Android Weather Library: android weather lib to develop weather based app fast and easily

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SDK WeatherLib


Android weather lib is an android weather aggregator. The lib helps you getting weather data from the most importat weather provider. It supports:

  • Openweathermap
  • Yahoo! Weather
  • Weatherunderground

Weatherlib has a new (web site)

#Travis integration Master Build Status

#Version 1.6.0

dependencies {					
	compile 'com.survivingwithandroid:weatherlib:1.6.0'
	compile 'com.survivingwithandroid:weatherlib_volleyclient:1.6.0'
	compile 'com.mcxiaoke.volley:library:1.0.6@aar' (or whatever you like)
dependencies {					
	compile 'com.survivingwithandroid:weatherlib:1.6.0'
	compile 'com.survivingwithandroid:weatherlib_okhttpclient:1.6.0'
	compile 'com.squareup.okhttp:okhttp:2.0.+'

#Community If you like there is a Community to talk about new features, suggest tips or report bugs. Please join:

#Credits Author: Francesco Azzola ([email protected])


Copyright 2012-2014 Francesco Azzola (Surviving with Android)

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
  • getCurrentCondition JSONException: No value for deg

    getCurrentCondition JSONException: No value for deg

    I get the following error while using getCurrentCondition with OpenWeatherMap :

    org.json.JSONException: No value for deg
     at org.json.JSONObject.get(
     at org.json.JSONObject.getDouble(
     at com.squareup.okhttp.Call$AsyncCall.execute(
     at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
     at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
    opened by ClementHard 9
  • No value for ground level, my app is crashing !

    No value for ground level, my app is crashing !


    My app is crashing in production : org.json.JSONException: No value for grnd_level org.json.JSONObject.get( org.json.JSONObject.getDouble($4.onResponse( com.squareup.okhttp.Call$AsyncCall.execute( java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$

    I don't know why but OpenWeatherLib does not always provide ground_pressure and sea_pressure. For instance :

    opened by fabreax 6
  • getHourForecastWeather in OkHttpClient

    getHourForecastWeather in OkHttpClient

    getHourForecastWeather in OkHttpClient is not executed in the main thread.

    See here:

    opened by survivingwithandroid 5
  • JSONException error

    JSONException error


    I'm using your fantastic lib with Okhttp & OpenStreetMap. I'm trying to get the current condition in Paris (id = 2988507), but it fails with this logcat :

    07-24 15:46:01.515 1974-1986/com.easycell.daydream W/System.err﹕ org.json.JSONException: End of input at character 0 of 07-24 15:46:01.515 1974-1986/com.easycell.daydream W/System.err﹕ at org.json.JSONTokener.syntaxError( 07-24 15:46:01.515 1974-1986/com.easycell.daydream W/System.err﹕ at org.json.JSONTokener.nextValue( 07-24 15:46:01.515 1974-1986/com.easycell.daydream W/System.err﹕ at org.json.JSONObject.( 07-24 15:46:01.515 1974-1986/com.easycell.daydream W/System.err﹕ at org.json.JSONObject.( 07-24 15:46:01.515 1974-1986/com.easycell.daydream W/System.err﹕ at 07-24 15:46:01.515 1974-1986/com.easycell.daydream W/System.err﹕ at$4.onResponse( 07-24 15:46:01.515 1974-1986/com.easycell.daydream W/System.err﹕ at com.squareup.okhttp.Call$AsyncCall.execute( 07-24 15:46:01.515 1974-1986/com.easycell.daydream W/System.err﹕ at 07-24 15:46:01.515 1974-1986/com.easycell.daydream W/System.err﹕ at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( 07-24 15:46:01.515 1974-1986/com.easycell.daydream W/System.err﹕ at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ 07-24 15:46:01.515 1974-1974/com.easycell.daydream W/System.err﹕ org.json.JSONException: End of input at character 0 of 07-24 15:46:01.515 1974-1974/com.easycell.daydream W/System.err﹕ at 07-24 15:46:01.515 1974-1974/com.easycell.daydream W/System.err﹕ at$4.onResponse( 07-24 15:46:01.515 1974-1974/com.easycell.daydream W/System.err﹕ at com.squareup.okhttp.Call$AsyncCall.execute( 07-24 15:46:01.515 1974-1974/com.easycell.daydream W/System.err﹕ at 07-24 15:46:01.515 1974-1974/com.easycell.daydream W/System.err﹕ at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( 07-24 15:46:01.515 1974-1974/com.easycell.daydream W/System.err﹕ at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ 07-24 15:46:01.515 1974-1974/com.easycell.daydream W/System.err﹕ at 07-24 15:46:01.515 1974-1974/com.easycell.daydream W/System.err﹕ Caused by: org.json.JSONException: End of input at character 0 of 07-24 15:46:01.515 1974-1974/com.easycell.daydream W/System.err﹕ at org.json.JSONTokener.syntaxError( 07-24 15:46:01.515 1974-1974/com.easycell.daydream W/System.err﹕ at org.json.JSONTokener.nextValue( 07-24 15:46:01.515 1974-1974/com.easycell.daydream W/System.err﹕ at org.json.JSONObject.( 07-24 15:46:01.515 1974-1974/com.easycell.daydream W/System.err﹕ at org.json.JSONObject.( 07-24 15:46:01.515 1974-1974/com.easycell.daydream W/System.err﹕ at 07-24 15:46:01.515 1974-1974/com.easycell.daydream W/System.err﹕ ... 6 more 07-24 15:46:01.515 1974-1986/com.easycell.daydream W/System.err﹕ at

    Any solution?

    opened by g123k 4
  • Manifest error

    Manifest error

    Could u explain this , or if i have somehow missing or incomplete Manifest

    <application android:allowBackup="true"
    opened by aldefy 4
  • OpenWeatherMap provider object parsing error

    OpenWeatherMap provider object parsing error


    it is possible that i found a small parsing bug by using the OpenWeatherMap provider?

    File: Method: getCurrentCondition Line: weather.currentCondition.setPressure(getInt("pressure", mainObj));

    This should be: weather.currentCondition.setPressure(getFloat("pressure", mainObj));

    Because the OpenweatherMap provider returns this value as float value:

    Watch the pressure value in the example file below:

    {"message":"like","cod":"200","count":1,"list":[{"id":5689557,"name":"Hazen","coord":{"lon":-101.625,"lat":47.3016},"main":{"temp":271.935,"temp_min":271.935,"temp_max":271.935,"pressure":960.51,"sea_level":1035.23,"grnd_level":960.51,"humidity":69},"dt":1421261739,"wind":{"speed":6.35,"deg":261.516},"sys":{"country":"United States of America"},"clouds":{"all":8},"weather":[{"id":800,"main":"Clear","description":"Sky is Clear","icon":"02d"}]}]}

    opened by CH4MPi 3
  • NullPointerException When Giving Config Settings

    NullPointerException When Giving Config Settings

    I am trying to use WeatherLib in my app. However, when I try to set up the config, I get a NullPointerException. I cannot find a way to fix it, and I have used the code provided. Any pointers?

    ` WeatherClient weatherClient = WeatherClientDefault.getInstance();

        WeatherConfig config = new WeatherConfig();
        config.unitSystem = WeatherConfig.UNIT_SYSTEM.M;
        config.lang = "en";
        config.maxResult = 5;
        config.numDays = 6;
        weatherClient.updateWeatherConfig(config); //This is where I get the error
        IWeatherProvider provider = null;
            provider = WeatherProviderFactory.createProvider(new YahooProviderType(), config);
        } catch (Throwable t){}
        ListView listView = findViewById(;
        WeatherAdapter adapter = new WeatherAdapter(getApplicationContext(), R.layout.row_view, cities, weatherClient);

    Any help provided is appreciated.

    opened by vdaita 2
  • Project dead?

    Project dead?

    The last commit was in November 2015 and the issues kept unanswered. So, i assume this project dead? Unfortunately i got some issues with it. Somebody knows an alternative weather lib for Android?

    opened by KlausHans 2
  • getHistoricalWeather throws WeatherLibException

    getHistoricalWeather throws WeatherLibException

    When calling the getHistoricalWeather method it throws this exception using version 1.5.1: org.json.JSONException: Value [{"id":801,"icon":"02d","description":"few clouds","main":"Clouds"}] at weather of type org.json.JSONArray cannot be converted to JSONObject

    Using OpenweathermapProviderType

    opened by StefanPerssonIT 2
  • Fix parsing time in Yahoo provider if default locale is not english

    Fix parsing time in Yahoo provider if default locale is not english

    There seems to be a bug in android which causes this problem. Try to run these 2 lines with the system language set to German:

    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("h:mm a"); Date d = sdf.parse("7:18 am");

    It will fail with ParseException because it doesn't recognize "am" because it expects "vorm". (Short for "Vormittag")

    Since Yahoo only supports english anyway (and has no intent to change that we can set the locale to English when parsing to avoid this issue.

    As a side note: Samsung seems to have patched this android bug because its working fine on different kinds of Samsung tablets.

    I reproduced this bug on Android 4.2.2, and 5.1.1.

    opened by m-rm 1
  • Timestamp returned from Hourlly Forecast in strange format

    Timestamp returned from Hourlly Forecast in strange format

    Hi there ! I'm using the weatherlib with onpenweathermap provider and when I get the hourly forecast the timestamp is returned on a strange format:

    timestamp: 1441897200 temp: 19.61 timestamp: 1441908000 temp: 16.75 timestamp: 1441918800 temp: 13.8

    The convertion to Date format came with a date on Febuary, 1970.... so I believe that this format is not the regular timestamp long from January, 1st, 1970...

    I can see a sequence in the middle of the number: 189, 190, 191... but I could not find a logic to find a reference to a valid time value.

    Could you help me ?


    Elcio A.

    opened by elcioabrahao 1
  • WeatherCode unavailable when using

    WeatherCode unavailable when using

    It seems to be unimplemented right now, just returning null for everything. From their documentation, it seems that the icon field would be the most suitable for deducing the weather code.

    opened by CJxD 0
  • Yahoo API Endpoints Deprecated

    Yahoo API Endpoints Deprecated

    I have tried to use Yahoo as a provider, and the address seems to be no longer valid. Is there any workaround for this? Unable to resolve host "": No address associated with hostname


    opened by vdaita 0
  • could not find android in gradle

    could not find android in gradle

    Error:(22, 0) Could not find method android() for arguments [build_cwqu79fqes3pz2wapgwb59gsu$_run_closure3@6b1ace86] on root project 'forecastie-master' of type org.gradle.api.Project. Open File

    opened by Monikarox 1
  • Underground not work

    Underground not work

    { "response": { "version":"0.1", "termsofService":"", "features": { } , "error": { "type": "invalidquery" ,"description": "you must supply a location query" } } }

    opened by croccio 0
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