a weather 5 day forecast feature I start getting messages from the debugger saying too many tasks running on the Main UI and it starts skipping frames. I use an asynctask to get the information from the api and I display these icons in the postExecute(). Is there a way of having all of it run in the background?

    opened by MIst3rM 0
  • Animation interrupted while using in RecyclerView.

    Animation interrupted while using in RecyclerView.

    I have created a layout which contains a horizontal RecyclerView in which every cell contains the Skycons view but it is not working normally. Animation stucks abruptly & makes the whole view freeze.

    Please let me know if I can do something about it.

    opened by AB-MB 0
  • Animated icons error

    Animated icons error

    When I use several icons it shows me this error after a few seconds: java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: timed out after 10 seconds

    opened by joyner-perez 0
  • increasing speed of animations

    increasing speed of animations

    This is an awesome work. Thank you for sharing. Is there any method to increase the speed of animations ? Actual skycon has bit more speed in animations. Please share if anybody has any idea.

    opened by sarinsukumar 0
  • Fix so both bgColor and strokeColor will be displayed

    Fix so both bgColor and strokeColor will be displayed

    I introduce some bugs from my last pullrequest. The icons did not set the colors right. Both stroke color and background color did not work from xml. And the stroke color was not set in onDraw().

    I did some refactoring and move more code to the shared class.

    opened by erikthorselius 0
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